Blog Weight Loss Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days: Getting Real About What it Takes to Drop a Pound a Day

Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days: Getting Real About What it Takes to Drop a Pound a Day

If you want to lose 7 pounds in 7 days, you may need to have an honest look at whether this is really your goal. Shedding a pound every day may be possible, but it definitely won’t be safe or sustainable, and it probably won’t be fat that you’ve lost.

Trimming body weight can be a tricky process. Too often, you may vow to exercise every evening and eat healthily, only to end up over-indulging in chocolate on day two. This may well occur because you have used too extreme of an approach. 

You could end up lacking energy, feeling empty and unsatisfied. But not anymore! You don’t need to starve yourself. Here is the easiest way to lose weight in just 7 days.

How to Lose Weight

Theoretically, you should lose weight if your daily calorie intake is less than your body uses. A calorie deficit can only be achieved by either eating less or by eating your normal meals and then exercising to burn off that extra energy so you use more than you consume.

There is no magic pill that will accelerate your calorie deficit or metabolic rates. The only solution is to create a calorie deficit (10).

How to Lose Weight Fast

The greater the calorie deficit, the quicker you are likely to lose weight. You can do this by eating less and exercising more, up to the point that you can see results. Continue to taper your eating and increase your exercise routine to see better, faster results. 

However, don’t overdo your calorie restriction or exercise as this may create health troubles for your body (11).

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How to Lose Weight in a Week

How can you flatten that belly in just seven days? Is it even possible to lose considerable weight in just a week?

To lose any amount of weight, you’ll need to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goals.

One such effort is exercising every day, permanently switching your diet to nutritious but low-calorie meals, and changing your lifestyle habits (14).

Is it Safe to Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days?

While losing 7 pounds or more in a week might be possible, it’s certainly not safe, healthy, or sustainable in the long term.

When you lose 7 pounds in 7 days, the following are likely to happen: 

  • You will only eradicate water from your body and not your body fat. You can’t safely burn 7 pounds of fat in just a week (8).
  • Fast weight loss also flushes out stored glycogen and its associated water. Glycogen holds approximately three times its weight in water.
  • Reduced insulin may also lead to less water retention (12). 
  • Short-term and intense eating plans are considered crash diets. This means that your weight is likely to rebound after 7 days.
  • In addition, due to their restrictive nature, these diets may not be good for you if you have a history of pre-existing conditions and/or eating disorders.
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Looking at this, we can say that it is not healthy, safe, or sustainable, and certainly not a long-term solution to target losing 7 pounds in 7 days.

lose 7 pounds in 7 days  

So, How Many Pounds Should I Safely Lose in a Week?

It is recommended that you shed only 1 to 2 pounds per week. By following this target, you have a more manageable and safer weight goal to achieve your targets.

If you lose 1 pound per week, it will take you 7 weeks to hit the 7-pound mark. If you manage to hit the 2-pound maximum healthy weight loss per week, you’ll achieve the target in less than 4 weeks (3).

Tips to Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days

If you still want to pursue short-term weight loss, here are some tips to lose as much weight as you can in a week.

You should keep in mind that you are unlikely to lose much fat in such a short period and any weight loss over about 1-2 pounds will not be meaningful or sustainable.

Avoid Processed Foods

Consuming a simple diet that contains whole foods is one of the fastest ways to lose weight.

Whole foods are very filling, particularly if they are fiber and protein-rich. They can ensure you consume fewer calories and stay fuller longer.

Although you’re not getting a lot of calories, eating these foods will be incredibly satisfying (22).

Read more: How To Lose 3 Pounds a Week According To Experts

Eat Fewer Calories

Reducing the number of calories you consume is an essential factor for losing weight faster.

If you’re eating too many calories, you may not lose weight in the 7 days but actually gain weight instead (20).

Here are a few tips for you to regulate your calorie intake:

  • Count them: Weigh the foods you’re going to eat using a calorie counter tool. Keep your daily intake way below the amount of energy you burn.
  • Don’t drink sweetened drinks:  Cut back on your consumption of sodas and juices. Instead, opt for zero-calorie drinks, coffee, tea, or water. Protein shakes can be good for you if consumed as a meal replacement or post-workout snack.
  • Take lean proteins: Lean proteins have less fat. They include fish and 
  • skinless chicken.
  • Eat vegetables: Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. 
  • Eat during your mealtimes: Reduce snacks and don’t eat anything after your evening meal.
  • Cut your condiment consumption: Limit rich sauces and condiments in your diet as they can contain a lot of calories (17).
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Try Resistance Training

You can’t rely on dieting alone to cut significant weight in under 7 days. You must also exercise to burn fat.

