Blog Diets Keto Is Miso Soup Keto-Friendly? Our Top 3 Recipes Are Low-Carb, High-Protein Comfort Foods

Is Miso Soup Keto-Friendly? Our Top 3 Recipes Are Low-Carb, High-Protein Comfort Foods

Is miso soup keto-friendly? Do you love Japanese comfort soups? If you answered yes to the second question, you may love to hear the answer to the first. However, it’s okay to wonder if miso soup is keto-friendly before diving into a bowl.

The delicious umami-style flavors of miso soup can be yours on a keto diet because of the low-carb benefits. Moreover, the soup has other advantages to help you follow the keto rules. Let’s introduce you to one of the tastiest and fastest meals on keto.

Can You Eat Miso Soup on Keto?

Is miso soup keto-friendly? The short answer is yes, especially if you manage how you make it with these recipes:

  • Traditional-style miso soup for keto (14)
  • Keto miso soup with tofu (7)
  • Keto miso soup with chicken (17)

However, the long answer suggests you know what goes into miso soup and how to make sure you get the right macros. That said, let’s help you understand miso soup and the ingredients first.

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Is Miso Soup Keto-Friendly?

Miso soup is a much-loved Japanese meal with low carbs and other benefits that you may love. Let’s understand what makes miso soup keto-friendly to ease your mind on the diet.

Are There Carbs in Miso Soup?

How many carbs are in miso soup? You must count the net carbs in the soup on the keto diet. Everyday Health points out that typical keto diets entail eating 20-50 net carbs daily (2). Since your body doesn’t digest fiber, it doesn’t count toward your daily carbohydrate intake. 

You can calculate your net carb intake manually or with a calculator. Medical News Today suggests deducting the fiber amount and half of the sugar alcohol content from the total carbs to get the net carbs (9). Alternatively, Sure Keto’s net carb calculator does the math (13). It determines that you’ll eat 2.4 net g of carbs in one cup of miso soup.

The goal amount of net carbs daily differs among people. Knowing this, you can use the keto macros calculator to determine how many net carbs you should eat daily (16). It also gives you rough ideas of how much protein and fat you should consume daily to stay in ketosis. 

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Miso Soup Protein (Vegan & Meaty)

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily (8). The keto diet recommends eating 20-25% protein, 5-10% carbohydrates, and 70-75% fat from your daily calories (2). Miso soup helps vegans eat protein, while meat eaters can add more protein and fat with certain additions. Let’s see how.

Is Tofu Allowed on Keto?

The carbs in miso soup with tofu welcome vegans to enjoy low-carb meals with enough protein to enter ketosis. The USDA suggests a 116-gram block of tofu has 9.37 g of protein, 1.82 g of net carbs, and 5.54 g of fat (26). Also, miso soup already contains some protein.

Mama Bear’s Cookbook recipe is a vegan-friendly miso soup to try on keto with a simple substitution (14). Many recipes use chicken broth but substitute it with dashi or vegetable broth to ensure your meal is vegan-friendly.

Meanwhile, the Mama Bear recipe has 4 g of protein, 11 g of net carbs, and 4 g of fat per serving (14).  Add some tofu blocks, and you’ll push your protein count higher. The plant-based protein will ensure you’re revving up the natural protein in miso soup. 

is miso soup keto friendly  

Bonus: Miso Soup Nutrients May Benefit Vegans

WebMD suggests miso soup is nutrient-rich with zinc, copper, manganese, calcium, iron, and magnesium (22). Meanwhile, it contains B and K vitamins. The Vegan Society recommends that vegans make an effort to consume enough vitamin B12 daily (27). 

You can eat vitamin B12 fortified foods, take supplements, and consume foods high in B vitamins. Eating too little vitamin B12 can put you at risk of heart disease, pregnancy complications, or nervous system disorders. However, miso soup is rich in B vitamins. 

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What Meat Can You Eat in Keto Miso Soup?

The USDA says miso paste, a key ingredient in the soup, has keto-friendly values (20). A tablespoon of miso paste has 2.18 g of protein, 3.4 g of net carbs, and 1.02 g of fat. You’re already getting some protein and fat, but it helps to add more to your daily needs.

Men’s Health recommends fatty meats to add protein and fat to meals (1). Miso soup traditionally uses chicken and tofu more than other meats. A fatty portion of chicken with its skin contains 25 g of fat and 14 g of protein per 4-ounce serving.  

