Blog Fitness Workouts 4-Day Workout Routine For Lean Muscle – Simple Bodybuilding Guide For Beginners

4-Day Workout Routine For Lean Muscle – Simple Bodybuilding Guide For Beginners

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Going to the gym for the first time or picking up the habit after a long hiatus can seem quite intimidating. It can seem like a whole different world.

There are so many different types of exercises, machines, and fitness tips  – sometimes it’s difficult to figure out where you should even start from. This isn’t the case for everyone though; some people know exactly what they want and how to get there.

If this is your first time in the gym or if you just need a change, this article will show you how to put together an effective 4-day split that will have you building lean muscle while getting rid of fat at the same time. This 4-day bodybuilding routine won’t be easy, but as long as you stay consistent, you can get results.

Is a 4-Day Workout Good for Muscle Gain?

A 4-day workout routine can be effective for muscle gain, as long as it’s well-structured and tailored to your fitness level and goals. Here’s why:

  1. Recovery Time: With four days of training, you have three rest days throughout the week, which allows your muscles adequate time to recover and grow.
  2. Focus on Muscle Groups: You can split your workouts to focus on different muscle groups each day, ensuring balanced development and preventing overtraining.
  3. Intensity and Volume: A 4-day plan allows you to maintain a high level of intensity and volume in each session, which is essential for muscle hypertrophy.
  4. Flexibility: It provides flexibility in scheduling, which makes it easier to fit into a busy lifestyle while still committing to regular training.

To maximize muscle gain, ensure your routine includes a mix of compound and isolation exercises, progressive overload, and proper nutrition. It’s also important to adjust the plan based on your progress and any specific needs or limitations you may have.

4 Day Workout Routine For Lean Muscle

Are There Any Other Benefits of an Advanced 4-Day Workout Routine for Lean Muscle?

This type of workout has many other benefits apart from just building muscle. 

You’ll burn more fat due to the high volume of training that you’ll be doing on a daily basis (1). This is great if losing weight is your goal.

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This routine can also teach you discipline, as it tells you exactly what you need to do, when, and for how long, and also gives you options in case you prefer some exercises over others. There’s really no excuse to miss your gym session when you’ve got a solid workout plan in place.

You’ll be building more muscle density and conditioning than ever before. This is because you’ll be doing a high volume of sets for each muscle group on a daily basis. Conditioning refers to how hard you can train during each workout.

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3 Things You Must Do to Make the 4-Day Split Work for You

Here are 3 things you must keep in mind while working out using this split routine:

1. Always Refer to the Priority List 

This bodybuilding routine won’t work if one or two of these points aren’t strictly followed. These are the things you must prioritize above all else while working out on this type of split:

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night (more is even better)  (2).
  • Eat only healthy foods – no junk food whatsoever (3).
  • Never miss workouts!!! (this means planning your day around your workout, and vice versa)

2. Recover Properly

In order to recover properly, here’s what you need to do:

  • Don’t Take Too Much Time Between Sets

Rest periods should be anywhere from 45 seconds up to 2 minutes max. More or less than this can be counterproductive. Try taking 1-minute rests when going heavy, but increase it to 1.5 or even 2 minutes when doing more volume (reps) (4).

  • Eat Lots of Protein and Carbohydrates for Your Post-Workout Meal

This is very important as this is when muscle tissue gets repaired (5). It can also help minimize the impact of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This is something that’s quite common with beginners. Strength training can lead to muscle soreness and sometimes, this soreness is tough to deal with when you’re just starting out. 

  • Avoid Skipping Workouts
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If you wake up and feel too tired to go to the gym, do yourself a favor and get in some basic movement in the comfort of your own home. This can be a light stretch that targets the muscles that you worked on the previous day. If you miss a workout or you happen to get sick, don’t beat yourself up about it. Try to get right back to it when you’re feeling like yourself again. Always remember that weight loss or weight gain takes time and should be looked at as a long-term plan. Skipping a workout here and there isn’t the end of the world, but if it becomes a pattern over time, you’ll likely not see results as quickly as you could. 

4 Day Workout Routine For Lean Muscle

3. Maximize Rest Periods

In order to get the most out of your workouts, you must maximize the amount of rest you get during each set. There are a few things that you can do in order to accomplish this:

First, focus all your mental energy on squeezing and contracting the muscle that you’re working. This will cause more blood flow, which means better nutrient delivery throughout your workouts and stronger pumps (very important for building lean mass) (6) If possible, try using isometric holds at the peak contraction point as they also make a big difference when it comes to strength gains. Think of “holding” or “squeezing” the muscle that’s being worked. 

Second, breathe out as hard as possible (or even grunt) once you reach the maximum contracted position. This will send intra-abdominal pressure through the roof, which helps to boost strength (7). By squeezing your stomach muscles and pushing outward with all your might, you’ll make the most of every rep.

Third, stay as relaxed as possible throughout each set (but don’t let yourself go completely limp either). Make sure you’re not tensing up as this is a sign that you’re going too heavy for your reps. You should be using weights you can control with ease through the whole range of motion – just make sure to push them hard at the contracted point – but never sacrifice proper form for a heavier weight. 

