Blog Nutrition What Are The Benefits Of Eating Grapes At Night? What Science Says

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Grapes At Night? What Science Says

Nowadays many people are constantly sleep deprived, so it is a priority for many to find natural ways to improve the quality of sleep.  One of these ways is finding foods that help boost your body’s natural melatonin. Another solution is to find products that naturally have this hormone.

Grapes are often on the lists of foods to help you sleep better. In this article, we are going to look at the benefits of eating grapes at night as well as other health benefits of this berry.

Is It Good To Eat Grapes Before Bed?

Yes, it can be. Among the many foods you can eat before going to bed at night, grapes rank high on that list. This is largely due to the fact that they contain the hormone, melatonin.

In plants, this hormone works to boost a number of physiological actions, including growth, rooting, seed germination, photosynthesis, osmoregulation, and protection against abiotic and biotic stressors (14). In human beings, however, melatonin’s main purpose is to help regulate your circadian rhythm and sleep.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, this hormone is produced in the brain and is “activated” by darkness. Exposure to light blocks the production of this hormone and thus why you should have all lights off when you sleep.

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Aside from the melatonin produced by our brains, we can also get it through dietary supplements, or from foods where it is naturally occuring (15).

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Are Grapes Good To Eat Late At Night?

Yes, they can be.

If you are looking for a late night snack option, grapes are utterly perfect. Not only are they light and low in calories, but they also contain melatonin. As mentioned above, melatonin helps with the timing of your body’s circadian rhythm – your natural internal 24-hour clock – and sleep.

According to a review published in 2017, melatonin in grapes was first reported in 2006. Interestingly enough, melatonin is not only found in fresh grapes, but in many grape-related foods like wines, raisins (dried grapes), as well as grape juice and vinegar (16).

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Benefits Of Eating Grapes At Night

What Is The Best Time To Eat Grapes?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no best time to eat grapes, or any other kind of fruit for that matter. Despite this myth constantly circulating among all healthy eating communities, there is no scientific evidence stating that fruits are best eaten in the morning, afternoon, or night (28).

If you want to eat grapes for their multiple health benefits or simply because you crave them, go ahead and eat them. Timing doesn’t really matter. However, if you are consuming for their possible sleep-inducing benefits of eating grapes at night, a handful right before turning in for the night might be best.

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Can I Eat Grapes Every Night?

It depends. For most people, consuming grapes every day/night will not have any negative side effects. However, some people, due to their body’s compositions or medication are advised not to consume too many grapes.

These demographics include

  • People allergic to grapes – While rare, grape allergies still exist (24). Symptoms range from tingling sensations, swelling, diarrhea, abdominal pain/cramps, itching, hives, trouble breathing and nausea or vomiting. If you are allergic to grapes,  you should avoid them completely.
  • People with salicylate sensitivity/intolerance – Salicylates come from salicylic acid which is found naturally in some foods. Salicylate sensitivity prevents itself like an allergic reaction with symptoms like asthma, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, a stuffy nose, hives, etc (3).
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Grapes are listed among high salicylate fruits alongside apples, apricots, oranges, berries, lemons and all kinds of melons (12). If you have been diagnosed with salicylate sensitivity/intolerance or perhaps experience the above symptoms anytime you consume these fruits, then consuming grapes often or every night is a terrible idea.

Benefits Of Eating Grapes At Night

10 Health Benefits Of Grapes

Aside from promoting better sleep, here are some other benefits of eating grapes at night – or any other time of day.

  1. A source of vitamin C (8). Vitamin C is a fantastic antioxidant and essential nutrient that helps with various functions in the body. It helps with the production of  collagen, enhances wound healing, the absorption of iron and boosts your immune system. 
  2. Anti-cancer effects. Research suggests that these fruits contain polyphenols which have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (19). Red grapes also have resveratrol, a chemical compound suspected to have anti-cancer properties (26).
  3. Can help lower blood pressure. These fruits are a great source of potassium. According to The American Heart Association, high potassium foods are good for anyone looking to reduce their blood pressure (1).
  4. May improve heart health. Potassium isn’t the only compound in grapes that can protect your heart. Studies published in 2016 and 2019 have suggested that resveratrol is being explored for possible beneficial effects against heart failure and cardiovascular disease (20, 25).
  5. May improve brain health. One study done of the cognitive effects of resveratrol supplementation in post-menopausal women found that it may help improve memory, learning and cognitive reserve, as well as mood. Researchers suggested the use of this compound as a potential  therapeutic treatment for menopause-related cognitive decline (6).
  6. May improve bone health. These fruits contain minerals such as potassium, manganese, and vitamins B, C, and K, all which are essential for good bone health.
  7. May prevent and treat aging as well as age-related diseases. One review published in 2021 found that the compound resveratrol, could be beneficial for anti-aging.
  8. The researchers concluded that this compound might potentially extend lifespan and protect against multiple age, related diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, sarcopenia, cancers, infertility, and osteoporosis (4).
  9. May improve eye health. They contain antioxidants that protect against free radicals which may affect eye health.
  10. Aside from this, grapes also contain lutein and zeaxanthin which have been shown to be beneficial in delaying the progression of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts (13).

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Benefits Of Eating Grapes At Night


  • Are There Any Benefits Of Eating Grapes On Empty Stomach?

Not really.

Just like the belief that fruit should only be consumed at specific times of the day, the belief that eating fruit on an empty stomach is better is a myth. You will still get all the benefits of grapes whether you eat them on an empty stomach or after a meal.

  • Which Grapes Are Good For Sleep?

Grapes come in a variety of colors, namely almost black to green, red, and amber. When it comes to sleep inducing benefits, the color of grape doesn’t matter as all types contain melatonin. Any variety you come across at your local grocery store will help you sleep.

