Blog Fitness Exercises at Home Designed for Females That are Looking to Lose Weight

Exercises at Home Designed for Females That are Looking to Lose Weight

Body fat, especially in the belly, has been demonized for years, causing thousands to purchase DVDs with sweat-evoking workouts, trek to aerobics studios, or follow strict diets. 

Believe it or not, you need visceral fat to protect your internal organs. However, having too much visceral fat can cause real health issues – the link between increased visceral fat and diabetes, stroke, or heart disease is stronger than we might think (1). 

Carrying extra fat in general can potentially lead to a range of health consequences, such as Type 2 Diabetes, some cancers, heart disease, stroke, or musculoskeletal disorders, like osteoarthritis (2).

Here’s why your goal to trim the fat should not only be based on the aesthetic looks, but also your overall health and wellness. 

You need to know that there is no “fast” way to see weight loss. Losing pounds takes time and having a proper diet with an increase in physical activity is the best way to see long term results. People today have become more sedentary than ever before, staying glued to our technology and forgetting about one crucial fact – we humans are wired to move our bodies. 

Our ancestors moved for days seeking shelter and hunting for prey in order to survive. In the modern time, we no longer need to make so much effort to get the food. Besides, a lot of it is delivered directly to the people’s door. 

No wonder, obesity and back pain are arguably one of the most common issues among contemporary people. That brings us to this article where we’re going to concentrate on exercises at home that are designed for females who are looking to lose weight. These whole-body movements will help you burn calories, gain strength, and create an active lifestyle . 

What exercises burn the most belly fat?

Below we have listed 5 exercises that can be done at home. They are ideal for beginners and even advanced practitioners. . . We shall start with them and end the section with other robust tips on ways to potentially trim belly fat. 

  1. Bear Crawls
  2. Walking Lunges
  3. Jumping Jacks
  4. Basic Plank
  5. Push-Ups

Bear Crawls

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Get on the ground in a tabletop position. Stack your hands beneath your shoulders.
  2. Extend your elbows, creating mid-back tension.
  3. Ensure your knees are under your hips, and slightly wider than hip-width. 
  4. Lift your knees off the ground, with your tightened abs and glutes squeezed. Gaze on the ground, keeping your neck in a neutral position.
  5. Raise your right foot and left hand simultaneously. Move them forward and place them down on the ground at the same time. As if you are crawling like a bear. 
  6. Repeat the movement with the other foot and hand.
  7. When moving, keep your torso still and your head down. You need to keep your core engaged all the time. Stay focused and avoid raising your butt too high.
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Walking Lunges

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Stand with your feet at shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your abs, glutes, and shoulder blades, gazing neutrally at a point straight ahead of you.
  2. Step one leg forward, landing with your heel. Avoid slamming your other knee into the ground. Keep your chest and back in a straight position. 
  3. Push off the ground with your front heel to step back. Ensure your torso is in a solid upright position by squeezing your core for balance. 

Whether you’re looking to simply pep up your fitness routine, jazz up your diet with mouth-watering low-calorie recipes or want to get your act together and significantly drop that number on your scale – BetterMe app has got you covered! Improve your body and revamp your life with us!

Jumping Jacks

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Stand with your feet at shoulder-width apart and your arms resting at your sides.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and jump with your legs out to the side so that they  get wider than your shoulder-width position. 
  3. Simultaneously, thrust your arms out and over your head. Return your body to your starting position and repeat for 30 seconds of continuous jumping. 

Basic Plank

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Get in a push-up position on your toes and engage your abdominals so that  your belly comes in towards your spine creating a straight line from head to toe. 
  2. Hold the position for at least 40 seconds. Remember to breathe in through your chest and out through your stomach. As you breathe out, tighten your abdominal muscles even more. 

fat burning exercises at home for females


Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Get in a high plank position by placing your wrist underneath your shoulders, and have your toes close together and on their tips. Create a straight line through the body.
  2. Screw your hands into the ground to lock in the shoulders.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together when lowering your chest to the floor. 
  4. Press up through the chest, extend your elbows, and return to the starting position.