Researchers have found that resistance training can lead to a weight loss similar to regular cardio exercises. In addition, it will help you maintain your strength and muscle mass even as you burn fat (6).

An example of resistance training is lifting weights.

A full-body workout can also help use up your stored glycogen and make you lose water weight. This will lead to a fast (although temporary) decline in your weight.

Lifting weights might also help conserve your metabolic rate, which declines when you lose weight (16).

Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is another highly effective way of burning calories.

As with lifting weights, HIIT will help build your muscles, reduce your fat storage, and boost your metabolism, contributing to faster weight loss (9).

For better results, perform HIIT four times a week. Make sure you do this training with all your effort and energy. Rest for a few seconds. Do not take a break of more than a minute in between reps or runs.

Eat Fewer Carbohydrates and More Proteins

You can actually lose a lot of weight if you follow a low-carb diet.

Someresearch has shown that a low-carb diet can be one of the most effective ways for losing weight (2).

 Many different diets can be effective, as long as they help you create a caloric deficit and are easy for you to stick to.

A short-term cut in carbs can also lead to a loss in water weight and bloating. When you eat fewer carbs, you may see a difference in your pounds the next morning.

It can also help to increase your protein intake when you’re trying to lose weight.

Researchers have found that protein can help keep you full for longer, reduce your appetite, and boost your metabolism. So, you should increase your eggs, fish, and lean meat intake (18).

Incorporate Intermittent Fasting into Your Schedule

Intermittent fasting is another way of creating a calorie deficit to promote weight loss.

This method has proven to be effective for some people (7).

It works by helping you reduce your overall calorie intake in a short period. When you don’t eat, your body will use stored fats to produce energy, which leads to weight loss.

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If you’re combining fasting and workouts, make sure to fast when you’re not in the gym. You should not do exercises on an empty stomach.

lose 7 pounds in 7 days  

Be Active Always

Remember that you need to burn as many calories as possible each day. Therefore, you should make sure that you’re always active.

How active you are during the times when you’re not working out is very important and plays a crucial role in obesity and weight loss (13).

So, you should change your lifestyle habits a little. If you drive to your workplace, try walking if it’s not too far, or park a little further away.

Instead of using a lift or escalator, take the stairs. Go for walks during your free time. Stand up more, don’t just sit down. Clean your house more often if you have time as this can help you burn a lot of calories.

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Reduce Your Water Retention

Several ways can help you reduce your water weight and become lighter and more lean, including:

  • Drink coffee: The caffeine in coffee will help you burn more calories and acts as a diuretic.
  • Drink more water: Unless you have a health issue that causes water retention, staying properly hydrated will help prevent bloating.
  • Don’t consume anything you’re intolerant to: Eating foods your body cannot process will lead to water retention and a lot of bloating. Avoid any foods that contain gluten, lactose, or any other ingredient you’re intolerant to if necessary.

So, how much weight can you realistically lose in 7 days?

While it might be possible to shed 7 pounds in 7 days or even more in the same duration, this amount of weight loss is not a practical, long-term solution. Putting this kind of short-term pressure on the body can significantly impact your physical and mental health. 

How much weight you can realistically lose in 7 days is dependent on factors such as your current weight, activity, diet, and lifestyle. It also depends on the percentage of your overall body weight that 7 pounds adds up to.

Most fitness experts and physicians agree that around 1-2 pounds of shedding per week is healthy. It is a safe and sustainable goal to achieve in the stipulated duration and will not lead to unhealthy side effects.  (1

The kind of caloric deficit that is needed to shed weight rapidly is not generally recommended. The reasons for this advice stem from the following: 

  1. Unhealthy beauty standards: A lot of these body-weight fixes come from increased exposure to toxic beauty standards, which are promoted by beauty brands and influencers.
  2. Regaining the weight: People who want to do a quick 7-pound weight loss in a week could resort to extreme diets, consuming minimal daily calories, using unsafe supplements, or pairing intense exercise with a liquid diet — all of which will lead to weight gain once stopped. (24)
  3. You may lose more muscle and water weight: Studies have shown that rapid weight loss is generally accompanied by more lost muscle and water weight compared to slower weight loss methods. (15)
  4. Become diet-obsessed: As rapid weight loss requires severely restricting calories, it is possible to become addicted to starting a new diet each week to continue with the weight loss. This can lead to an unhealthy pattern of weight loss and regain called “yo-yo dieting” or weight cycling. (19)
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Does it take 7 days to lose weight?