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Finally, use slow and controlled movements in order to maximize time under tension (TUT) while working each muscle group (8). This will arguably have an even greater effect than breathing out at the end of each rep (which is already a great technique by itself).

Doing each workout like this may not give you the best pump, but it will allow you to lift for longer periods of time, making better use of your energy stores and ultimately reducing your likelihood of injury. You’ll also become stronger as the additional rest that is built into each set will give your muscles more time to recover, which allows you to push them even further.

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Sample 4-Day Split Workout Routine for Lean Muscle

The best 4-day split workout routine for lean muscle is one that’s flexible enough to fit into your schedule. This particular split involves strength training on 4 days of the week and resting on 3 days. You can take rest days off completely or engage in cardio and other low-impact workouts such as stretching

The sample 4-day workout routine for lean muscle with cardio is as follows:

  • Monday – Chest, triceps, and shoulders 
  • Tuesday – Legs and abs
  • Wednesday – Rest
  • Thursday – Back and biceps 
  • Friday – Legs and abs 
  • Saturday – Rest
  • Sunday – Rest

You’re free to choose the exercises and intensity for each day depending on your fitness levels. It’s always a good idea to start with a heavy compound lift and then move on to isolation exercises as you progress through the workout. Some ideal exercises you can choose from include:

  • Chest and triceps – flat bench press, overhead rope extensions, incline dumbbell flyes.
  • Legs – squat, leg curls, seated calf raises, stiff leg deadlifts.
  • Shoulders – military press, dumbbell lateral raises, bent over reverse crossovers.
  • Back and biceps – hammer curls, bicep curls, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, lat pull downs.
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You may be tempted to extend your strength training, and do it for most of the week. Be very careful not to over-exercise your muscles – it’s better to go slow and steady than overdo it (9). Your muscles need rest in order to repair themselves and increase their size. Don’t neglect rest days.  

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Why Is Muscle Recovery Important?

Building lean muscle is basically tearing old fibers down and replacing them with new ones. This process can be improved by allowing your body to recover well from each workout you do.

The better this recovery occurs, the less likely any muscle injury will arise. It also means you can continue pushing yourself in the gym without having adverse effects later. 

Four things happen while you’re recovering from a workout:

Protein Synthesis 

Muscle protein synthesis increases by 50% four hours after a workout (such as resistance training), and this is what builds up muscle (10). It may increase even more if certain supplements are taken with carbohydrate drinks during recovery. 

Post-workout shakes containing a combination of carbs and proteins are incredibly beneficial for regeneration – it typically doesn’t matter whether the proteins are from whey or whole food sources such as chicken. Getting food in after a workout is important no matter what. However, whole food sources may even be more beneficial as they also contain carbohydrates and a wider array of micronutrients (5).

Muscle Fiber Rebuilding

Muscle fibers are torn down during workouts, but each fiber isn’t totally destroyed when you hit the gym. The microtears in your muscle fibers rebuild and become stronger every time you work out (11). This process has nothing to do with the fatigue associated with training – it happens whether you feel tired or not. 

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You can see (and feel) this if you’ve ever experienced delayed onset muscle soreness after a workout – those aches show that your muscles are recovering well from their exertion!

If inadequate recovery occurs due to a lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, illness, or malnutrition, your body cannot rebuild properly, which leads to less energy for future workouts. Working out with under-recovered muscles is a terrible idea as it may lead to injuries. 

Read more: Somatic Healing Techniques: A Holistic Approach to Physical and Emotional Recovery

Fluid Restoration 

We sweat (and lose a lot of fluid through exhaled air). During recovery, we need to hydrate to ensure lost fluids are replaced (12). Being properly hydrated also allows for the removal of metabolic waste products. 

This can cause fatigue and soreness if not removed quickly enough by means of drinking water or sports drinks packed with electrolytes and minerals that help with the rehydration process. 

When insufficient fluid is consumed after exercise, cramps may occur due to a lack of hydration.

Removal of Metabolic Waste Products

Acids accumulate during workouts, with lactic acid being the most common. This causes muscle soreness in your tired muscles as the body is forced to break down glycogen into glucose to remove it from the muscles, which uses up energy that would otherwise be available for rebuilding (13). Inadequate fluid intake means a lack of blood flow and removal by organs such as the kidneys. Excessive fatigue can also result if this continues over time.

4 Day Workout Routine For Lean Muscle

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is a 30-minute workout enough to build muscle?

Yes, a 30-minute workout can be enough to build muscle, as long as you use your time efficiently. To optimize muscle growth in a short workout, focus on high-intensity exercises that target multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, or rows. These compound movements stimulate more muscle fibers in less time.

In addition, prioritize progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight, reps, or intensity of your workouts. Supersets or circuits can also be effective, as they reduce rest periods while keeping your heart rate up. While 30 minutes is sufficient for muscle building, you should keep in mind that consistent effort, proper nutrition, and recovery are equally important for long-term results.

