Blog Diets Fasting Intermittent Fasting for Menopause: Managing Symptoms Through Strategic Eating

Intermittent Fasting for Menopause: Managing Symptoms Through Strategic Eating

Intermittent fasting is a way of eating that can help women who are going through menopause. During this time, hormonal changes can cause issues such as weight gain and mood swings. 

There is no single specific reason for this. It is believed that this weight gain results from multiple factors such as the decrease of body mass with age, which can lead to an increased sedentary lifestyle and sleep disturbance. (18)  

By trying the intermittent fasting approach, women who are going through menopause may find relief from their symptoms and feel better overall. Remember, it’s important to talk to a doctor before you make any big changes to your diet.

What Is the Best Way for a Menopausal Woman to Lose Weight?

For menopausal women who are looking to lose weight, a multifaceted approach incorporating diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes is often the most effective. (3) It’s known that a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories will result in weight loss of 1 lb. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

1. Balanced Diet

Focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Consume foods that are high in fiber to help control blood sugar levels and encourage fullness. Eat lots of fruits, as there are various benefits of fruit fasting. Refined carbs, sugary snacks, and processed foods should all be avoided. 

2. Portion Control and Intermittent Fasting 

As the body may metabolize calories differently during menopause due to metabolic changes, you should pay attention to portion sizes in order to prevent overindulging. (5) Measure your portions, use smaller plates, and be aware of your body’s signals of hunger and fullness. You can also consider practicing intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 or 5:2 methods, under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Intermittent fasting for menopause can help with hormone regulation, enhance metabolic health, and help with weight loss.

3. Regular Exercise:

Combine aerobic, strength-training, and flexibility workouts to support muscle maintenance, weight loss, and general health. You should aim for two or more days of muscle-strengthening activities each week in addition to at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.

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4. Stress Management

Prolonged stress can hinder weight loss efforts and contribute to weight gain. To encourage relaxation and overall well-being, try stress-relieving activities such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, or spending time in nature.

5. Sleep Hygiene

Prioritize quality sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours per night. Poor sleep can disrupt hormone levels, increase appetite, and hinder weight loss efforts. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimize your sleep environment for restful sleep. (1)

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Is Intermittent Fasting Good for Menopause?

Navigating the challenges of menopause often involves exploring various lifestyle adjustments, and intermittent fasting has emerged as a promising strategy for women during this transitional phase. (9) Here’s a closer look at why intermittent fasting can be advantageous for menopause:

  1. Hormonal Balance: The potential to control hormone levels, particularly those of insulin and leptin, which are important for metabolic regulation, has been demonstrated by intermittent fasting. (12) Intermittent fasting for menopause may provide women with relief from these bothersome symptoms and an enhanced quality of life by supporting hormonal balance.  
  2. Metabolic Support: Women who are healthy and not obese experience a decrease in carbohydrate tolerance as insulin resistance increases post-menopause, contributing to weight gain and other metabolic issues (19). Intermittent fasting can enhance insulin sensitivity, which allows cells to better respond to insulin and effectively manage blood sugar levels. This metabolic support can mitigate weight gain and reduce the risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, which are more prevalent in menopausal women. 
  3. Weight Management: Weight gain is a major problem during menopause, which can be due to hormonal and metabolic changes. Intermittent fasting is a realistic technique for weight management that restricts the eating window, reducing overall calorie consumption. (6) Some of the benefits of intermittent fasting include fat reduction while preserving muscle mass, which allows for long-term weight loss and improved body composition (20).
  4. Enhanced Well-Being: In addition to physical benefits, intermittent fasting has been shown to improve mental clarity, energy levels, and mood stability. Many women have reported feeling more focused and invigorated after practicing intermittent fasting, which can be particularly helpful during the cognitive and emotional struggles of menopause.
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While menopause intermittent fasting has shown promise for women, it’s essential to approach this dietary approach with caution and individual considerations. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider before you start intermittent fasting, particularly if you have underlying health conditions or specific dietary requirements. With proper guidance, intermittent fasting can be a valuable tool for managing menopausal symptoms and promoting overall health and vitality.

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Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Menopause

Intermittent fasting and menopause intersect as a promising approach for managing symptoms and promoting well-being during this phase in a woman’s life. As hormonal fluctuations and metabolic changes characterize menopause, intermittent fasting offers a dietary strategy to address these challenges. (16) Here are a few benefits of intermittent fasting for menopause: 

  1. Hormonal Regulation: Insulin and leptin, two hormones that are essential for metabolism and fat storage, can be controlled with intermittent fasting. Menopausal symptoms, including mood swings and hot flashes, may be reduced by this hormonal balance.
  2. Weight Management: Menopause often brings about weight gain due to hormonal changes and metabolic shifts. Intermittent fasting for menopause weight gain promotes fat loss, reduces calorie intake, and improves metabolic health.
  3. Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Menopause is linked to an increase in insulin resistance, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic problems. By improving insulin sensitivity, intermittent fasting enables cells to make better use of glucose and control blood sugar levels. (14)

