Blog Fitness Workouts Calisthenics Calisthenics for women Calisthenics for Calves: Will You Grow Calves By Doing It? 

Calisthenics for Calves: Will You Grow Calves By Doing It? 

Calisthenics Workout Plan For Mass

Your calves are essential because they support you when you stand and also enable you to move your foot and lower leg. They push you forward when you walk or run, allowing you to jump, rotate your ankle, flex your foot, and “lock” your knee (1).

The stronger your calves are, the greater your ability to balance and stabilize your body. With greater balance and stability,  you can lower your risk of falls or injuries. Strengthening your calves seems like a win-to-win situation. But is that the only reason why people are striving to gain bigger calves? 
Let’s face it, many of us desire to gain stronger and bigger calves for aesthetics. Often when we see people with well-defined calves the first thought that pops into our minds is “Wow, this person must be working out”. 

Here comes a logical question – How can I grow my calves? The answer will please you as your body weight is the vital equipment for getting “tree trunks”. Here is where calisthenics come into view – a top-notch full-body training that engages your calf muscles, helping them shape up better through time. 

Calisthenics for calves: will you grow calves by doing it? Spoiler alert: yes, you surely can. For that, you will need time, effective exercises, and consistency. 

Can you grow calves with calisthenics?

Yes, you can grow calves with calisthenics. The best thing about it is that calisthenics can help beginners or advanced practitioners reach their fitness goals without leaving their homes. 

This means that doing a 30-Day Leg Challenge at home can help you attain measurable calf growth over time. 

Be aware that growing calves will take more time than some other muscles and hoping for fast-paced results could discourage you if you are hyper fixated on their appearance. 

We have collected four vital tips on growing calves with calisthenics. Please look over them before jumping right into the exercises:

Get Enough Volume

A 2018 systematic review suggests that in your resistance training you should put enough effort to induce muscle growth (3). Therefore, your calf training should be challenging from the start of the program to the end of it. Ideally, you will want to progress over time and continue to push yourself with each workout. .

For instance, you can either engage in a higher-intensity exercise with a relatively low rep range and training volume or you can use a moderately intense exercise with high rep range and a high training volume.

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Bodyweight training can limit the calf training intensity, due to the calf’s involvement in many different strength training exercises. That said, it’s important to adjust other protocols such as training volume and the order that you complete exercises.

To gain strength in the calves using just your bodyweight, it is recommended to come close to failure while performing the exercise. Progressive overload is one of the main contributors to hypertrophy (muscle size increase). In order to complete progressive overloading, you will need to increase the weight of an exercise over time. But for body weight training it is difficult to progressively overload this form of exercise because your body’s weight is the external load. By training close to failure you will be ensuring that you are getting the most out of the movement. 

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Get a Slower Tempo

Slower movement needs a longer time under tension and that you perform the exercise properly. Your calf muscles will be stimulated for an extended period. This enhances the possibility for growth. Of course, listen to your body and take  breaks between your training. 

The proper rest is good for alleviating muscle pain and soreness, repairing and building muscles, and preventing injury (4). 

Take Advantage of Proper Exercises With Good Execution

Surely, no matter how efficient the exercise is, you should strive for progressions that suit your goals and capabilities. 

Additionally, remember that following the correct technique is needed, to minimize the risk of injury. 

Executing movements in proper form is the safest way to achieve your calf-growing goals. 

Keep Going

Those who lack patience and hope for speedy results, typically fail. You need to understand that muscle growth takes time and that calf muscles can be stubborn to grow. Ideally, you will need to keep your training as consistent as possible. 

By the way, if you work at your desk or watch a movie on the couch, there is enough additional space for you to perform quick calf-based movements. Calf raises are possible to be performed even in the sitting positions. Why not tackle your free time with beneficial movements?  calisthenics for calves

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What exercise works calves the most?

Calisthenics for calves attracts many people for its accessibility and possibility to modify exercises to certain fitness levels. 

However, if you’re wondering about one of the best exercises for your calves, then the arguably most popular exercise  here is calf raises. 

