Blog Weight Loss How To Get Rid Of Rib Fat Before It Balloons Into A Bigger Problem?

How To Get Rid Of Rib Fat Before It Balloons Into A Bigger Problem?

how to get rid of fat around the bottom of your rib cage

Nowadays people pay a great deal of attention to their health and weight, which are without a doubt inextricably linked. Overweight and obese people have high risk of stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes and other severe health issues (3). That is why it is critical to maintain a healthy weight. Unfortunately, sometimes, modern lifestyle leads to excessive weight gain. Thousands of people are fighting with belly fat, flabby arms, sagging buttocks and other problematic areas. Rib fat also belongs to this list. It not only lowers self-esteem, but increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Many dieters, especially the beginners, don’t understand how to solve this issue. This article will tell how to get rid of rib fat and provide you with effective methods to prevent fat from accumulating in that ‘trouble spot’ once and for all. Let’s start!

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When it comes to weight loss, many people are looking for some super-method that would help them solve their issue. However, it is a well-known fact that spot reduction of body fat is just a myth. You cannot get rid of body fat only where you want. You’ve probably already seen a number of articles about how to reduce belly fat or how to get rid of arm flab. And as a rule, they all give similar recommendations – lose weight in general. This is basically a one-size-fits-all guideline, and the same recommendations go for the problem of rib fat. There are four basic steps for the achievement of your fitness goal:

  • Calorie Deficit Is The First Step

Weight control requires controlling your calories as well. The idea is quite simple: when you consume more calories than burn, you gain weight. When you consume fewer calories and burn more – you lose weight. 

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First, you should remember that it is recommended to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week (7). This way you won’t harm your health. One pound of your weight equals 3,500 calories. So, to lose 1-2 pounds of weight a week, as it is recommended, you should cut 500-1,000 hundred calories from your regular daily intake. 

To achieve this goal, you can avoid high-calorie and low-nutrition foods, replace high-calorie foods with healthier options and reduce portion sizes. For instance, you can replace your favorite flavored latte with black coffee or your favorite chips with air-popped popcorn. If you want to count your calories more accurately, there are many calorie calculators online. It will also be a nice option to consult a professional nutritionist (2).

Read More: Different Types Of Diets: The Lowdown On The Most Talked-About Weight Loss Strategies

how to get rid of rib fat

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  • Physical Activity Works Miracles

Exercises are another vital step that will help you to whittle body fat. For instance, cardio workouts will not only help to shave off unwanted inches, but will also strengthen your heart and muscles, improve lung function, reduce stress and support mental health. Cardio workouts include walking, running, cycling, swimming and more, and you can choose the one that you like most of all. 45-60 minutes of such workouts, 3 alternating days a week will be the best option for losing weight and supporting your overall health (5, 9). 

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Strength exercises will also help you to lose weight and boost your metabolism. They will make your body strong, toned and perfectly sculpted. 2-3 days of such exercises a week will be enough.

  • Getting Rid Of Rib Fat Through Diet

Healthy dietary pattern is extremely important if you want to lose weight. Foods with low energy density, such as fruits, veggies, leafy greens and whole grains should become an integral part of your daily meal plan. You should also opt for lean cuts of meat, low-fat or fat-free dairy, eggs and fish. Avoid high-processed, fatty and sugary foods. Sugary high-calorie beverages (soda, sweetened tea and coffee) are also a no-no for your diet (5).
diet to lose rib fat

  • Drink Water And Your Body Will Thank You

By drinking necessary amounts of water, you’ll keep your body hydrated and support its functions. Such a habit will also help you flush out the toxins and regulate your body temperature. It’s quite hard to estimate how much water you need to drink a day. It depends on your overall health, environment, amounts of exercises and more. The recommended daily fluid intake is approximately 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. This amount includes not only water but fluid from other drinks and foods as well (6). 

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What Are The Best Workouts To Get Rid Of Rib Fat?

In order to get rid of your rib fat faster and more effectively, you should include exercises that target your obliques and serratus anterior muscles. These muscles are located on your sides and by performing them you will make your rib cage zone toned and attractive. Below you can see the samples of the most effective exercises:
plank challenge

  • Side Plank 

You already know about such a popular full-body workout as plank. Its variation is called side plank and its main target are your obliques. Lie down on your right side. You can use a mat to feel more comfortable. Extend your legs and keep them together. Your right elbow should be right under your shoulder. Your head and neck should form a straight line with your spine. You can keep your left arm aligned along your left side. Make sure to tighten your abs. Now you should lift your lower body while exhaling, so that your entire body forms a straight line. Avoid sagging. Hold the position for several breaths, inhale, and get back to the starting position. You can start from 15-30 seconds and aim to hold this position for a minute. Perform side plank for each side (4).   

  • Bicycle Crunches

This is another hall-of-fame exercise that will help you to achieve your fitness goal. Lie down on a mat with your hands behind your head. Engage your lower abdominal muscles and lift your knees above the mat, so that your knees and hips form a 90-degree angle. Now you should lift your left knee towards your right shoulder. At the same time straighten your right leg out. Do the same for the other side. Perform the exercise slowly and carefully (8).
workouts to lose rib fat

  • Side Crunch

Start lying on the mat in a traditional position for crunches – with your knees bent and with your hands behind your head. Now you should drop your knees to one side. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your head and shoulders off the mat. After performing the exercise for one side, repeat the same for the other one.

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If your lower back isn’t strong and flexible enough, you can modify this exercise to make it easier. Start lying in a standard position and place your left foot on the top of your right knee. Your task is to lift your head and shoulders off the mat and twist your right elbow to the raised knee. As soon as you finish performing the exercise for one side, repeat it for the other one (1).


How to get rid of rib fat? The answer is simple and predictable – working out coupled with a healthy diet works wonders. By making a couple of simple adjustments in your lifestyle you can solve the problem of rib fat. The abundance of diets and exercises will let you create a perfect workout and dietary plan that will be suitable and comfortable for you. For your health and safety, it is better to consult professionals, who will help you to make smart choices. Take care of yourself and stay healthy.

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This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. 21 Sit-Up Variations You Won’t Totally Hate (2020,
  2. Counting calories: Get back to weight-loss basics (2020,
  3. Health Risks of Being Overweight (2015,
  4. How to Do a Side Plank (2020,
  5. How to Get Rid of Rib Cage Fat (n.d.,
  6. Water: How much should you drink every day? (2017,
  7. Weight loss: 6 strategies for success (2019,
  8. What Muscles Do Bicycle Crunches Work? (n.d.,
  9. Which Cardio Methods Melt Fat The Fastest? (2020,
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