This depends on how much weight you’re trying to lose in a 7-day period. If your aim is to shed around 1-2 pounds in 7 days, then it is very much possible. 

Even with a larger weight loss goal such as 7 or 10 pounds in a week, the results can be achieved through effort and dedication. However, this kind of rapid weight loss is not recommended. 

To lose weight systematically, it is advised that you aim for realistic goals each week that help create a habit of healthy eating, regular exercise, and overall well-being. 

In a previous article, we mentioned how to lose 10 pounds in a month as well as weight loss workouts to achieve this. Let’s take a look at a sample meal plan to lose weight.

7-Day Meal Plan for Weight Loss

Here is a sample 7-day meal plan to lose weight that may help you achieve your goals. You should keep in mind that you can substitute any ingredients that you cannot access from your local store. You just need to make sure your weight loss diet replacements have a similar nutritional value and calories.

First day

This is your first day meal plan and amounts to less than 1,400 calories.

  1. Breakfast
  • One slice of whole-grain bread
  • You can smear two tablespoons of peanut butter on the toast
  • Half a grapefruit
  • One cup of coffee or tea
  1. Lunch
  • One slice of whole-grain bread
  • One half-cup of tuna
  • You can optionally take tea or coffee
  1. Dinner
  • 85 grams of meat mixed with a full cup of green beans
  • One small apple
  • One banana
  • One cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream

Second day

The meal plan for your second day amounts to less than 1,200 calories.

  1. Breakfast
  • One slice of whole-grain bread
  • One hard-boiled egg
  • One banana
  • One cup of tea or coffee (this is optional)
  1. Lunch
  • One hard-boiled egg
  • One cup of fresh cottage cheese
  • Five saltine crackers
  • You can optionally take a cup of tea or coffee
  1. Dinner
  • 2 pieces of hot dogs, with no bun
  • Half a cup of fresh carrots
  • Half a cup of broccoli
  • One banana
  • A quarter cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream
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lose 7 pounds in 7 days  

Third day

The meals here amount to less than 1,100 calories.

  1. Breakfast
  • One slice of low-fat cheddar cheese
  • Five saltine crackers
  • One small apple
  • One cup of tea or coffee (optional)
  1. Lunch
  • One slice of whole-grain bread
  • One egg cooked in whichever way you like
  • You can take a cup of tea or coffee


  • 250 grams of tuna
  • One banana
  • One cup of vanilla-seasoned ice cream

Read more: Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Months With This Expert-Approved Guide

Fourth day

Here, your daily calorie intake is still low and you’ll consume fruits only.

  1. Breakfast
  • One medium apple
  • One bowl of blueberries
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of cantaloupe
  • One medium orange
  1. Lunch
  • One bowl of watermelon
  1. Snack
  • One medium orange
  1. Dinner
  • One medium-sized pear
  • One bowl of kiwi
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of mixed berries

Fifth day

Here, you will only take raw or cooked vegetables.

  1. Breakfast
  • One sweet potato
  • One baked potato
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of cabbage
  1. Lunch
  • Mixed salad with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and cucumber.
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of raw or steamed broccoli.
  1. Dinner
  • One bowl of kale 
  • Arugula mixed with asparagus
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of chopped cucumbers

Sixth day

Here you will eat the same foods as on days 4 and 5, but without potatoes or bananas.

  1. Breakfast
  • One apple
  • One bowl of watermelon
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of cherry tomatoes
  1. Lunch
  • Mixed salad
  1. Snack
  • One bowl of chopped cucumbers
  1. Dinner
  • Kale salad with carrots or cucumbers
  • One bowl of fresh strawberries
  1. Snack
  • One apple


On the final day, you’ll only eat bananas and drink milk. You can consume them in smoothie form.

  1. Breakfast
  • Two bananas
  • One glass of fresh milk
  1. Snack
  • One glass of smoothie containing skim milk and a banana
  1. Lunch
  • One cup of wonder soup
  1. Snack
  • One cup of smoothie containing skim milk and a banana
  1. Dinner
  • One cup of wonder soup
  • One banana

lose 7 pounds in 7 days  


  • Does fasting for 7 days burn fat?

While fasting for 7 days can lead to fat loss, it’s important to understand the logic of the process:

  • Fasting often creates a rapid drop in water weight and stored glycogen stores, which leads to an initial weight loss.
  • After the initial phase, the body starts to rely on fat stores for energy.
  • Extended fasting may cause the body to temporarily reduce metabolic rate to conserve energy.
  • Prolonged fasting can result in muscle breakdown, which emphasizes the importance of protein intake at this time.
  • The effectiveness of fat burning varies between individuals due to factors such as metabolism and body composition. (23)

In conclusion, while fasting for 7 days can contribute to fat loss, it’s important to approach it with caution and tailor it to individual needs after considering all the health implications. It also is not safe for everyone and should only be done under medical supervision. Consult your healthcare provider if it is something you are interested in.

