Blog Mental Health Relationships Core Values Of Lasting Relationships: How To Cement Solid Relationships?

Core Values Of Lasting Relationships: How To Cement Solid Relationships?


Nothing beats the feeling of loving and feeling loved. We wouldn’t dedicate our time or energy to building successful relationships if we didn’t. However, one thing you must know is that numerous untold life incidents spring up, with the possibility of ruining these bonds if they are not strong enough. Flash forward; you will have kids, build a home, and even go through losses. But, in between, if your relationship is not strong, it will unfortunately not survive the storms. So, you may need to equip yourself with compatible core values that will help you navigate through these stumbling blocks. Check our list of the top core values of lasting relationships.

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This core value beats every other in ranking. Take it from relationship gurus; no one with a suspicious mind can build a dream with you. Yet, instead of focusing on accomplishing life goals, you are constantly snooping and spying or concerned about your partner’s commitment. 

Down the line, trust issues begin, and you start driving each other crazy. Well, you must know that trust is not one-dimensional. Unfortunately, most people overlook this aspect and often insist their partner prove they are trustworthy and forget they too must do the same.

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Trust begins when both of you are vulnerable to each other. It would help if you compromise your values, show respect for each other, and, most importantly, align relationships with what you say and what you do. These are the critical foundations of trust.


Communication is undoubtedly one of the principles of a lasting relationship. Hardly can it last if you do not talk freely, openly, or peacefully. Therefore, it is imperative to marital happiness. But unfortunately, most people lose their ability to communicate over time due to a lack of empathy.

Before we even look at how to fix communication problems in a relationship, we must note that communication is a two-way street (1). The two of you must open doors to effective communication by avoiding passive aggression, double messages, and cyclical arguments.

Learn to talk about things openly, freely, and at the right time. Some people may need some time to process the occurrences. Talking about them right away may escalate the situation, making you or your partner say something beyond fixing.

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lasting relationships


Loyalty and trust go hand in hand. Being loyal means staying dedicated and faithful to your partner. It means remaining faithful to each other, even when problems arise. Unfortunately, most people give up on their relationship when things turn ugly. 

You need to understand loyalty goes beyond infidelity. It also entails emotional negligence that comes with not being dedicated to your partner. Likewise, it means being loyal to your partner in stressful times, which can be challenging and counterintuitive. Some traits that can help you cultivate loyalty and a lasting relationship are honesty, respect, and patience.

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A lasting relationship is also built on empathy. Being empathetic means you understand and share the feelings of your partner. It digs deeper than sympathy. We believe empathy helps you look past your perspective and respect what your partner is going through (2). 

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As a result, it helps you optimize informed decision-making based on your partner’s needs. Additionally, being empathetic allows you to be vulnerable and give your partner genuine attention. All these bring you closer, making you more solid.


You will not find a relationship that is smooth sailing all the time. Things will go south once in a while. When they do, some people get defensive and start the blame game. It is easy to deny responsibility when things are not working to avoid being the bad guy.

Of course, shifting blame does more than good. Sometimes, not taking responsibility for your actions fuels the fire instead of diffusing it (1). Relationship gurus suggest you admit when you are wrong and take responsibility as it helps avoid more volatile incidences.

lasting relationships

A Friendship Base

One of the many myths people have about relationships is that being friends takes away sexual chemistry and intimacy. Well, relationship gurus do not think so. Instead, they believe having a friendship base is vital as it solidifies effective communication, which is another core value of a lasting relationship (2).

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Again, it makes the relationship more fun because it does not feel like homework. A good relationship will help you see each other for who you truly are and accept each other’s flaws and perspectives. As a result, both of you are less stressed and more contended. 


If you and your partner are genuine about doing life together, you will invest in honesty instead of keeping each other guessing. There should be no room for wondering what the two of you are, where you stand, or if you have a future together.

Honesty should answer all these right from the word go. However, this core value can sometimes be awkward for some people, especially when you have to address complicated things. Ultimately, you must remember no matter how painful or challenging it is, you must be honest to help seal the deal.

The Bottom Line

We all get into relationships hoping that our significant other shares the same idea of building a lasting love nest. However, to sustain and create such a relationship, you have to be intentional about your behavior dictated by your core values.

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Over time, these values may change based on what you experience. Even so, you need to align them to sync those of your lover’s for the success of what you two share. They include trust, loyalty, responsibility, communication, honesty, empathy, and a friendship base

We would love to know what you think of these values. Or better yet, we would love to know some of your relationship’s core values. So let us know in the comment section. All the best!


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. 40 Core Values You Should Seek in a Relationship (2021,
  2. Couples Who Share These 8 Core Values Have the Happiest, Healthiest Relationships (2020,
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