Blog Diets Which Is the Best Liquid Diet for Weight Loss?

Which Is the Best Liquid Diet for Weight Loss?

There’s a popular saying that states: “abs are made in the kitchen”.

This implies that what and how much we eat plays a major role in whether we lose weight, how fast we lose it, and whether we keep it off.

It’s no surprise that so many weight loss diets exist, each one promising quick, easy, and long-lasting results.

But one type of diet that has gained popularity in recent years is the liquid diet.

A liquid diet involves consuming primarily liquids, such as juices, smoothies, shakes, soups, and even meal replacement drinks. Some liquid diets may also include solid foods in limited amounts, while others may consist of solely liquids for a certain period of time.

Liquid diets are often marketed as a quick and easy way to lose weight.

Proponents claim that by replacing solid foods with liquids, you can consume fewer calories while still feeling full. This can lead to weight loss as your body burns fat for energy.

You may be wondering whether liquid diets are all they’re cracked up to be. Do they truly help with weight loss? And if so, which liquid diet is the best for achieving your weight loss goals?

Here’s what you need to know.

Can You Lose Weight on a Liquid-Only Diet?

You can lose weight on a liquid-only diet, provided you consume fewer calories than your body needs.

This calorie deficit should lead to weight loss, regardless of whether it’s from solid foods or liquids (1).

However, there are some factors to remember when considering a liquid-only diet for weight loss.

Liquid Diets May Be Excessively Restrictive

Liquid diets are often very restrictive, allowing for only a limited variety of foods. This may lead to feelings of deprivation and frustration. It’s challenging to stick to a diet that doesn’t offer much in terms of variety or flexibility.

There’s a mental aspect to weight loss too. Restrictive diets may lead to binge eating or feelings of guilt and failure if you stray from the prescribed plan.

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Liquid Diets May Not Provide Enough Calories

Yes, calorie restriction is an effective way to lose weight, but consuming too few calories can also be detrimental to your health (2).

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Liquid diets can severely limit your caloric intake, some to as little as 500 calories per day, and most adults need much more than that for proper nutrition and energy.

If you don’t get enough calories, your metabolism may slow down to conserve energy (2). This can make losing weight more difficult in the long term.

You may also experience some unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia

Liquid Diets Don’t Teach Healthy Eating Habits

One of the key factors in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is developing healthy eating habits.

Liquid diets don’t typically teach these habits, as they often involve replacing meals with pre-packaged or processed liquids.

Once you resume regular eating after completing a liquid diet, you may not have learned how to make nutritious food choices or properly portion your meals.

Furthermore, liquid diets don’t address the psychological and emotional aspects of eating. It’s essential to develop a healthy relationship with food in order to maintain long-term weight loss. best liquid diet for weight loss

Liquid Diets May Not Provide Adequate Nutrition

While some liquid diets may include nutrient-dense liquids such as green juices or smoothies, others may rely on meal replacement shakes. Either way, these drinks don’t offer all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

Consuming only liquids can lead to deficiencies in fiber and protein, which are important for overall health and weight loss. They also tend not to provide sufficient carbohydrates, healthy fats, and certain vitamins and minerals.

Depending on how long you follow a liquid diet, you may also be at risk for deficiencies in other nutrients, such as iron, calcium, and vitamin D.

Liquid Diets Aren’t Suitable for Everyone

Liquid diets may not be suitable for everyone, including those with certain medical conditions or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Those with a history of disordered eating may also be at risk of triggering disordered eating behaviors while on a liquid diet.

Read more: 7 Liquids To Drink While Fasting that Won’t Bring You Out of Ketosis

What Is the Best Liquid Diet for Weight Loss?

If you’re considering a liquid diet for weight loss, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before starting.

They can help you determine if a liquid diet is appropriate for you and provide guidance on how to follow it safely and effectively.

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Here are three of the most popular liquid diets that people sometimes use to aid weight loss:

1. The Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet, has been around since the 1940s, but it gained popularity in recent years thanks to celebrities promoting its use for rapid weight loss.

The diet involves consuming a lemonade-like beverage made with water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper for 3-10 days.

During this time, no solid foods are allowed, and the drink is consumed whenever hunger strikes.

While some people have reported weight loss on this diet, it’s not sustainable in the long term due to its restrictive nature and lack of essential nutrients.

2. Juice Cleanses and Detoxes

Juice cleanses involve consuming only fresh juices extracted from fruits and vegetables for a certain period of time.

These juices are often high in certain vitamins and minerals but lack protein, fiber, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and other important nutrients.

While you may lose weight initially due to calorie restriction, these diets aren’t sustainable in the long term for many reasons. They aren’t satiating, may be low in essential nutrients, and don’t provide enough energy.