  • Should I work out during a 7-day fast?

It is advised that workouts during a 7-day fast be on the lighter side if done at all. This is because: 

  • There is likely to be a decline in energy due to restricted caloric intake. Moderate exercise such as walking or yoga may be more suitable during this period.
  • High-intensity workouts may be challenging and can increase the risk of dizziness or fatigue.
  • Fasting and exercising can increase the chances of dehydration, so staying well hydrated is mandatory when combining the two. 
  • If fat loss is your primary goal, light to moderate exercise can complement fasting. You must pay attention to how you feel and rest should be prioritized for overall well-being.

Again, consult your healthcare provider for individualized advice.

  • What is the average weight loss for a 7-day fast?

On average, most estimates suggest that for a healthy weight loss, 1-2 pounds can be lost in 7 days. If you fast for this duration, the weight loss can be even higher i.e. somewhere around 1 pound a day, which would translate to 7-10 pounds in a week. (5

However, many studies have shown that rapid weight loss induced by a 7-day fast is mostly a reduction in water weight. As you fast, your body uses up stored glycogen for energy, which is bound to water molecules. (21)

This weight loss may not be sustainable and may return when you resume your regular eating habits.

  • Can you lose 7 pounds in 5 days?

To achieve a weight loss of 7 pounds in 5 days, you must follow a severe calorie restriction. For example, a woman who weighs 135 pounds and performs light workouts each week would theoretically lose 7 pounds in about 4 weeks after a calorie deficit of 1,000 calories a day, which is extreme and unrealistic (4). 

In addition to calorie restriction, a workout routine is needed. However, achieving this rapid pace of weight loss may not be sustainable or healthy in the long term. 

Some of the risks of such quick weight loss include: 

  • Muscle loss
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • Dehydration 

A safer and more sustainable pace of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. Consult your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for individualized recommendations.

The Bottom Line

The diet plan and lifestyle changes mentioned here may help you lose 7 pounds in 7 days. However, you should remember that most of the weight you’ll lose is water mass and you’ll most likely regain it as soon as you resume your normal eating habits.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

BetterMe, its content staff, and its medical advisors accept no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, misstatements, inconsistencies, or omissions and specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk, personal, professional or otherwise, which may be incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and/or application of any content.

You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your specific situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of BetterMe content. If you suspect or think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.


  1.  18 Tips To Know If You’re Trying To Lose 15 Pounds ( 2023,
  2. A low-carbohydrate diet is more effective in reducing body weight than healthy eating in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects (2007,
  3.  Calorie counting made easy (2008,
  4. Calorie Deficit Calculator (
  5. Calorie restriction and fasting diets: What do we know? (2018, 
  6. Effects of strength or aerobic training on body composition, resting metabolic rate, and peak oxygen consumption in obese dieting subjects (1997,
  7.  Fasting for weight loss: an effective strategy or latest dieting trend? (2015,
  8. Glycogen storage: illusions of easy weight loss, excessive weight regain, and distortions in estimates of body composition (1992,
  9. High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss (2010,
  10. How to naturally lose weight fast (2018,
  11. How to safely and effectively create a calorie deficit for weight loss (2020,
  12. Insulin’s impact on renal sodium transport and blood pressure in health, obesity, and diabetes (2007,
  13. Nonexercise activity thermogenesis in obesity management (2015,
  14. Rapid Weight Loss? Not So Fast! (2014,
  15. Rapid Weight Loss vs. Slow Weight Loss (2017, 
  16. Resistance training conserves fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure following weight loss (2008,
  17. Sauces, spices, and condiments: definitions, potential benefits, consumption patterns, and global markets (2016,
  18. The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance (2015,
  19. Trying again (and again): Weight cycling and depressive symptoms in U.S. adults (2020, 
  20. Understanding and addressing the epidemic of obesity: an energy balance perspective (2006,
  21. Water Fasting Is Almost Always a Really Bad Idea (2023, 
  22.  What are ultra-processed foods and are they bad for our health? (2020,
  23. Where Does Fat Go When You Lose Weight? (2020, 
  24. Why You Shouldn’t Focus on Losing Weight in Just 1 Week ( 2023, 
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