However, you can experiment with strip, porterhouse, t-bone, or ribeye steak. They aren’t typical miso soup ingredients, but then again your taste buds aren’t the same as everyone’s. Let’s see what ingredients you find in miso soup to understand the benefits of keto and miso soup.

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Miso Soup Keto Ingredients

Miso soup has key ingredients, albeit you can add others. The coming recipes will have set ingredients, but you can experiment with other additives from the keto-friendly list. Discover miso soup’s keto-friendly heart, foundation, and tasteful touches. 

The Heart of Miso Soup – Miso Paste

Miso soup starts with fermented soybean paste. A lot of confusion exists around the source of miso paste. Fortunately, the paste only uses the koji derived from rice or barley, not high-carb rice (28). The Japanese use koji to ferment soybeans and add salt. 

Miso paste ferments and ages for months to years, creating a stronger umami flavor as the blend darkens. The grain koji type can also change the umami strength, such as white miso paste from rice koji. Here’s a quick rundown of miso pastes (28):

  • Shiro, a white, yellow, or light-colored miso paste has a milder, sweeter taste with a shorter fermentation process, lasting 3-12 months. It uses more rice koji to balance the soybeans for the delicate flavors. 
  • Aka, a red, brown, or dark miso paste has an intense umami taste with a longer fermentation process, lasting six months to ten years. It has a higher soybean-to-koji ratio, possibly using barley or soybean koji. 

The Foundation of Miso Soup – Broth

Miso soup uses a broth to dilute the paste. Let’s look at some broths popular in miso soup to suit different keto followers. 

  • Chicken broth is a favorite miso soup ingredient. It adds more protein and thins your miso soup enough to enjoy it. One cup of chicken broth contains 1.59 g of protein, 0.52 g of fat, and 1.1 g of net carbs (25). 
  • Dashi broth is a favorite used for miso soup in Japan. However, it lacks protein and fat to help you with ketosis but only contains 2.3 g of net carbs per cup (6). 
  • Vegetable broth is another alternative for vegans to dilute miso paste in the soup. One cup of vegetable broth contains 2.1 g of protein, 1.9 g of net carbs, and 0.2 g of fat (5). However, the fat and protein counts are low, so you’ll want to add more ingredients.

is miso soup keto friendly  

The Tasteful Touches of Miso Soup 

Miso soup wouldn’t be the same without some key ingredients. Seaweed is an essential ingredient in many traditional-style miso soups. Wakame and arame are two popular choices (14). Wakame seaweed is dark green with a sweet, savory flavorsome blend. 

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Meanwhile, arame is a lighter green seaweed with a mild flavor. Don’t mistake these ingredients for kombu, the seaweed used to make dashi broth (23). The floating seaweed is typically arame or wakame. Some recipes use kombu seaweed to make broth from scratch.

Additionally, use other ingredients to add flavor and texture, some including (13, 14):

  • Boiled eggs for more protein
  • Coconut milk for a thicker, creamier texture
  • Garlic and ginger root for a bolder flavor
  • Grass-fed butter, olive oil, or MCT oil for added healthy fat
  • Sesame oil for an authentic taste with added fat
  • Scallions or green onions for crunchy veggies in the soup
  • Tamari sauce to replace soy sauce

Miso Soup Ingredient Benefits

Pakistan researchers describe that miso’s fermented qualities may support a healthy gut (21). The koji enzymes used to ferment soybeans promote friendly bacteria in the stomach. The review also confirms how miso may act as an anti-cancer, heart-healthy, and anti-obesity agent.

WebMD states that the key probiotic is called A. Oryzae, which may reduce your risk of inflammatory bowel disease (22). Also, soybean isoflavones may lower the risk of stroke and heart disease while improving arterial function to reduce menopausal symptoms in women. 

Meanwhile, Japanese researchers found that miso’s probiotic qualities improved immune responses in mice (10). 

Miso Soup Keto-Healthy Recipes

Is miso soup keto-friendly? Finally, you don’t have to worry about asking that question anymore. Indeed, some ingredients aren’t ideal. For example, soy sauce is very high in sodium (14). However, let’s discover recipes using keto-friendly ingredients. 

Traditional-Style Miso Soup Keto Recipe

Mama Bear’s Cookbook has a fantastic miso soup recipe that tastes traditional and uses Japanese-style ingredients (14). It uses all three seaweeds to create an authentic taste but adds some twists to tease your taste buds. It also has added vegetables for a delicious spoil.