Intermittent Fasting for Menopause  

  1. Enhanced Metabolic Health: If you’re wondering, “Does fasting slow metabolism?” the answer is yes. Intermittent fasting can support overall metabolic health by promoting fat-burning, preserving muscle mass, and reducing inflammation. These metabolic improvements contribute to better energy levels, mood stability, and overall well-being during menopause.
  2. Potential Longevity Benefits: Some research has suggested that intermittent fasting may extend lifespan and improve markers of longevity, such as cellular repair mechanisms and oxidative stress resistance. While more studies are required in menopausal populations, these potential longevity benefits are promising.
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Generally, intermittent fasting for menopause offers women a holistic approach to managing symptoms, promoting weight loss, and enhancing metabolic health. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before you start any new dietary regimen, particularly during menopause, to ensure it’s safe and suitable for individual needs.

What Are the Options for Intermittent Fasting During Menopause?

Identifying the best intermittent fasting for menopause involves considering factors such as hormonal balance, metabolic support, and overall well-being. While various intermittent fasting methods exist, the key is to understand the concept of calorie deficit and the various fasting methods available today. 

In simple terms, a calorie deficit means you eat fewer calories than you burn. People use the calorie deficit method to lose weight and maintain weight loss. (20) When it comes to the different types of fasting menopausal women can consider, the following should be considered (21): 

Intermittent Fasting Methods

Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. Common methods include:

16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window.

5:2 Diet: Eat normally for five days and restrict calorie intake to 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days.

Eat-Stop-Eat: Fast for 24 hours once or twice a week.

Alternate-Day Fasting: This involves alternating between days of regular eating and days of fasting or consuming very few calories (about 500 calories).

Time-Restricted Eating

Time-restricted eating limits the daily eating window, such as only eating within a 10-hour window and fasting for the remaining 14 hours.

Partial Fasting

Partial fasting involves restricting certain types of foods or drinks rather than abstaining from all food. 

Each type of fasting has its benefits and risks, and it’s important to choose a method that suits your health, lifestyle, and goals. Consulting a healthcare professional before you start any fasting regimen is advisable, especially for extended or strict fasting types.

It must be highlighted that caloric deficit is what causes weight loss, while intermittent fasting is a means to provide a caloric deficit. Over-restrictions can also end up being harmful and some studies have proven that such a tendency often leads to over-indulgence. It’s important to stick to a healthy, balanced diet and be mindful of portion size when attempting weight loss. 

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What Is a Good Intermittent Fasting Method to Consider? 

One of the popular methods to consider is the 5:2 method (15). Here’s why: 

1. Hormonal Balance

The 5:2 technique involves eating regularly five days a week and cutting your calorie consumption significantly to approximately 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days. This technique stabilizes hormonal fluctuations, which may reduce menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and mood swings.

2. Metabolic Support

The 5:2 approach can increase insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility by adding two days of calorie restriction. These metabolic advantages may contribute to improved general health by reducing weight gain and metabolic alterations that are frequently linked to menopause (13). This is also a great method of intermittent fasting for menopause belly

3. Sustainable Adherence

The 5:2 method offers flexibility and variety in dietary choices, which makes it easier for menopausal women to adhere to in the long term. People can benefit from intermittent fasting while still being able to enjoy normal meals and social events with just two days of calorie restriction per week.

4. Weight Management

Research has shown that the 5:2 approach can result in notable decreases in body weight and fat mass, namely in the abdomen area. Intermittent fasting for menopause weight gain can help women maintain a healthy body composition and lower their chances of developing obesity-related diseases by targeting weight management. (11)

While the 5:2 method may be an effective intermittent fasting strategy for menopause, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before embarking on any new dietary regimen. Individual health needs and preferences should be considered to ensure a safe and sustainable approach to intermittent fasting during menopause.

Intermittent Fasting for Menopause  

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for Menopausal Women?

Intermittent fasting for menopause can be safe for women, but it’s important to approach it with caution and consideration of individual health needs. (4) While many women experience benefits from intermittent fasting, such as weight management and improved metabolic health, certain factors must be considered:

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1. Hormonal Changes

Significant hormonal changes that are linked to menopause may have an impact on how the body reacts to fasting. Menopausal women should regularly evaluate their symptoms and modify their fasting schedule as required. 

2. Nutritional Needs

Menopausal women have specific nutritional requirements to support bone health, heart health, and overall well-being. It’s important to ensure that intermittent fasting doesn’t compromise the intake of essential nutrients during this stage of life. (17)

3. Existing Health Conditions

Before starting intermittent fasting, women with underlying medical issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or eating disorders should consult their doctors. Fasting may make pre-existing medical conditions worse or interact negatively with some medications.

