Blog Diets The 3,500-Calorie Diet: Everything You Need to Know About This Meal Plan

The 3,500-Calorie Diet: Everything You Need to Know About This Meal Plan

We can all agree that the list of diet plans available in today’s society is endless. There are diet plans that can help you attain every fitness goal imaginable. Some will help you shed pounds, build muscle mass, or gain weight. Of all these, the 3,500-calorie diet has stolen the spotlight as it is believed to help you attain these three listed goals. But what does science have to say about this?

This article will analyze the 3,500-calorie diet plan concept. We will discuss what it is, what it entails, and the individuals who are advised to follow this meal plan. Keep reading to determine if this meal plan can help meet your fitness goals.

What Is the 3,500-Calorie Diet?

The 3,500-calorie diet is a meal plan where your daily calorie intake goal is 3,500 calories. When following this diet, the idea is to always hit somewhere around this mark and not too much less or more. There are several reasons why you may consider trying out this diet plan, including:

Weight Gain

The most common reason why individuals opt for this meal plan is that it may promote weight gain. For most people, 3,500 calories is above their daily energy needs, and eating that many calories will likely result in weight gain. The large calorie intake can help contribute to weight gain, which makes it practical for an underweight individual who wants to add pounds, or even an active individual who wants to increase their body mass.

Increase Food Intake

Other individuals may also consider this meal plan if they want to increase their food intake. However, you may want to avoid any diet plan that focuses on calorie counting if you have an eating disorder and have yet to talk to a professional. Remember that eating disorders are medical health conditions and not lifestyle choices you can quickly sweep under the rug.

They can become severe over time and develop into serious health conditions such as kidney and heart problems or even death (1). Therefore, it’s essential to first seek professional consultation, rather than taking matters into your own hands. 

Increase Nutritional Support

The 3,500-calorie diet plan is a very high-calorie meal plan. It can be suitable for a person who is looking for extra nutrition, particularly if they’re undergoing medical treatment. If this is the case, it’s important to work with a registered dietitian to tailor your eating plan to your individual needs and medical conditions. 

Vigorous Aerobic Activity

If you recently started a vigorous aerobic activity, you may end up sticking to a 3,500-calorie diet. Eating more calories will help your body keep up with the calories it burns during your workout sessions. You can estimate how many calories you need with the help of a nutrition or fitness professional or by using an online calculator. 

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Will I Gain Weight Eating 3,500 Calories a Day?

Some people struggle to put on weight, which is why you may find searches such as these on weight gain. However, the reality is that, like weight loss, some people have to put in a little more effort than others to add a few pounds. 

Eating 3,500 calories every day may help you gain weight, if that creates a calorie surplus for you. Again, you’ll add some pounds on any diet if you consume more calories than you burn. So, if your daily energy needs are less than 3,500 (which is true for most people) then you’re likely to gain weight if you eat 3,500 calories per day. 

However, most people shouldn’t consider such a diet plan without first seeking professional advice. A 3,500-calorie diet plan may be recommended to individuals who have been termed as underweight (2). A healthcare practitioner must conduct an evaluation to determine the cause if you’re underweight.

In most cases, individuals become underweight due to poor nutrition habits or an underlying health condition. Being underweight can increase your risk of health conditions such as (3):

  • Osteoporosis
  • Weakened immune system
  • Developmental delays
  • Infertility
  • Malnutrition
  • Increased risk of complications during surgery

Is Eating 3,500 Calories Every Day Too Much?

It is estimated that one pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories. So, judging from this, it sounds like these calories must be too much to consume in a day. However, you cannot just arbitrarily decide the number of calories you need to eat in a day.

According to food experts and nutritionists, your daily calorie intake is determined by several factors, including your weight, height, physical activity, sex, body composition, and overall health (4).

The average man is said to require approximately 2,700 calories daily, while the average woman needs 2,200 calories (4). By comparing the 3,500 and 2,700 or 2,200-calorie goals, you’ll notice that the 3,500-calorie limit is way higher. So, yes, consuming 3,500 calories can be a bit much for the average person, but perhaps it could be appropriate for athletes or individuals who are involved in vigorous physical activity. 

Read more: 7-Day Weight Loss Low-Carb Diet: Choose High-Protein, High-Fiber, or Ultra-Low-Carb

Can Pregnant Women Follow the 3,500-Calorie Diet?

During pregnancy, pregnant women are asked to focus on eating a healthy and balanced diet. This is essential as it helps the baby attain the nutrients they need to grow at a healthy rate (5). But how many calories do pregnant women need?