They can also be quite expensive.

Our bodies are able to detoxify themselves naturally, and there is no scientific evidence to support the need for juice cleanses or detoxes.

A nutrient-dense diet and regular exercise can support your body’s natural detoxification processes without the need for a liquid-only approach. best liquid diet for weight loss

3. Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal replacement shakes involve substituting one or two meals per day with a specially formulated liquid shake.

These shakes are often high in protein and may contain fiber and other essential nutrients, which makes them a better option for weight loss compared to juice cleanses or the Master Cleanse.

They’re often higher in calories and more balanced than other liquid diets, which makes them a more sustainable approach to weight loss, but they are still unsafe to use in the long term. You should also never replace all your meals with these shakes.

If you go on this route, try to choose a high-quality meal replacement shake from a reputable brand and be wary of shakes that are high in added sugars or lack important nutrients.

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It’s also important to use meal replacement shakes as part of a well-rounded diet that includes whole foods and regular physical activity. Habitual healthy eating and lifestyle choices are the keys to achieving long-term weight loss success.

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4. Medically Prescribed Liquid Diets

Medically prescribed liquid diets are primarily designed for specific health conditions and should generally only be followed under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

These diets are often used for managing medical issues such as obesity and gastrointestinal disorders or during recovery from surgery when solid food intake needs to be restricted.

Unlike typical liquid diets, medically prescribed options are formulated to provide balanced nutrition, incorporating essential vitamins and minerals to ensure patients meet their dietary requirements as far as possible.

While they can be effective for short-term use and may help with weight loss or nutritional recovery, it’s important to monitor their implementation closely and prepare for the eventual transition back to solid foods, ensuring you can maintain healthy eating habits in the long term.

Find more ideas in our Liquid Diet Ideas blog.

How to Properly Do a Liquid Diet

To properly do a liquid diet, you must first get the green light from your healthcare provider. They can help you determine if a liquid diet is appropriate for your health needs and provide guidance on following it safely.

Follow these tips to ensure proper adherence and avoid potential complications:

  • Choose high-quality liquids that are rich in essential nutrients, such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Consider adding small amounts of solid foods that are easy to digest, such as smoothies with fruits or vegetables blended in (if not contraindicated for medical reasons).
  • Avoid consuming only one type of liquid (e.g. juice or shakes) as this may lead to nutrient deficiencies.
  • Monitor your blood sugar levels closely if you have diabetes or other medical conditions or are taking medications that can be affected by food intake.
  • Listen to your body and stop the liquid diet if you experience any adverse side effects or discomfort.
  • Gradually transition back to solid foods after completing the liquid diet, starting with easily digestible options such as soups and pureed foods.
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It’s also essential to have a plan for maintaining healthy eating habits after you’ve completed a liquid diet. Incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods into your diet, practicing portion control, and engaging in regular physical activity are all key factors for long-term weight loss success. best liquid diet for weight loss

How Do You Satisfy Hunger on a Liquid Diet?

Ensuring you’re consuming enough calories for your body’s needs is important on any diet, including a liquid one. Here are some tips for satisfying your hunger while on a liquid diet:

  • Choose liquids with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to help keep you full (3).
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can often be mistaken for hunger.
  • Consider adding small amounts of easily digestible solid foods such as pureed fruits or vegetables to your liquids (if not contraindicated for medical reasons).
  • Engage in light physical activity if approved by your healthcare provider. Exercise can help suppress appetite.
  • Listen to your body and stop the liquid diet if you feel overly hungry or experience any adverse side effects.

Remember, a liquid diet shouldn’t be followed for an extended period of time and should always be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider. It’s important to prioritize proper nutrition and listen to your body’s needs while on this type of diet. 

Feeling hungry is natural and normal, but if it becomes too uncomfortable or intense, consult your healthcare provider for advice on how to adjust your liquid diet plan.

What Is the Most Filling Thing on a Liquid Diet?

The most filling thing on a liquid diet will vary for each individual, as personal preferences and nutritional needs are important factors to consider. However, some options that may help keep you feeling satisfied on a liquid diet include:

  • High-protein shakes or smoothies with added fruits and vegetables.
  • Broths or soups made with pureed vegetables and protein sources such as chicken or beans.
  • Smoothie bowls topped with nuts, seeds, and other toppings for added texture and satiation (if not contraindicated for medical reasons).
  • Meal replacement shakes formulated with balanced nutrition and essential nutrients.
  • Pureed vegetable soups or stews with a source of protein added.
  • Homemade smoothies with Greek yogurt, nut butter, and fruits for a balanced blend of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
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We’ve discussed a comprehensive liquid diet plan in our 14-Day Liquid Diet Weight Loss Results blog.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on a Liquid Diet for 3 Days?