The calf raise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the muscle groups in your lower legs. Calf raises help you:

  • strengthen your  calf muscles
  • promote ankle stability and mobility
  • increase explosive power

How to perform calf raises in proper form?

Execution process

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. Keep your shoulders directly over your hips with a neutral head and neck position.
  2. Point your feet forward evenly distributing your weight between your both legs. 
  3. Place your hands on a surface in front of you. If you’d like to make it more challenging, you can place your hands on your hips or even try to  hold dumbbells by the sides of your legs. 
  4. On the tips of your toes, you will want to squeeze your calves, and extend your head towards the ceiling, allowing your heels to leave the ground. Pause for a few seconds at the top of the movement.
  5. Slowly lower to the starting position, getting your heels to contact the floor. Pause briefly before beginning another repetition.

In case of a pre-existing health condition, consult your physician before beginning an exercise program. Proper exercise technique is vital for the safety and effectiveness of an exercise program. If you’re using weight, always select the loads that allow you to have full control of your body throughout the movement. 

Read more: The Simplest Lower Back Calisthenics Guide for Beginners

How to get more aesthetic calves?

Getting more aesthetic calves requires the execution of calf-based exercises. One option would be to try out a 30 Day Calf Challenge – great timing, through which you could see  results. 

If you’re swamped with obligations having no clue which exercises to use for your goals, no worries we got you covered with these five calisthenics exercises for calves that you can do at home. 

You’re free to use extra loads. Yet, beginners should start with free-load calf exercises to hone the proper form and technique. 

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Exercise #1 Single-Leg Calf Raise

How to do: 

  1. Position your heels  and toes on a calf block or elevate  with your arches and heels extending off the edge. 
  2. Grab onto something for balance with your left hand, straighten your back, and bend your right leg.
  3. Inhale, with your weight on the tips of your toes, you will then want to exhale while pushing through your left foot by engaging your calf. Elevate yourself as high as you can. At the top of this movement, your calf will be flexed and you will remain on the tips of your toes.
  4. Hold the position for a second at the top and while inhaling, slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. .
  5. Go down as much as you can. Keep repeating.
  6. Once you’re finished with one leg, switch to another leg. 

Exercise #2 Walking Calf Raises

How to do: 

  1. Start in an athletic stance, with your head up, chest up, and a slight bend in your knees 
  2. Step with the right  foot forward and have your heels make contact with the ground first. 
  3. While the left knee drives up, like a high march, you will then shift your weight in your right heel to the right tip of your toes.   
  4. The top of this movement will have the left leg raised and the right toes on their tips. 
  5. Next, repeat this with the opposite leg. Taking a step with the left leg first and then driving your right knee up to the sky. 
  6. Repeat with the opposite leg as you continue to walk forward.

calisthenics for calves

Exercise # 3 Deep Squat Calf Raises

How to do: 

  1. Stand tall with your arms crossed over your chest. Bend your knees to lower towards the ground to about 90 degrees. 
  2. Keep your head up, back straight, and your core strong. 
  3. Once in the squat position, pause for one second at the bottom and then push back up using the tips of your toes. 
  4. On the upward movement, push up to the tip of your  toes of both feet to involve the calf muscles. 
  5. Hold for a second at the top, reset to your starting position, and repeat. 

Exercise #4 Jumping Calf Raises

How to do:

  1. Stand straight with your hands on both sides. 
  2. Keep your core tight and back straight.
  3. Forcefully press off the ground with the tips of your toes for both feet .
  4. Launch into the air and softly land back down. Making contact with your tip toes first and then the  balls of your feet. 
  5. This is ideally a repeated motion that leaves the tension in the calf muscles, and not the quadriceps. The less time spent on the balls of your feet will allow you to spring back up for another jump rapidly.
  6. Repeat as many times as you can. 
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Exercise #5 Sitting Calf Raises

You can do this exercise both at the gym or at home. Compared to other exercises, this one seems less challenging, yet will still work to strengthen your calves. 