  • Serves: 12
  • Prep: 15 minutes
  • Cook: 40 minutes


  • 2 tbsp. sesame oil
  • 1 medium diced carrot
  • 1 medium diced onion
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 10 Shitake mushrooms
  • 6 crushed garlic cloves
  • 1 fresh kombu seaweed leaf
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • ¼ cup of arame seaweed
  • ¼ cup of wakame seaweed
  • 8 cups of water
  • 1 small crushed ginger root
  • 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup of white miso paste
  • 1 tbsp. sesame seeds
  • Green onion for garnishing
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  1. Heat the sesame oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat,
  2. Add the carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms, garlic, salt, and kombu,
  3. Reduce the heat to low before cooking the vegetables covered for 10 minutes,
  4. Add the remaining seaweed before cooking it covered for another 10 minutes,
  5. Add the crushed ginger to the pot, stirring until the flavors come through,
  6. Add the water to the pot to bring to a boil,
  7. Remove the pot and let it cool for 5-10 minutes,
  8. Temper your miso paste in a bowl with two cups of your pot’s broth,
  9. Add the tempered miso paste to the pot,
  10. Garnish with sesame seeds and green onions before serving it hot.

Nutrition per serving: 100 calories, 4 g protein, 13 g carbs (11 g net), 4 g fat, and 2 g fiber (14)

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Keto Miso Soup With Tofu

Make Health Recipes has a tofu-friendly miso soup for vegans (7). Meanwhile, it’s gluten-free and packs low carbs with high protein counts. It’s a fast miso soup for when you need that Japanese comfort food. Also, it adds an additional vegetable to the mix. 

  • Serves: 4
  • Prep: 5 minutes
  • Cook: 20 minutes


  • 2 tbsp. sesame oil
  • ½ medium diced onion
  • 3 minced garlic cloves
  • 2 shredded bok choy heads
  • 10 cups of dashi or vegetable broth
  • 2 tbsp. white miso paste
  • 1 block of firm tofu
  • 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • Green onion for garnishing


  1. Heat the oil in a heavy-based pot over medium heat,
  2. Sauteé the onion for 2 minutes until translucent,
  3. Sauteé the bok choy and garlic for another minute,
  4. Add your broth, bringing it to a simmer,
  5. Add your miso paste, stirring until it dissolves,
  6. Simmer your soup for 10 minutes,
  7. Press the excess water out of the tofu with paper towels,
  8. Cut the tofu into small cubes and add it to the pot,
  9. Stir the soup until the tofu heats through,
  10. Add the lemon juice and garnish before serving it hot.

Nutrition per serving: 171 calories, 10 g protein, 6 g carbs (4 g net), 12 g fat, and 2 g fiber (7)

is miso soup keto friendly  

Miso Soup Keto Chicken Recipe

Primal Edge Health has the ideal keto miso soup with a chicken recipe to cut carbs and eat more protein (17). You’ll satisfy your cravings in just 15 minutes with this delicious recipe. The recipe also uses authentic ingredients to enhance that umami flavor. 

  • Serves: 4
  • Prep: 5 minutes
  • Cook: 10 minutes
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  • 4 cups of chicken broth
  • 3 tbsp. white miso paste
  • 2 tsp. dry kombu flakes
  • 1 tsp. wakame seaweed
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • 1 lb. cooked chicken cut into cubes
  • Green onion to garnish


  1. Heat the oil broth over medium heat before reducing the heat to low, 
  2. Mix the paste and seaweed before adding them to the pot,
  3. The seaweed must rehydrate, and the paste must dissolve without boiling the water,
  4. Add your chicken to the broth, allowing it to warm through gently,
  5. Remove the pot from the heat, and garnish your soup before serving it hot.

Nutrition per serving: 178 calories, 27 g protein, 4 g carbs (3 g net), 5 g fat, and 1 g fiber (17)

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What Soup Can You Eat on Keto?

A miso soup keto Reddit recipe reveals how to shake things up further (19). It’s one example of how you can alter your miso soup recipes with other keto-friendly ingredients. However, experiments can be bold on keto. Instead, let’s look at some soups you can eat. 

A simple tomato and basil soup is keto-friendly. A cup of tomato basil soup only contains 8.6 g of net carbs with 3.6 g of protein and 6.3 g of fat (15). The soup has no artificial sweeteners or sugar and provides moderate fat. 