Exercise is not enough to reduce fat in your entire body, especially in your belly. As promised, we have collected additional expert tips on losing belly fat healthily aside from effective exercises: 

  • Watch your calorie intake and focus on low-calorie foods (fruits, veggies, whole-grain and pulses). You will want to be in a calorie deficit in order to see weight loss. This means that you are consuming less calories than your body is burning. 
  • Avoid drinking sugary beverages. Yes, you can afford cola or sweet coffee sometimes but making it a daily habit will interfere with your belly-fat reduction process as this adds in additional calories with very little nutritional benefit.
  • Choose more lean proteins, like nuts, legumes, and lean meat
  • Enjoy healthy fats (fatty fish, avocados, chia seeds, olives, eggs, and more) (3).
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What To Eat To Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week?

Losing belly fat in 1 week is not a realistic goal. It is impossible to spot reduce body fat. When losing fat, you are losing body fat throughout your body and you can not lose fat in one specific region of your body.  But if you ever looked for more details on foods that are recommended to eat for losing belly fat, you’re on the right path as your nutrition is key to overall fat loss. You will need to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose body fat. . 

But adding in physical activities can help you lose body fat because it can further increase the caloric deficit that you are aiming for. When you burn more calories, that will then allow you to consume more calories or allow for a larger gap between calories in and calories out.  Anything that will increase your total calorie burn for the day will be beneficial in your weight loss journey.  Cardio workouts, like walking, swimming, running, or dancing are all great options for increasing your total calories burned for a day. 

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training also helps with overall fat reduction. One study showed that HIIT may reduce body fat more effectively than other types of exercise (4). Lastly, strength training is another  way to lose weight and build muscle mass. On top of that, resistance exercises help improve glucose metabolism, enhance the maintenance of a healthy weight, and lower risks of heart disease (5).

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How can a woman lose fat fast at home?

To lose fat fast at home every woman should make healthy food choices that stay within their allotted caloric intake for the day or week. Additionally sleeping well and working on decreasing  stress levels will both play a huge role in weight loss.  

Research suggests that incorporating a stress-management intervention program alongside a low-calorie diet can reduce total body mass (6). There are lots of efficient ways to manage your stress. Many individuals take advantage of yoga sessions while others enjoy daily walking in their favorite areas. 

Make sure your stress-management strategies do not include binge eating or drinking alcohol.  These are both potential factors to gaining weight and even being diagnosed with  mental health conditions.  fat burning exercises at home for females

Typically people don’t pay proper attention to their gut. However, according to studies, certain gut bacteria found in foods can help with weight loss. 

For example, researchers have studied kimchi, and suggest it may have anti-obesity effects (7). Similarly, studies have shown that prebiotic foods stimulate the growth and activity of some of the good bacteria that aid weight loss (8).

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You can find prebiotic fiber in fruits and veggies; grains, especially oats, and fiber.

Getting enough night’s sleep is as crucial for crashing the calories as a proper diet. Numerous studies have shown the link between sleeping less than 5 hours and obesity (9).  

Therefore, losing weight fast is impossible without:

  • proper hearty diet
  • high-quality sleep
  • hydration
  • tracking gut health
  • managing stress levels
  • engaging exercises

If you struggle to even flirt with the idea of giving up your favorite foods or working out till your legs give way – BetterMe app is here to breathe a fresh perspective into the way you view the weight loss process! Check out the app and experience the fun side of fitness and dieting with BetterMe!

Which exercises burn more fat at home?

Okay, you have learned that losing weight fast and right requires more than “body-shaking” activities. Yet, an active lifestyle in general is something we should strive for at any age and time. 

Picking the best fat-burning exercises at home for females can be a  step in seeing your body changing. We have gathered a few  calorie-crashing movements you can likely start doing today. 