  1. Sit on a sturdy chair/bench with your feet pressed on the floor. 
  2. Avoid your knees turning in and out. 
  3. Lean a bit forward and place your hands on your thighs near your knees
  4. Slowly press down into the tips of your toes  to raise your heels  as high as you can while still making contact with the floor with your tip toes
  5. Slowly lower your heels and repeat. 

If you feel any pain while doing one of the exercises, either try to modify it by using support from a wall or table in front of you. When you are on the tips of your toes, it can be difficult to keep your balance so by using an external surface, you can help to stay stabilized. But if you are feeling any pain during these movements, stop the exercise and take a break.  Also, people who use weights should make sure they’ve mastered the body weight portions of this exercise before adding external loads. Ideally, you will want to use a weight that works for you. A weight that does not compromise your form is going to be the best option for these exercises. 

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How do I get really muscular calves?

If you’re dreaming of muscular calves, you should engage in effective calf workouts with the correct form, progress with repetitions, and add weights through time. 

On top of these exercises, there are many sports will help you strengthen and tone your calves:

  • running sports (soccer, basketball, tennis – they demand you to jump and push off your calf muscles)
  • running, walking, and hiking – excellent strength-building exercises, especially when going uphill. The steeper the climb the more calves you should work. 
  • swimming – since it’s low-impact, it’s also a safe way to strengthen calves if you’re recovering from injury. 
  • step class and dance classes – they will train your calves every time you step up and down (2).
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Additionally, increase your load on the muscle gradually. One of the areas to be cautious with is your Achilles tendon. This is involved in all calf motions and can sometimes rupture during certain movements. Building strength in your calves can help reduce the likelihood of injury for this tendon, but there is no exercise that will completely prevent a tear or rupture from ever occurring.     calisthenics for calves

Can you grow calves without weights?

There is a general misconception that growing bigger calves is impossible at home without weight. In fact, it’s not true. 

You can enhance the looks of your calves by doing free-weight exercises. By the way, sprinting, uphill walking, and jumping ropes also tone and strengthen your calves. 

Toned legs and strong calves do not always require weights and special equipment. Your body weight and challenging activities performed against resistance can help to build this strength. 

Therefore, growing calves without weights is possible. Consistent training and progression can help you with that. 

Read more: Calisthenics Shoulder Exercises: Techniques and Workouts


  • Do calves need high reps?

Depending on the goals of your training, your calves tend to need higher reps to develop strength and help increase range of motion in your lower body. The better the form of the  repetitions you make, the better results you will achieve. 

  • Do calf raises without weights work?

Yes, calf raises work perfectly fine with or without weights. Calisthenics exercises that target the calves can be a great tool for gaining strength in the gastrocnemius – the largest muscle in the calf. 

  • Do athletes train calves?

Yes, athletes train calves since these muscle groups are essential. Strong calves are beneficial not only for them but people who engage in daily activities, like walking, running, or simply standing. Plus, well-trained calves are beneficial for any sport, starting from football to running long distances. 

  • Can you just train calves?

It’s possible to train calves by performing versatile exercises that focus primarily on your calf muscles.  Calf raises, specifically, can be executed both in the seated or standing position and modified to different fitness skills. This can be done as an isolation exercise where you are using one leg at a time. This will promote muscle balance between both of your legs. 

The Bottom Line 

Calisthenics for calves: will you grow your calves by doing it? 

This time we’ve talked about multiple calf strengthening  exercises for home calisthenics workouts. Beginners can perform them with or without weights. 

One of the best exercises for your calves is arguably calf raises – accessible to a majority of people at any time. Surely, toned and well-defined calves require consistent training, increasing  repetitions over time and ensuring proper form is used. . 

Aside from exercises, other activities, such as running sports, walking, hiking, dancing classes, or swimming are all great ways to build strength in the calves. 

In case of a pre-existing health condition, consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. Proper exercise technique is vital for the safety and effectiveness of an exercise program. If you’re using weight, always select the loads that allow you to have full control of your body throughout the movement. 


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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  1. Calf Muscle (2023,
  2. Calf-Strengthening Exercises (2023,
  3. Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men (2018,
  4. When and how to spend a rest day (2021,
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