  • Is 4 days of gym enough?

Four days of gym workouts per week can absolutely be enough for muscle gain, as long as your routine is structured properly. With a 4-day plan, you can dedicate specific days to different muscle groups, which ensures balanced development. This also leaves room for three rest or active recovery days, which are essential for muscle repair and growth.

For example, a well-designed 4-day split may look like this:

  • Day 1: Upper body (chest, shoulders, and triceps)
  • Day 2: Lower body (legs and glutes)
  • Day 3: Rest
  • Day 4: Back and biceps
  • Day 5: Lower body (more focus on hamstrings and calves)
  • Days 6 and 7: Rest

By incorporating progressive overload, proper form, and challenging intensity levels, you can achieve excellent results without going to the gym more frequently.

  • Which 4-day split is best?

The best 4-day split depends on your fitness level, goals, and preferences. In addition, core exercises can be included on whichever days you choose. Your core is involved in every single lift you do in the gym, but it’s important to exercise this area on its own on top of your normal training. Some of the most effective 4-day splits for lean muscle growth include:

1. Upper/Lower Split:

  • Day 1: Upper body
  • Day 2: Lower body
  • Day 3: Rest
  • Day 4: Upper body
  • Day 5: Lower body

This routine focuses on balanced development by training major muscle groups in both the upper and lower body. It will space out heavy lift days with lighter lift days while also allowing for adequate rest periods before these larger lifts. This is an intense split and isn’t recommended for beginners. 

2. Push/Pull Split:

  • Day 1: Heavy upper push (chest, shoulders, triceps) + lower push (quads)
  • Day 2: Upper pull (back, biceps) + lower pull (hamstrings)
  • Day 3: Rest
  • Day 4: Upper push (chest, shoulders, triceps) + lower push (glutes)
  • Day 5: Heavy upper pull (back, biceps) + lower pull (Hhps) 

This is great for targeting opposing muscle groups and allows for efficient recovery. Day 5 will be a heavy lower-body day. This gives enough rest period between the leg day on day 1 and the lighter “arm” day on Day 4. 

1. Body Part Split:

  • Day 1: Quads, hamstrings, calves 
  • Day 2: Chest and back 
  • Day 3: Rest
  • Day 4: Biceps, triceps, shoulders, core
  • Day 5: Heavy quad, hips, glutes 

This split focuses on isolating specific muscles for a detailed workout.

Ultimately, the best split is one that fits your schedule and keeps you motivated while allowing sufficient recovery time.

How can I make a 4-day workout plan?

To create an effective 4-day workout plan for lean muscle, follow these steps:

1. Choose a Split:

  • Decide on a structure such as upper/lower, push/pull, or body part split based on your preferences and goals.

2. Include Compound and Isolation Exercises:

  • Compound movements such as squats, bench presses, and pull-ups should form the core of your routine, as they engage multiple muscle groups.
  • Add isolation exercises (e.g. bicep curls and tricep extensions) after the compound movements to target smaller muscles.

3. Balance Muscle Groups:

  • Don’t only focus on “show” muscles such as the chest or biceps. Ensure you’re training all major muscle groups, including your legs, back, and core, for overall balance.

4. Progressive Overload:

  • Gradually increase weight, reps, sets, or resistance to continuously challenge your muscles and spur growth.

5. Manage Volume and Intensity:

  • Aim for 8–12 reps per set for hypertrophy, with 3–4 sets per exercise. Rest for 60–90 seconds between sets to maintain intensity.

6. Schedule Rest Days:

  • Use rest days to recover and avoid overtraining. Active recovery, such as light stretching or walking, can also help.

Adjust the exercises and intensity based on your experience level, and combine this with proper nutrition to support muscle growth.

The Bottom Line

The 4-day workout split for lean muscle works, but only if you’re consistent and patient. Consistency means doing all 4 days each week, and patience means allowing your muscles to rest and recover. The combination of these two qualities can give impressive results over time.


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  1. Effect of Exercise Training on Fat Loss—Energetic Perspectives and the Role of Improved Adipose Tissue Function and Body Fat Distribution (2021,
  2. Relationship between sleep and muscle strength among Chinese university students: a cross-sectional study (2017,
  3. Editorial: Nutritional Strategies to Promote Muscle Mass and Function Across the Health Span (2020,
  4. Rest interval between sets in strength training (2009,
  5. The 4R’s Framework of Nutritional Strategies for Post-Exercise Recovery: A Review with Emphasis on New Generation of Carbohydrates (2020,
  6. Exercise Hyperemia and Regulation of Tissue Oxygenation During Muscular Activity (2011,
  7. Breathe In, Breathe Out… Breathing during Exercise (2017,
  8. Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men (2011,
  9. Overtraining Syndrome (2012,
  10. The time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis following heavy resistance exercise (1995,
  11. How do muscles grow? (n.d.,
  12. Optimizing the restoration and maintenance of fluid balance after exercise-induced dehydration (2017,
  13. Lactic acid and exercise performance: culprit or friend? (2006,
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