  • What Foods To Avoid Before Bed?

Clearly one of the benefits of eating grapes at night is that it might help you sleep better due to the presence of melatonin in the fruit. However, just as there are foods that can help naturally induce sleep, so are there some that can make it harder to fall asleep.

Some of these foods include

  • Chilli – Spicy foods certainly taste good and contain capsaicin, a phytochemical that increases metabolism and thermogenesis (10) – which might be great for weight loss. However, spicy foods can also lead to heartburn which can interrupt your sleep.
  • Caffeine – It is a stimulant designed to keep you awake. Taking it before bed will very likely keep you awake instead of helping you sleep (5).
  • Alcohol – While it might make you sleepy at first, it will eventually throw off your sleep schedule leading to less sleep hours or restless sleep (2). People with an alcohol dependence have also been reported to suffer from insomnia (11).

You are also advised not to eat big heavy meals right before going  as being too full can make your stomach feel uncomfortable which interrupts sleep.

  • What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Grapes Everyday?

As seen above, the benefits of eating grapes regularly may include various health benefits as well as better sleep.

  • How Long Before Bed Should You Eat Grapes?

Some sources state that the benefits of eating grapes at night for better sleep are best experienced if you consume this fruit about 2 to 3 hours before bed. However, there is no scientific evidence backing up these claims.

With that said, most melatonin tablets are often taken 1 to 2 hours before bed. You can try doing the same with your whole grapes.

  • What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Grapes At Night?

Unless you are allergic to grapes or have a salicylate sensitivity/intolerance, chances are that you will not experience any adverse effects from eating these fruits.

  • Is Eating Grapes At Night Good Or Bad?

Eating grapes at night might be beneficial. 

Because they have melatonin in them, they may help you sleep better when consumed before bed.

  • Do Green Grapes Benefits For Skin Exist?

Yes, there are potential green and red grapes benefits for skin.

Studies have not only shown resveratrol not only promotes collagen production, but when used in cosmetics, it penetrates the skin faster and protects against UV damage from sun rays (21, 23).

UV rays not only cause sunburn but can also lead to the premature aging of skin i.e wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, etc. Collagen helps keep the skin plump and youthful.

However, these possible benefits have been associated with topical application of resveratrol, not necessarily with eating grapes.

  • What Are The Benefits Of Eating Grapes For Hair?

One study published in 2021 stated that resveratrol may help promote hair growth as it rapidly increases follicular cells that encourage hair growth (9). However, this study was in animals and in cells, and was looking at topical application – so implications for humans eating grapes are unclear.

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The Bottom Line

The possible benefits of eating grapes at night is mostly linked to improving sleep due to the presence of melatonin in these fruits. However, the advantages of having this fruit in your diet goes beyond better sleep.

Consistent consumption of grapes provides nutrients and antioxidants that might support your immune system, heart health, brain health, and lower blood pressure. The possibilities are endless.

However, despite the numerous incredible potential benefits, not everyone should be consuming grapes. If you experience any discomfort or pain after consuming these fruits, be sure to speak to your doctor to find out what the issue might be.

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This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your specific situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of BetterMe content. If you suspect or think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.


  1. A Primer on Potassium (2018,
  2. Disturbed Sleep and Its Relationship to Alcohol Use (2005,
  3. Effectiveness of Personalized Low Salicylate Diet in the Management of Salicylates Hypersensitive Patients: Interventional Study (2021,
  4. Effects and Mechanisms of Resveratrol on Aging and Age-Related Diseases (2021,
  5. Effects of caffeine on sleep quality and daytime functioning (2018,
  6. Effects of Resveratrol on Cognitive Performance, Mood and Cerebrovascular Function in Post-Menopausal Women; A 14-Week Randomised Placebo-Controlled Intervention Trial (2017,
  7. Grapes, green, seedless, raw (2022,
  8. Grapes, raw (2022,
  9. Hair Growth-Promoting Effect of Resveratrol in Mice, Human Hair Follicles and Dermal Papilla Cells (2021,
  10. Hot Peppers Really Do Bring The Heat (2008,
  11. Insomnia, alcoholism and relapse (2003,
  12. Low Salicylate Diet (2021,
  13. Lutein and Zeaxanthin and Their Roles in Age-Related Macular Degeneration—Neurodegenerative Disease (2022,
  14. Melatonin: A New Plant Hormone and/or a Plant Master Regulator? (2018,
  15. Melatonin: What You Need To Know (2022,
  16. Melatonin in grapes and grape-related foodstuffs: A review (2017,
  17. Modulation of SIRT1-Foxo1 signaling axis by resveratrol: implications in skeletal muscle aging and insulin resistance (2015,
  18. Postharvest Exogenous Melatonin Treatment of Table Grape Berry Enhances Quality and Maintains Bioactive Compounds during Refrigerated Storage (2022,
  19. Potential Anticancer Properties of Grape Antioxidants (2012,
  20. Resveratrol and Cardiovascular Diseases (2016,
  21. Resveratrol as an active ingredient for cosmetic and dermatological applications: a review (2019,
  22. Resveratrol Demonstrates Antimicrobial Effects Against Propionibacterium acnes In Vitro (2014,
  23. Role of Resveratrol in Regulating Cutaneous Functions (2020,
  24. Severe immediate allergic reactions to grapes: part of a lipid transfer protein-associated clinical syndrome (2007,
  25. The Effects of Resveratrol in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure: A Narrative Review (2019,
  26. The Potential Use of Resveratrol for Cancer Prevention (2019,
  27. Vitamin C (2023,
  28. “You should not be eating fruits at night” — Fact or Fiction? (2020,


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