Blog Fitness Workout Plans Two Is Better Than One: Why And How To Design Effective Workout Plans For Couples

Two Is Better Than One: Why And How To Design Effective Workout Plans For Couples

Relationship experts have long extolled the virtues of tackling life’s obstacles together, and that certainly applies to fitness goals. When it comes to getting in shape, two is better than one! Working out with a partner or significant other can make exercise more fun, increase motivation levels and help you reach your goals faster. But it’s not all rainbows and sunshine when planning fitness for two – couples need to be mindful of their respective fitness levels and develop an effective workout plan that works for both of them. Furthermore, they should take into account the unique needs of each other, as well as their goals and preferences. With this in mind, how do you design an effective couples workout plan? Here’s all the information you need to get started and stay on track.


Are Couples Workouts Right For You?

The first step is to decide if couples workouts are a good fit. If you and your partner have different fitness levels, then working out together might be challenging. Likewise, if one of you has more experience or knowledge in exercise than the other, it will be difficult to create a plan that works for both of you.

However, don’t be daunted by these considerations – couples exercises can still work as long as there is good communication and both partners are willing to make adjustments. In any case, it’s important to set realistic goals and expectations so that neither partner feels overwhelmed or left behind. 

Benefits Of Exercising Together

Research shows that motivation isn’t constant. While you may start off with a bang, it’s easy to become discouraged if you don’t see results quickly. That’s where having a partner comes in handy.

With someone by your side, you can push each other to stay on track and keep going even when things get tough. That’s not the only upside to couple workouts. Below, we’ve explained in detail the other advantages that come with exercising together: 

You Get An Accountability Partner

Ever felt so lazy that all you wanted to do was just stay at home and watch Netflix? That’s when your partner can help. How will you feel when your partner is counting on you to show up for the exercise session? Guilty, right! That’s the power of accountability. When it comes to staying motivated and getting fit, having someone relying on you can be a strong motivator. 

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It’s More Fun!

Exercising with someone else makes working out fun and exciting. You can take turns planning workouts, or even come up with creative exercises together. Plus, having someone to talk to while you exercise keeps things interesting and makes time fly by. 

You Can Share Your Knowledge

If one of you is more experienced in fitness than the other, that person can share their knowledge with their partner. That way, both of you can benefit from each other’s experience and skills. 

You Can Track Your Progress

It’s easier to keep track of your progress when you have a partner. That way, both of you can celebrate your successes and adjust if something isn’t working correctly. Plus, it will be much harder to give up on a goal if there is someone else relying on you.

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workout plans for couples

Potential Downsides Of Couples Workouts

There are also some potential downsides to couples workouts, although they can be avoided with effective communication. Below, we have listed the most common ones: 

The Rate Of Progress Might Differ

If one partner is more experienced in fitness than the other, it’s possible that their progress might be faster than their partner’s. This can cause frustration and undermine motivation. To avoid this, both partners should agree on the same goals and adjust their expectations accordingly. 

One Might Feel Overwhelmed

If one partner is pushing for more difficult exercises or a higher intensity level, the other might feel overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to discuss the goals and preferences of both partners before starting a workout plan. 

Scheduling Conflicts

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a time that works for both partners. This is why it’s important to talk and make sure that the agreed-upon schedule is realistic and achievable. Otherwise, one partner will feel like they’re always making sacrifices or being left behind

Power Imbalance

If there is an unequal power dynamic between the partners, one might feel like they’re constantly giving in to the other’s needs. This could lead to resentment and eventually cause tension in the relationship. To avoid this, you’ll need to have honest conversations and make sure that both of your needs are being taken into consideration. 

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Tips For Designing An Effective Workout Plan For Couples

Now that you know the potential benefits and drawbacks of couples workouts, it’s time to learn how to design an effective workout routine. Below, we have listed some tips that will help make the process easier: 

Set Clear Goals

Before you begin a workout plan, it’s important to make sure that both partners agree on the same goals. That way, you’ll be able to measure your progress and track your results more easily. Plus, it will help prevent conflicts when one partner wants to challenge themselves more than their partner.

workout plans for couples

Be Flexible

You should also be flexible when it comes to your workout routine. Both partners might have different needs, which means it’s important for you to consider each other’s goals and adjust accordingly. In a ddition, if one of you has unexpected commitments or changes in schedule, the other should be willing to accommodate. 

Make A Schedule

It’s important to come up with a realistic and achievable schedule that works for both partners. That way, you can track your progress more easily and make sure that neither of you is missing out on workouts. Also, it will help prevent any potential conflicts or misunderstandings.

To make a schedule, you should consider both partners’ availability and the type of exercise you’ll be doing. This will help ensure that you know exactly when to work out together and when to have your separate workouts.

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Consider Both Partners’ Fitness Levels

When you’re designing a workout plan, it’s important to consider both partners’ fitness levels. Fitness is divided into three main categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

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For beginners, it’s best to start with simple exercises that will help them get comfortable with the basics. As they become more experienced, you can then add more challenging exercises to their routine.

Intermediate and advanced fitness levels require more difficult exercises and higher intensity levels.

Can partners on different levels benefit from working out together? Absolutely! A beginner can benefit from the motivation and guidance of someone more experienced, while an advanced partner can be motivated from their beginner partner’s enthusiasm (1). 