Most people can jump right into them. Both beginners and advanced exercisers should be able to do all these exercises as they may be modified to fit an individual’s abilities . Modifications are crucial since you don’t want to hurt your body, right? 

Our personal favorites  for smashing fat in your entire body are: 


This exercise is one of the best calorie burning  exercises at home for females. For two reasons: it involves various engaging movements and requires no equipment. 

How to perform the movement: 

  • Start in a standing position. 
  • Jump up with your hands above your head and promptly land in a squat position
  • Kick your feet back while extending your elbows forward to get your body into a high plank
  • From there, you will then bring your knees forward and  jump back to a squat. 
  • Finally, jump up reaching toward the ceiling. 
  • Perform three sets of 30 seconds each.

Mountain Climbers

A great exercise that focuses on your core strength and body alignment. 

How to perform the movement: 

  • Get into a high plank position with your elbows extended while distributing your weight evenly from your hands to your toes.
  • Keep your hands shoulder-width apart, with your back flat, abs engaged, and your head in alignment.
  • Pull your left knee into your chest as far as you can.
  • Switch legs rapidly by pulling one knee forward  and bringing the other knee back as if you are marching.
  • Run your knees forward and back  as far and as fast as you can inhaling and exhaling with each leg change. It will feel like you are marching but with your hands fixed to the floor.

High Knees

This cardio style  exercise can  ramp up your heart rate, which can increase your total calories burned through this exercise. This then can promote weight loss.

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How to perform the movement: 

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Lift your knees toward your chest and increase the pace to elevate your heart rate.
  • Make sure to use your arms in this movement. As one knee goes up, the opposite arm should go up. Picture yourself running in place but with your knees going to the sky 
  • Run as long as you can, or up to 45 seconds. 

fat burning exercises at home for females

Bodyweight Squats

Old-fashioned, yet, effective squats should be on your weight-loss exercises list. 

How to perform the movement: 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Either have your hands out in front of you or above your head.
  • Bend your knees and push your hips back as if you are going to sit in a chair .
  • Aim to have your quads parallel to the ground, once they are here, you will then want to push off your heels 
  • Return to the starting position with glutes engaged and your body upright. 
  • Perform three sets of 12 to 15 reps.

Plank Jacks

Another potent exercise that can keep your entire body aligned and fully engaged. 

How to perform the movement: 

  • Get in a plank position with your body extended in a straight line behind you. 
  • Plant your feet together on the floor and jump your legs out wide. Then jump them back together at a quick pace. 
  • Keep your core engaged throughout the movements and be careful not to let your hips sag.

This workout for weight loss can become your ideal starting point for home-based practices. In case some exercises seem too difficult for you, another but low-impact option can be, Chair Exercises for Belly Fat Loss. Using a sturdy chair for balance is particularly good for beginners, or those with poor mobility. 

Now we’re going to flick through some effective exercises with equipment. Don’t worry, if you don’t have any dumb bells  – your imagination here can get you covered. Instead of weights, you may use bottles of water, for example. 

Dumbbell Rows

How to perform the movement: 

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your body. 
  • Slightly bend your knees, hinge at the hips, and lower your torso. 
  • Pull the dumbbells toward your side pockets and squeeze your shoulder blades.

Dumbbell Twists

This exercise can be performed without extra loads as this can put a lot of strain on your lower back

How to perform the movement: 

  • Sit on the floor and lean back at a 45-degree angle. 
  • Grab dumbbells in both hands, or hold your hands together, and twist your torso to one side. 
  • Make sure you are squeezing your core as you perform these twists.
  • Repeat the movement, targeting your obliques. 
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Cross Behind Lunge Lateral Curl

How to perform the movement: 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in your hands alongside the legs.
  • Place your left foot behind your right leg. Your left foot will be on its tiptoes and the right foot will have most of your body weight on its heel. 
  • Make sure to keep your knees bent
  • Step your left foot back to the starting position and extend your arms out to your side slightly bend elbows. 
  • Lower the arms back slowly to your sides and repeat the movement with your right foot. 