According to studies, the calorie intake of pregnant women will differ. There is an assumption that an expecting woman has to eat a lot, mainly because she eats for two or three. However, research refutes these claims. Instead, health authorities acknowledge that an average pregnant woman will need approximately an extra 300 calories every day (5).

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However, pregnant women who are carrying twins or more may need to consume as much as 3,000 to 3,500 calories every day, depending on their usual calorie requirements. So yes, women who are expecting multiples might follow the 3,500-calorie diet plan. However, it’s imperative that you consult your OB/GYN to learn your individual requirements.

Again, you need to consult your doctor to determine the right amount of weight to add when carrying multiples. Remember that the 3,500-calorie diet may result in excessive weight gain, and too much weight gain may not be healthy for an expecting mother. 

If you gain more than the recommended weight during pregnancy, you may end up having a baby who is born too large. According to the CDC, this may lead to delivery complications, cesarean delivery, and obesity during childhood (6). 

3500 calorie diet

Can You Eat 3,500 Calories and Lose Weight?

Some people may lose weight while eating 3,500 calories per day, but most people won’t. You must keep in mind that weight loss requires an individual to consume fewer calories than their body burns. So, if you consume 3,500 calories every day, your body must be burning more than this amount.

It is challenging for your body to burn such a high amount of calories. Let’s break this down by calculation. 

One pound (lb) of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories (7). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises people who are looking to shed pounds to follow a steady and gradual process. The process highlights healthy weight loss and targets shedding one to two pounds a week (8).

To lose this one pound of fat, you’ll need to burn an extra 500 calories every day (3,500 calories/ 7 days of the week). You can burn those 500 extra calories by consuming 500 calories less from your meals, by exercising, or a combination of the two. The amount of calories burned from exercise depends on the type and intensity of the workout.

Below is a profile detailing the number of calories an individual who weighs 160 pounds may burn in an hour of exercising (9):

  • Bicycling at a speed of less than 10 mph for leisure – 292 calories
  • Hiking – 438 calories
  • Dancing in a ballroom – 219 calories
  • Low-impact aerobics – 365 calories
  • Running at 5 mph – 606 calories
  • Walking at 3.5 mph – 314 calories
  • Skiing downhill – 314 calories

If you were to engage in physical activity and eat fewer calories, you could manage to create a 500-calorie deficit every day. Keep in mind that if you are consuming 3,500 calories and want to maintain a 500-calorie deficit, you would need to burn 4,000 calories every day through daily activities and exercise, which is not easy for the average person to do. 

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In light of this, it’s safe to say that unless you’re an elite athlete with a rigorous training regimen, it’s unlikely that you’ll lose weight when following a 3,500-calorie meal plan.

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How Can You Manage A 3,500-Calorie Diet Plan Every Day?

As previously mentioned, consuming 3,500 calories may be a bit much, even for highly active individuals. However, there are some methods you can adopt to help you meet this daily calorie goal, including:

Eating More Frequently

Forget about following the three-meals-a-day eating technique if you want to consume 3,500 calories in a day. You’ll have to eat small meals frequently to help you reach this target. Divide your meals equally into five or six meals instead of your usual two or three meals.

It can be challenging for someone who is underweight to eat all five or six meals in a day. This is because they’re used to eating small meals and feeling full pretty quickly. Talk to your doctor if you are among such individuals.

Eating Foods to Help You Gain Weight Quickly

If you follow the 3,500-calorie diet plan for weight gain, you need to consider adding foods that can help you gain weight. According to Medical News Today, some of the nutrient-rich foods you can add to gain weight safely and quickly include:

  • Milk

Anyone who is looking to add weight using the 3,500-calorie diet plan can drink milk throughout the day (3). It offers a mixture of fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. The protein content in milk is essential for anyone who is trying to build muscle. This means that milk should not be missing from a 3,500-calorie diet to gain muscle. Other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese are also great to incorporate.

  • Rice

A cup of rice contains roughly 200 calories and is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential food groups as they help provide your body with energy. They can also contribute to weight gain and can be effective for underweight individuals (3). Brown rice has more fiber, which can help promote good digestive health.

  • Red Meat

Eating red meat can help you build muscle and gain weight. Steak has two vital nutrients that help with muscle development: leucine and creatine. It also contains fat and proteins that help promote weight gain.

  • Whole-Grain Cereals
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Another food you need to add to this meal plan is whole-grain cereals. The keyword here is whole grain. Some cereals are refined and contain high added sugar content and low complex carbohydrates (3). Such cereals should be limited in favor of whole-grain options. 

