Blog Nutrition Are Blueberries Good For Weight Loss?

Are Blueberries Good For Weight Loss?

A slim and perfectly toned body is one of the prioritized new year’s resolutions. You might be one of them and are undergoing diets with typical foods and vegetables that seem boring. What if you learned that blueberries could be your ultimate choice for weight loss without question? Yes it is! The sweet and a little bit acidic blueberries can be popped day and night without fear of weight gain or high sugar intake. The pebble-sized natural treasure is loved by children and adults equally. The sweetness of blueberries depends on when they are picked; at times, unripened ones are picked with the ripened blueberries and, unfortunately, cannot become any sweeter after being plucked. Blueberries are usually a part of fruit bowls since they not only seem appealing to the palate but also look good to the eyes. Several studies have been conducted to identify if blueberries are good for weight loss.


Do Blueberries Have Benefits For Weight Loss And Health?

Recent research was conducted on rats to identify the health benefits of blueberries. The study identified that rats that consumed food containing a higher amount of blueberries had lost belly fat after 90 days, the kind of fat that increases the rate of heart disease and diabetes, compared to those (rats) who did not eat food with blueberries (2).

Besides this, there are several reasons to eat blueberries for weight loss. Studies identified that antioxidants present in blueberries assist in reducing belly fat and fat from around the organs due to anthocyanins in the fruit. 

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Flavonoids also help lower blood pressure and relax nerves, allowing smooth blood flow, which means a lesser risk of cardiovascular diseases (2). It not only helps in reducing fat but also helps in increasing metabolism because of the low sugar in it. 

The phytochemicals (that give blue color to the fruit) in blueberries are power boosters which reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and bereavement alongside improving neuroprotection and weight maintenance (3). Blueberries also have high vitamin c, which not only can overcome vitamin c deficiency but also catalyze the fat cell loss process (1). 

The anti-inflammatory properties of blueberries are another addition to the list of benefits of blueberries for weight loss. Due to this property, they work as “endurance pills,”, especially for athletes, since it reduces inflammation and assists them in moving farther, having less oxidative stress, aka fatigue and pain (3).

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Why Are Blueberries Good For Weight Loss?

You may be surprised that as a fruit, blueberries have several benefits for weight loss. Blueberries do not contain high sugars and are rich in vitamin c, so they can not be a culprit in adding sugar to the body and helping burn and soften fat cells. 

Besides, these little “goodness balls” have carbs, fibers, proteins, glycemic acid, and very little fat and sugar, giving nutritional value and a good snack that one can munch any time of the day. 

Eating blueberries by combining them with other foods that support metabolism and do not store fats in the body is the right way to reduce weight since eating blueberries alone for weight loss may not be helpful (1). 

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Therefore, combining them with green vegetables or mixing them with yogurt helps with increasing the nutritional value and adds to the taste. Enjoy a bowl full of blueberries and satisfy your tastebuds and hunger simultaneously.


Are Frozen Blueberries Good For Weight Loss?

Blueberries, blue sapphire pebble-like goodness that is appealing to the tastebuds and satisfies sweet tooth cravings, are loved and consumed globally. Usually, numerous ways of consuming blueberries have been suggested, such as with green vegetables like cucumber, kale, spinach, etc., or in a fruit salad, cakes, or pies. 

As it is a seasonal fruit and in some parts of the world it is not cultivated, blueberries are usually shipped and saved as a frozen item to avail the goodness of these lovelies throughout the year and everywhere worldwide. There are preconceived notions that consuming them (blueberries) frozen may impact their nutritional value. 

However, this is a myth and has been busted by experts. Experts have found that saving them at low temperatures increases their shelf life and their antioxidant properties. It is also known that berry farmers usually freeze them when they are most fresh to retain their availability around the year and also to increase their nutritional value. 

Several blueberries’ benefits for weight loss are discussed earlier, but shedding some light on the benefits of frozen blueberries for weight loss is also necessary. 

Studies have revealed that these little blue mighties are rich in nutrients while low in calories and make a value-added mid-day snack if you take them with yogurt or raw, having higher benefits (4). One study highlights that substituting evening or mid-day confectionery snacks with mixed berries reduces hunger at dinner, which assists in weight maintenance and further helps in weight loss (5).