How to perform the movement: 

  • Begin with a standing position with your feet shoulder width  apart and the weights placed in front of your thighs.
  • Tighten your abs and with your straight back, bend your knees slightly, lowering the dumbbells toward the floor.
  • Squeeze your glutes and return to your upright position.

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How to slim a body in 7 days of exercise

You can not slim your body in 7 days through exercise. Weight loss takes time and the weight will likely come back if you are looking for a quick fix. Performing exercise for weight loss in 7 days on its own may not be completely effective for your weight-loss goals. Additionally, you need to change your diet, invigorate your lifestyle, sleep better, and reduce stress levels. 

Decreasing the intake of processed foods and added sugar can help you lose weight. . 

Some options for  physical activities for increasing your calorie burn could involve: 

  • high-intensity movements
  • aerobic exercises
  • cardio
  • strength training

Of course, you won’t lose meaningful weight in just seven days but by incorporating the aforementioned recommendations you can speed up your weight-reduction process. Please note that taking rests and enough hydration are a big must at this point. 

For instance, one day you can engage in cardio activities, and the second perform some resistance training exercises. Resting between sets and reps is vital.  fat burning exercises at home for females


  • How to lose belly fat in 7 days

You can’t lose belly fat in 7 days but by incorporating healthy eating habits (eating lean protein, fiber, drinking enough water, consuming healthy fats) and eliminating the negative ones (sugary and processed foods and drinks) you can see weight loss over time. Add some cardio and strength training to your weekly routine to increase your calorie burn.

  • How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

You can lose some weight in 2 weeks by eating in a calorie deficit, adding more fiber, protein, and healthy fats to your eating regime. Also, you need to sleep enough, stay less stressed, and drink enough water. Lastly, you should integrate physical activities that ramp up your heart rate and help to increase your daily calorie burn.  Some options for this could  include cardio and HIIT workouts. 

  • What to drink to lose belly fat?

The first and most important beverage is plain water. If you are a soda drinker, it could be beneficial to look for a zero sugar option. This would be a better option if you are looking at it from a purely caloric intake standpoint. Zero sugar sodas are not necessarily healthy but they will have less calories than regular soda. 

  • What is the 30 30 30 rule?

A 30-30-30 rule is a morning weight-loss method when you consume 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of the day and follow it with 30 minutes of exercise. This could work for you but always remember that any “diet” will only be beneficial if you stick with it for a long period of time. A “diet” should be a lifestyle change rather than just a quick fix. 

The Bottom Line

Hopefully, you found this article helpful. 

Losing weight healthily requires time and consistent habits. You have uncovered a few  exercises that can contribute to weight loss and can be done at home. Most of them can be modified and performed with no equipment. 

Along with that, you need to track your eating habits/daily caloric intake and aim for foods that are  loaded with lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Eliminating processed, fast foods and sugary beverages is a great  strategy for you, especially if you’re aiming to lose weight. . 

Alternating HIIT workouts, cardio, and resistance training can help you reach your fitness goals faster. Finally, managing your stress and sleeping well should also take part in your body transformation. 


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your specific situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of BetterMe content. If you suspect or think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.


  1. Visceral Fat (2022,
  2. Obesity: Health consequences of being overweight (2024,
  3. 11 natural ways to get rid of belly fat (2024,
  4. High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss (2010,
  5. Evidence mounts on the benefits of strength training (
  6. The effectiveness of a stress-management intervention program in the management of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence (2016,
  7. Effects of kimchi on human health: a scoping review of randomized controlled trials (2023,
  8. Microbial Medicine: Prebiotic and Probiotic Functional Foods to Target Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (2020,
  9. Sleep duration and obesity in adulthood: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis (2020,
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