So, pay close attention and read the labels of your cereals when you’re doing your grocery shopping. Pick the cereals that contain nuts and whole grains. Make sure they also have a substantial amount of fiber and protein.

  • Salmon

Salmon is also an excellent food addition to the 3,500-calorie diet plan for weight gain and muscle development. Six ounces of salmon contains approximately 350 calories. It also has a high healthy fat content and is rich in protein (3).  

Taking Smoothies

Smoothies can also help you reach your 3,500 daily calorie goal. They are often prepared with ingredients that contain extra calories. When combined, they result in a drink with either average or high amounts of calories. It all depends on the elements you choose.

For example, adding ingredients such as nut butters, full-fat yogurt, or coconut milk can add calories. Protein powders are also great additions for both protein and calories. 

Look for a smoothie recipe that meets your particular needs and preferences.  Keep in mind that some smoothies help with weight loss and others with weight gain. Look for ingredients that add calories and/or protein to your smoothie, depending on your needs and goals.

Developing a Meal Plan

The only way you can be sure that you’ve met your 3,500 daily calorie needs is by developing a practical meal plan. A healthy meal plan will keep you accountable for all your five or six meals. In addition, the meal plan will help you avoid consuming excess calories throughout the day.

If you have specific nutritional needs, seek the help of a licensed dietitian or nutritionist when crafting your diet plan. It may seem easy, but it requires a lot of attention as you have to account for so many things. For example, you have to consider adding foods that meet your daily dietary requirements. 

Similarly, you should consider adding foods that can help promote weight gain if this is your goal. You also have to account for healthy foods so that you add weight healthily. Ask your nutritionist to recommend diverse recipes, particularly if you hate bland food.

3500 calorie diet

Topping Your Meals

You’ll also manage to consume 3,500 calories in a day when you start topping off your food. Add extra healthy foods or toppings to your meals to help meet this calorie count. For example, if you have casseroles, you can choose to add cheese. 

Similarly, you can also add cheese to your scrambled eggs. Another topping you can add is powdered milk in stews or soups. Nut butters can add calories, healthy fats, and protein to various dishes. Remember that these toppings contain calories that help increase your calorie intake from one specific meal.

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Eating More Fruits

It’s recommended to consume two cups of fruit every day on a 2,000-calorie diet (10). Based on this information, it’s safe to say that you need more than a two-cup serving of fruit to get 3,500 calories daily.

But what does a cup of fruit look like? The USDA explains that it may be one small apple, one large banana, approximately 8 large strawberries, or half a cup of dried fruit (11). You’ll have to make an effort to increase the fruit serving required for a 3,500-calorie diet.

Talk to your dietitian if you have no idea how to make such a change. Similarly, let them know of your fruit preferences, dietary fruit requirements, and underlying medical conditions. These three aspects will come in handy when determining how to include fruit in your 3,500-calorie diet plan.

Read more: 24 Weight Loss Smoothies, 2 Diet Plans, and 5 Belly Fat Smoothie Secrets

How Effective Is the 3,500-Calorie Diet?

Although most people may advocate for this diet plan, others may not. The differences in opinions are because this meal plan can be used for different reasons. However, it’s mainly used to contribute to weight gain.

It can be effective for weight gain as it helps you maintain a calorie surplus. However, if you were thinking of using this diet plan for weight loss, you may see contradicting results. So, it may not be effective for weight loss but is effective for weight gain.

However, this theory may not apply to every individual. Remember that we all have different body types and lifestyles, and some may lose or gain weight depending on the diet plans they adopt. So, it may not be ideal for everyone. It would help if you talked to your healthcare provider to determine the best diet plan that suits your fitness and healthcare needs. 

3500 calorie diet


  • Is 3,500 calories a day enough to build muscle?

Yes, 3,500 calories a day can be enough to build muscle, but it depends on several factors, including (12): 

  • Your current body weight
  • Your metabolism or genetic makeup 
  • Current activity level
  • Overall muscle-building goals

Consuming 3,500 calories per day will most likely provide you with a calorie surplus, which is essential for muscle growth. Muscle building requires an adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to repair and grow muscle tissues after exercise.

  • The general recommendation for protein intake to build muscle is approximately 1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight (13). 
  • This means for a person who weighs 70 kg (about 154 lbs), approximately 112-154 grams of protein is optimal per day. 
  • The remaining calories should come from complex carbohydrates and healthy fats to provide the energy needed for intense workouts and recovery.
  • As the quality of the calories matters, nutrient-dense foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will support better health and muscle growth than empty calories from sugary or highly processed foods.