You may lose a few pounds on a liquid diet for 3 days, but this weight loss is likely to be temporary and mostly due to water weight.

The amount of weight you can lose on a liquid diet will vary depending on your starting weight, calorie intake, physical activity level, and individual metabolism.

It’s important to keep in mind that crash diets or extreme calorie restrictions aren’t sustainable or healthy for long-term weight loss. The most successful approach to achieving sustainable weight loss is through balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and healthy lifestyle habits.

Read more: Do 5-Day Liquid Diets Work? Everything You Need To Know About This Viral Fitness Strategy

How Long Can Someone Safely Be on a Full-Liquid Diet?

Your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate length of time for you to be on a full-liquid diet based on your individual health needs.

Typically, medically-prescribed full-liquid diets are used for a short period, such as a few days to a week.

It’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations and transition back to solid foods under their guidance to ensure you get proper nutrition and avoid any potential complications.

Long-term use of a full-liquid diet is not recommended without medical supervision, as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health issues. best liquid diet for weight loss


  • Does a liquid diet clean you out?

A liquid diet may have side effects such as diarrhea or loose stools, which may give the impression of “cleaning you out”. The truth is, our bodies have their own natural way of eliminating waste, and a liquid diet alone is not enough to effectively clean the digestive system.

A more sustainable approach to supporting gut health is by incorporating a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods into your diet and staying hydrated (4). Exercise and stress management techniques can also play a role in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

  • Is a 7-day liquid diet healthy?

Consuming only liquids for seven days isn’t a healthy or sustainable approach to weight loss. While it may result in short-term weight loss, it can also lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health issues.

It’s important to prioritize balanced nutrition and listen to your body’s needs when considering any type of diet plan. The best approach for long-term health is through a well-rounded diet that consists of whole, nutrient-dense foods and regular physical activity (5).  

So while a liquid diet may be helpful for short-term medical reasons, it shouldn’t be considered as a long-term solution for overall health.

  • Do you still poop when on a liquid diet?

Constipation is a common side effect of a liquid diet, as it lacks the fiber and bulk that solid foods provide for regular bowel movements. If this is a concern, incorporating small amounts of easily digestible solid foods or fiber supplements may help regulate bowel movements while you’re on a liquid diet. Talk to your healthcare provider about this if you’re on a liquid diet for medical reasons. 

Some liquid diets (particularly those that claim to be a “detox”) may have laxative effects, which can result in increased bowel movements.

Find a comprehensive weight loss plan in our Best Weight Loss Program article.

  • Can I eat scrambled eggs on a liquid diet?

Whether you can eat scrambled eggs on a liquid diet depends on the specific guidelines provided by your healthcare provider. In some cases, pureed or soft foods may be allowed on a full-liquid diet, and scrambled eggs can be an option for added protein.

However, it’s important to follow your provider’s recommendations and not add solid foods unless or until approved. Consuming any off-plan foods may affect your recovery or medical condition and potentially lead to adverse side effects.

If you have concerns about feeling hungry while on a liquid diet or need additional guidance on adding in solid foods, consult your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

  • Is yogurt okay on a full-liquid diet?

Yogurt is allowed on a full-liquid diet. A full-liquid diet typically includes foods that are in a liquid or semi-liquid form, and yogurt falls under this category, as long as it doesn’t have chunks of fruit or other solid additives.

The Bottom Line

While liquid diets may offer quick weight loss results, they also come with potential risks and drawbacks. Most experts recommend incorporating whole foods into your diet for sustainable and healthy weight loss.

Remember, weight loss isn’t just about the number on the scale, it’s also about developing healthy habits and a positive relationship with food. A balanced and nutritious diet, together with regular physical activity, is the key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight for your body. 

So think twice before you jump into a liquid diet as an easy fix for weight loss. It may not be the best option for your overall health and well-being. Instead, focus on making long-term lifestyle changes that will support your health and weight goals in a sustainable way. 

It’s important to consult a healthcare professional before you start any new diet, especially one that involves severe calorie restriction.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your specific situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of BetterMe content. If you suspect or think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.


  1. Calorie Deficit: What To Know (2022,
  2. Unintended consequences of dieting: How restrictive eating habits can harm your health (2023,
  3. Functional foods to promote weight loss and satiety (
  4. Elucidating the role of diet in maintaining gut health to reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular and other age-related inflammatory diseases: recent challenges and future recommendations (2024,
  5. Weight loss – a healthy approach (2024,
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