Consider Hiring A Professional

If you’re having difficulty designing your own workout plan, it may be beneficial to hire a professional. Personal trainers can help both partners come up with a routine that is tailored to their individual needs and goals. Plus, they can provide guidance and support to keep them motivated and on track

Consider Taking A Class Together

Sure, self-supervised couples workouts can be effective, but it can also be beneficial to take a class together. Being a part of a group can help foster a sense of community and accountability. With an instructor to lead the way, you won’t have to worry about designing your own routine.


Sample Strength Training Workout Routines For Couples

Now that you know how to design an effective workout plan, here are some sample routines that you can use. Remember to adjust them according to your goals and preferences

Monday – Upper Body

  • 20 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of push-ups 
  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps of pull-ups 2 sets of 12-15 reps of chest presses 
  • 2 sets of 10-12 reps of bent over rows 
  • 1 set of 30 seconds planks 

Tuesday – Lower Body

  • 20 minutes stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of squats 
  • 2 sets of 12-15 reps of lunges 
  • 2 sets of 8-10 reps of deadlifts 
  • 1 set of 30 seconds step ups 

Wednesday – Core And Cardio

  • 20 minutes stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of crunches 
  • 2 sets of 12-15 reps of Russian twists 
  • 20 minutes of jumping jacks and burpees 

Thursday – Upper Body

  • 20 minutes stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of chest presses 
  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps of bent over rows 
  • 2 sets of 12-15 reps of tricep kickbacks 
  • 1 set of 30 seconds planks 
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Friday – Lower Body And Cardio

  • 20 minutes stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of squats 
  • 2 sets of 12-15 reps of lunges  
  • 2 sets of 8-10 reps of deadlifts 
  • 30 minutes of running or cycling

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workout plans for couples

Saturday – Core And Cardio

  • 20 minutes stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps of crunches 
  • 2 sets of 12-15 reps of Russian twists 
  • 20 minutes of jumping jacks and burpees 

Sunday – Rest Day

Take a rest day to give your body time to recover. You can stretch, foam roll or take a leisurely walk in the park. With these tips and sample workout routines, you’re ready to get started on designing an effective workout plan for couples.

Sample Cardio Workout Routines For Couples

Here are some sample cardio workouts that you can do with your partner: 

Monday – HIIT

  • 20 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 30 seconds jogging 
  • 15 seconds sprinting  
  • 1 minute walking or jogging to recover  
  • Repeat this cycle 10 times 

Tuesday – Outdoor Activity

  • 20 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 30 minutes of playing a sport like tennis or basketball 
  • 15 minutes of running or jogging  

Wednesday – Interval Training

  • 20 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 5 minutes jogging  
  • 1 minute sprinting  
  • 1 minute walking or jogging to recover  
  • Repeat this cycle 8 times 

Thursday – Swimming

  • 20 minutes stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 30 minutes of swimming laps in the pool 
  • 15 minutes of water aerobics 

Friday – Outdoor Activity

  • 20 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises  
  • 30 minutes of playing a sport like soccer or frisbee 
  • 15 minutes of running or jogging 

workout plans for couples

Saturday – HIIT

  • 20 minutes of stretching and warm-up exercises 
  • 30 seconds jumping rope 
  • 15 seconds high knees  
  • 1 minute walking or jogging to recover  
  • Repeat this cycle 10 times 

Sunday – Rest Day

Take a rest day to give your body time to recover. You can stretch, foam roll or take a leisurely walk in the park.

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Other Couple Workout Ideas Worth Trying

Aside from the sample routines above, there are plenty of other exercises that couples can try out. Here are some ideas for you to explore: 

Couples Yoga

Stretch, flex, and bend your way to a healthier body with your partner through couples yoga (2). This is an excellent way to stay active and strengthen muscles without putting too much strain on the body. The best part? You can do it anywhere, anytime! We recommend finding a certified instructor to guide you and your partner through the poses correctly. 

Partner Dance Classes

Dance is one of the most underrated cardiovascular exercises, and it’s also a great way to have fun with your partner! Look for a couple of beginner dance classes near you and get ready to move your body to the beat. From salsa and hip-hop, to tango and waltz – there’s something for everyone. 

Couples Bootcamp

Bootcamp classes are a great way to challenge yourself physically and build strength. Partner up and take on rigorous physical challenges with your loved one in a supportive environment. Plus, it’s always more enjoyable to be able to cheer each other on! Fair warning—you’ll need a lot of stamina to survive a bootcamp session. 

Hiking Or Trekking

Head out into the great outdoors with your partner for some fresh air and exercise! Hiking is an excellent way to get active and explore nature at the same time. If you’re feeling adventurous, look up local treks that you can do with your partner.

To get the most out of your hike, make sure to wear the right clothes and equip yourself with some essentials like a first-aid kit, insect repellent, sunscreen, and of course, lots of water. 

The Bottom Line

There you have it! With the right know-how and motivation, designing effective workout plans for couples is not only doable but also a lot of fun. Reach your goals together with these tips and sample workouts routines, and don’t forget to have a great time along the way.



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  1. Better Together? A Pilot Study of Romantic Partner Influence on Exercise Adherence and Cardiometabolic Risk in African-American Couples (2021,
  2. Yoga and Couple Relationship Satisfaction: The Synergy Between Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence (2022,
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Jack P.
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