  • There are several overall health benefits of frozen blueberries, such as:
  • It prevents aging, fine lines, and wrinkles due to its antioxidant properties
  • Frozen berries, including blueberries and strawberries, reduce the risk of heart disease because of having proteins, fibers, and polyphenols like anthocyanins, which improve lipid peroxidation, glucose metabolism, and LDL oxidation
  • It also helps in improving weight maintenance
  • Correspondingly, frozen blueberries are rich in fiber, so they enhance bowel movement and gut health
  • Lastly, it also decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes when taken with a balanced diet due to its low sugar property and ability to boost hyperinsulinemia (4).
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are blueberries good for weight loss

Are Strawberries And Blueberries Good For Weight Loss?

Okay, so the description regarding blueberries for weight loss open avenues to queries like if only blueberries are beneficial for weight loss and have such great health benefits with weight loss

So let me break the good news to you – the fruits classified in the “berry” class have several health benefits and are helpful in the weight loss process. Let’s start! 

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Like blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries are also rich sources of fiber and nutrients, and they are packed with antioxidants, which keep you healthy and attentive, reduce the risks of heart disease, prevent you from cancer, improve bowel movement, decrease inflammation, which is directly associated with oxidative fatigue and pain.

Also, the fiber in strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries reduces constipation and keeps your cravings satiated, keeping you from taking junk food or food at irregular intervals, which assists in weight loss. 

These fiber-filled berries also give you a slim and trim body by aiding in burning belly fat. From a six month Brazilian dietary RCT research study, it was found that an extra pound of weight loss is likely the direct result of additional fiber grams in the diet (6).

Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries also contain flavonoids. According to research conducted by BMJ on several younger adult participants for 24 years, young adults whose diets were filled with flavonoids are less likely to gain extra pounds (6).

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Are Bananas Also Good For Weight Loss?

When, considering fiber-filled fruits, a question arises: bananas are also a rich source of fiber; let’s dig into the “blueberry vs. banana for weight loss” fact. 

Like blueberries, bananas are also rich in fiber, have antioxidant properties, have several proteins, vitamins, and nutrients, and are a prodigious potassium source. Due to low-calorie counts, bananas are a perfect combination when taken with blueberries for weight loss (7).

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are blueberries good for weight loss

Are Dried Blueberries Good For Weight Loss?

Like fresh or frozen blueberries, dried blueberries also have health and weight loss benefits. Dried blueberries have rich flavor as compared to fresh, but they are low on fats and calories (a one-fourth cup of dried blueberries contains only 32 calories). Then, take them in any form since blueberries have several benefits for weight loss (8).

The Bottom Line

People worrying about weight loss and who do not want to follow certain diets with boring food may be fascinated by the fact that blueberries are good for weight loss. 

Not only this, but they might be amazed to know that besides satisfying taste bud tantalization, there are several other reasons to eat blueberries. One of the key reasons is that blueberries have several health benefits for weight loss. It can be eaten fresh, frozen or dried. 

They can also be taken with other foods, diets, as salad, sides or as an afternoon snack. The fiber present in it would track digestive needs and eventually reduce the need for food at irregular intervals. This would also burn belly fat due to the flavonoids present in it. 

Blueberries also reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. They increase bowel movement and relieve constipation, and the antioxidants in blueberries increase endurance. 

In addition, they delay or prevent premature aging and decrease stress by stimulating anti-stress agents. Take a bowl full of blueberries, strawberries or raspberries, make a smoothie, or take it raw and indulge in a world of flavors.



This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. Are Blueberries Good for Weight Loss? 4 Amazing Benefits (2022,
  2. Blueberries May Banish Belly Fat (2009,
  3. The One Fruit You Should Eat Now to Prevent Disease & Burn Fat, Says an RD (2021,
  4. Frozen Berries – Nutrition, Benefits, and Recipes (2022,
  5. An afternoon snack of berries reduces subsequent energy intake compared to an isoenergetic confectionery snack (2015,
  6. Want to lose weight? Eat berries to help you slim down and cut belly fat fast (2019,
  8. Benefits of Dried Blueberries (2020,
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