4. Individual Tolerance

Intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone. Some women may find adhering to fasting schedules challenging or experience adverse effects such as fatigue, irritability, or disruptions to their menstrual cycles.

Before initiating intermittent fasting, menopausal women should consult a healthcare provider to assess their overall health status, discuss any potential risks, and develop a personalized fasting plan. In addition, listening to the body’s cues and making adjustments as needed is essential for ensuring a safe and sustainable fasting experience during menopause.

Read more: Intermittent Fasting and Running: A Winning Combination or a Terrible Mistake?

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  • How can I lose 20 pounds after menopause?

In addition to exercising regularly and having a good sleep schedule, losing 20 pounds after menopause can be helped by incorporating intermittent fasting into your routine. (7) Intermittent fasting for menopause involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting and has shown promise in promoting weight loss, particularly in menopausal women. 

One popular method is the 16/8 approach, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window each day. This method can help regulate hormones, improve metabolic health, and facilitate fat loss. (2) In addition, intermittent fasting may enhance insulin sensitivity, which makes it easier to manage blood sugar levels. This can be beneficial during menopause when insulin resistance tends to increase.

Integrating intermittent fasting with a balanced diet and regular exercise can optimize weight loss results after menopause. The Mediterranean diet and intermittent fasting present a dynamic approach for menopausal women who want to improve their health and manage their weight. 

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes whole, nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and olive oil, promoting heart health and overall well-being. When this diet is combined with intermittent fasting, women can harness the metabolic benefits of fasting while enjoying the diverse flavors and health benefits of Mediterranean cuisine. (8) This synergistic approach supports weight management and enhances metabolic health and overall vitality during the menopausal transition and beyond.

  • When is the best time to start intermittent fasting during menopause?

The best time to start intermittent fasting for menopause is when you feel ready and motivated to make dietary changes. There isn’t a universal solution as everyone has different experiences and tastes. Some women may find it helpful to start intermittent fasting to help control symptoms such as weight gain and hormone changes early in the menopausal transition (10), while some may opt to introduce a new eating pattern later when they’ve had time to adjust to the changes brought on by menopause.

It’s important to consider your current health status, lifestyle, and any existing dietary habits when deciding to start intermittent fasting. Consulting a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance and help you determine if intermittent fasting is suitable for you, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking any medication. Ultimately, the key is to listen to your body, make informed choices, and approach intermittent fasting with patience and consistency to achieve long-term success during menopause.

The Bottom Line 

As we’ve explained in this article, intermittent fasting for menopause is a type of eating schedule that can help women who are going through menopause. As hormonal changes can cause weight gain and mood swings during this time, it’s advisable to be cautious with a diet to ease this phase in a woman’s life. With intermittent fasting, you alternate between eating and fasting. This method has been proven to help balance hormones, improve how your body handles sugar, and help with weight loss. 

By trying this plan, menopausal women may find relief from their symptoms and feel better overall. However, it’s important to talk to a doctor before you make any big changes to your diet.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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  1. 6 Ways Sleep May Help You Lose Weight (Healthline)
  2. 16/8 Intermittent Fasting: Meal Plan, Benefits And Side Effects (ForbesHealth, 2023)
  3. Best ways to lose weight during menopause (Medical News Today)
  4. Can Intermittent fasting help women during menopause (Health & Her)
  5. Davina McCall says portion restriction is ‘essential’ for reducing menopausal belly (The Economic Times)
  6. How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight (Healthline)
  7. How to Lose Weight Around Menopause (and Keep It Off) (Healthline)
  8. Intermittent Fasting and the Mediterranean Diet – A Match Made in Health Heaven (ModifyHealth)
  9. Intermittent Fasting During Menopause: What Do You Need to Know? (Australian Menopause Centre) 
  10. Intermittent Fasting for Menopause: What You Need to Know to Before You Start (Dr.Brighten, 2023)
  11. Menopause and Intermittent Fasting – Plus 5 Tips for Doing It Right (Midday)
  12. New data on how intermittent fasting affects female hormones (UIC Today, 2022)
  13. The Beginner’s Guide to the 5:2 Diet (Healthline) 
  14. Effect of Intermittent Fasting Diet on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Insulin Resistance (National Library of Medicine, 2022)
  15. Weight loss: Why 5:2 Intermittent fasting is the best for perimenopausal women to shed kilos (Times of India, 2022)
  16. What Midlife Women Should Know About Intermittent Fasting (Everyday Health, 2023)
  17. What to Know About Intermittent Fasting for Women After 50 (WebMD, 2021)
  18. Depressive Symptoms and Weight in Midlife Women (2017,
  19. Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and menopause (2023,
  20. Fat loss depends on energy deficit only, independently of the method for weight loss (2007, 
  21. A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Fasting (2023,
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