Cabbage soup is an excellent keto-friendly dish you can enjoy as comfort food on cold days. A bowl of cabbage soup contains 8.9 g of net carbs with 3.4 g of protein and 12 g of fat (11). The fat content versus carbs isn’t bad for a hot meal during shivering months.

Finally, a keto-friendly hot meal in moderation is egg drop soup. A 100-gram portion contains 3.9 g of net carbs with 1.2 g of protein and 0.6 g of fat (12). The protein and fat contents are too low. Overall, remember that you should eat it in moderation, adding more protein and fat to the side. 

For more deliciously healthy keto soup ideas:

is miso soup keto friendly  


  • What Soup Has the Lowest Carbs?

The lowest-carb soup is bone broth, according to the net carb calculations of Sure Keto (3). Miso, cabbage, chicken, and tomato basil soup are among their soups. However, bone broth has a mere 0.2 g of net carbs per 100-gram serving with 9.4 g of protein and 0.3 g of fat.

  • Are Noodles OK for Keto?

Traditional noodles aren’t keto-friendly. However, alternatives make tasty additions to miso soup. Keto Focus suggests Shirataki Noodles with only 3 g of carbs per 3-ounce serving (24). The carbs mainly come from a highly soluble fiber called glucomannan. They’re plant-based noodles from the konjac and are safe on keto when added to soup.

  • Is Sushi Good for Keto?

Regular sushi rolls with rice aren’t keto-friendly. However, Keto Focus has a keto California rolls recipe with only 4.8 g of net carbs (18). Each serving has a whopping 9.9 g of protein and 36.4 g of fat. Ultimately, the recipe replaces rice with cauliflower rice and ensures you use fresh, not synthetic, crab meat. A regular California roll has 28 g of total carbs (4).

  • Is Cheese Good for Keto?

Cheese is great on keto because it has low carbs and high fat. Medicine Net suggests the best keto options include goat’s cheese, cream cheese, gouda, cheddar, parmesan, and blue (29).

The Bottom Line

Is miso soup keto-friendly? Fortunately, you can make miso soup at home without too many net carbs per serving. The benefits of miso soup and its ingredient nutritional values make it worthwhile as a keto meal. Pick your recipe, and make your Japanese comfort food today.


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  1. 8 Best Keto Meats to Eat – Fatty Meats for Keto Diet (2018,
  2. Answers to 15 Burning Questions About the Keto Diet (2023,
  3. Best and Worst Soups for Keto (n.d.,
  4. Calories in California Sushi Roll – 1 Roll (6 Pieces) (n.d.,
  5. Carbs in Vegetable Broth (n.d.,
  6. Dashi Broth Calories, Carbs, & Nutrition Facts (n.d.,
  7. Easy Keto Miso Soup Recipe (Gluten-Free, Low-Carb) (2023,
  8. How Much Protein Do You Need Every Day? (2023,
  9. How to Calculate Net Carbs, and What They Mean (2023,
  10. Ingestion of Miso Regulates Immunological Robustness in Mice (2022,
  11. Is Cabbage Soup Keto? (n.d.,
  12. Is Egg Drop Soup Keto? (n.d.,
  13. Is Miso Soup Keto? (n.d.,
  14. Is Miso Soup Keto and Low-Carb-Friendly? (n.d.,
  15. Is Tomato Basil Soup Keto? (n.d.,
  16. Keto Macros Calculator (n.d.,
  17. Keto Miso Soup Recipe (2022,
  18. Keto Sushi Recipe (n.d.,
  19. Keto Vegan Butternut Squash Soup With Miso and Coconut Cream (2021,
  20. Miso (2019,
  21. Miso: A Traditional Nutritious & Health‐Endorsing Fermented Product (2022,
  22. Miso Soup: Is It Good for You? (2022,
  23. Miso Soup – Seaweed Week: A Food and Drink Festival Celebration (2019, 
  24. Shirataki Noodles – A ZERO CARB Pasta (n.d.,
  25. Soup, Chicken Broth, Ready to Serve (2019,
  26. Tofu, Raw, Regular, Prepared With Calcium Sulfate (2019, 
  27. What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12 (n.d.,
  28. What Is Miso? A Guide to Buying, Using, and Storing Miso Paste (2023, 
  29. Which Cheeses Are Lowest in Carbs, and Is it OK to Eat on Keto Diet? (2022,
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