Incorporating a structured strength training program is also essential. Without the stimulus of resistance training, excess calories may lead to fat gain rather than muscle gain. 

Therefore, to effectively build muscle, a combination of sufficient caloric intake, balanced nutrition, and consistent weight training is necessary.

  • How much weight would I gain if I ate 3,500 calories a day?

The amount of weight you would gain from consuming 3,500 calories a day depends on your maintenance calories, i.e. the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. If your maintenance calories are 2,500, eating 3,500 calories would create a surplus of 1,000 calories per day. As roughly 3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight, you could theoretically gain approximately two pounds per week (7,000 excess calories per week).

However, this calculation has been simplified and doesn’t account for several variables such as: 

  • Metabolism can adapt over time, potentially increasing energy expenditure to a certain extent in response to higher calorie intake. 
  • The composition of the weight gain (muscle vs. fat) will also depend on factors such as macronutrient distribution, exercise routine, and genetics. 
  • For muscle gain, a slower rate of weight gain is often recommended (0.5 to 1 pound per week) to minimize fat accumulation.

In another article, we’ve discussed the benefits of the 1,600-Calorie Keto Meal Plan and the concept of a 500-Calorie Deficit

  • Can I burn 3,500 calories a day?

Burning 3,500 calories in a day is quite challenging and typically unnecessary for most individuals unless you’re an athlete or are involved in highly strenuous activities. The average daily caloric expenditure for an adult ranges from 1,800 to 3,000 calories, depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, and activity level (14).

To burn 3,500 calories, you would need to engage in intense physical activity and for prolonged periods. 

Achieving such a high caloric burn can lead to exhaustion, overtraining, and injury. It’s more practical to aim for a sustainable and balanced approach to calorie expenditure through a combination of regular physical activity, including both cardio and strength training, and a healthy balanced diet.

  • What does 3,500 calories look like?

A diet of 3,500 calories can vary significantly depending on your food choices. Listed below is an example of what 3,500 calories could look like when spread over a day’s meals:


  • 3 scrambled eggs with cheese (300 calories)
  • 2 slices of whole-grain toast with butter (250 calories)
  • 1 large banana (120 calories)
  • 1 glass of whole milk (150 calories)


  • Grilled chicken breast sandwich with avocado and bacon (700 calories)
  • Side salad with dressing (150 calories)
  • 1 apple (80 calories)

Afternoon Snack:

  • 1 protein shake (300 calories)
  • 1 handful of almonds (200 calories)


  • 8 oz steak (600 calories)
  • Baked potato with sour cream and butter (400 calories)
  • Steamed vegetables (100 calories)

Evening Snack:

  • 1 chocolate chip cookie (150 calories)

This sample day provides a mix of protein, carbohydrates, and fats from various sources. It’s important to choose nutrient-rich food to ensure you meet your nutritional needs, particularly if your goal is to build muscle or maintain a healthy weight.

The Bottom Line

The 3,500-calorie diet is an example of a high-calorie diet that specific individuals follow. These include those who are underweight, some pregnant women carrying multiples, and active individuals who want to add weight, build muscle, and increase food and nutrition intake. 

Due to its high calories, this diet plan is not highly recommended for individuals who want to shed pounds. However, that doesn’t mean that it cannot promote weight loss. It can, but it is pretty rare. 

Before you go through with this diet plan, make sure you have an in-depth discussion with both your doctor and dietitian. Also, make sure you discuss your fitness goals to understand better if this meal plan can do the trick.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your specific situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of BetterMe content. If you suspect or think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.


  1. Eating Disorders (n.d.,
  2. What’s a good way to gain weight if you’re underweight? (2023,
  3. Foods for gaining weight quickly and safely (2023,
  4. How many calories do you need? (2017,
  5. Gain Weight Safely During Your Pregnancy (2024,
  6. Weight Gain During Pregnancy (2024,
  7. What to know about calories and body fat (2023,
  8. Steps for Losing Weight (2023,
  9. Exercise for weight loss: Calories burned in 1 hour (2024,
  10. What Are the ABCs of Healthy Eating? 6 Principles (n.d.,
  11. Fruits (n.d.,
  12. 5 Factors That Influence How Quickly You Build Muscle (2022,
  13. Recent Perspectives Regarding the Role of Dietary Protein for the Promotion of Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Exercise Training (2018,
  14. Appendix 2. Estimated Calorie Needs per Day, by Age, Sex, and Physical Activity Level (n.d.,
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