Blog Fitness Workouts 2-Week Workout Plan to Lose 10 Pounds: The Ultimate Workout to Shed a Few Pounds

2-Week Workout Plan to Lose 10 Pounds: The Ultimate Workout to Shed a Few Pounds

Losing weight is arguably one of the most desired things in the world now. We’re pretty sure that if most of you came across a genie who gave you three wishes, one of them would be to be strong, fit, and lose that tummy. Well, too bad, because genies don’t exist, but let’s plug you into a 2-week workout plan to lose 10 pounds. 

Basis of Weight Loss 

The basic rule of losing weight is simply to eat less than your body burns. Sounds simple, right? Even though it sounds easy, it’s not quite as easy as it would be if we were all walking around with perfect abs and fit bodies. As with most things in life, the theory part of this is easy, while the practical part is not quite so easy. That same rule needs to be modified a bit when it comes to losing weight through working out. 

In terms of losing weight by working out, you need to burn more calories than you consume. When you do this, you create a calorie deficit, and your body has to use the stored-up fats as energy, which leads to weight loss. 

In order to attain a sustainable weight loss routine, most people are advised to cut their calorie intake and increase their daily exercise (1). This can help them lose weight and live healthier lives. Although this may seem like all you need to know about weight loss, you need to be aware of factors that will affect your rate of weight loss. 

Factors That Determine the Number of Calories You Can Burn 

People burn calories differently, which is why you can notice that when two people are doing the same exercises for the same period of time, they might lose weight at different paces. Here are some of the factors that determine the number of calories you can burn:

How Much You Weigh

How much you weigh plays a role in the number of calories you can burn. The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn doing a workout routine than someone who weighs less (1). 

The reason people who weigh more burn more calories is due to the obvious reason that they have more overall body weight. It could be argued that due to their increased overall body weight, they need to do more work in order to move this amount of body weight  (2). They burn more calories per minute of working out as it takes them more energy to move while working out than a person who weighs less. 

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How Fit You Are 

Your fitness level can impact the calories you burn during a certain exercise (3). A more fit person is likely to burn fewer calories than a less fit person when both are doing the same exercise. Fit people burn fewer calories as their bodies are more conditioned than those of people who aren’t fit. 

When we say their bodies are more conditioned, we mean that their hearts and lungs can efficiently supply fresh blood and oxygen to all parts of their working bodies (4). The body of a less fit person is not this conditioned, which is why they burn more calories. 

Your Gender 

Your gender also determines how many calories you’re likely to burn during exercise. Men burn more calories doing a certain exercise than women doing the same exercise. This is because men typically have more muscle mass than women. Having more muscle mass translates into men burning more calories than women as their muscles are metabolically active (5).

When we say muscles are metabolically active, we mean that muscles burn calories even while they’re at rest. Women typically have more fat than muscle, pound for pound, and fat tissues are not metabolically active, so this results in them burning fewer calories.  

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Your Genes

Genes play a big role when it comes to losing weight and gaining weight. Have you ever noticed a family of slim, fit people? 

It doesn’t matter if they go to the gym or not or if they eat as much as they want. They just never seem to get fat. Other families are always in the gym and have calorie-restricted diets, and yet they still can’t get slim and fit. This shows that genes have a lot to do with all things connected to weight. In terms of burning calories, people with “good” genes can burn more calories doing less compared to people with “bad” genes who burn less doing the same exercise or even more (6). Sometimes, it all breaks down to the genes you have. “Bad” vs. “good” in this context only relates to the ability to easily gain or lose body fat. It doesn’t mean that one is more superior than the other. We are all individuals and our bodies work in different ways. Just because you have “good” genes doesn’t mean that you’re superior to someone with “bad” genes. 

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How Old You Are 

Age also influences the number of calories you will likely burn doing a certain activity. The younger you are, the more calories you burn doing a certain activity compared to an older person. This is because as we age, our DNA changes, which results in a slower metabolism (7). 

Having a slower metabolism means you don’t burn as many calories as you would have burned when you were younger. This is among the reasons why it’s harder for older people to lose weight than younger people. 

Intensity of the Workout

Another thing that determines the number of calories you’re likely to burn is the intensity of your workout. The more intense the workout you do, the more calories you’ll burn (8). However, this doesn’t mean that you just go from being an amateur to doing intense exercises to burn more calories; that’s not how it works. 

Before you go for an intense variation of a certain exercise, you must first ease yourself into a less intense variation and learn the correct form. Once you know the correct form and are comfortable enough to maintain it, you can move to a more intense variation of the exercise. 

Duration of the Workout

Another thing that determines the number of calories you’re likely to burn is how long you train. The longer you train, the more calories you’re likely to burn. A person who exercises for 20 minutes at a high intensity is likely to burn more calories than someone who exercises for 5 minutes at the same intensity. There’s no rocket science to this.  2 week workout plan to lose 10 pounds

Is Losing 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Healthy?

You may have seen videos and websites that promise fast weight loss. When you see a website that promises such drastic weight changes, you always need to ask yourself whether it’s safe to lose so much weight in such a short period of time. The answer to whether it is safe to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks is no. 

Experts advise that the recommended rate of losing weight should be 1 to 2 pounds per week (9). This rate of weight loss is both sustainable and healthy. From the recommended rate, it means that for the time period given, people should aim to lose somewhere between 2 and 4 pounds in a week. Let’s break it down even further (10):

  • One pound of body weight is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories.
  • To lose one pound per week, you must create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories over the week.
  • Being in a calorie deficit of 500 calories daily results in a weekly deficit of 3,500 calories (7 days multiplied by 500 calories) and a weight loss of one pound.
  • Burning 1,000 calories daily through exercise when combined with appropriate caloric intake can result in a weekly deficit of 7,000 calories and a weight loss of two pounds.
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How Many Calories Do You Need to Burn Daily to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks? 

From a mathematical perspective, if you plan to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, you need to burn 5 pounds every week. 5 pounds are equivalent to 17,500 calories. This means that you need to burn 17,500 calories in a week. 

Breaking this down into daily installments, you need to burn 2,500 calories every day. Do you think this is healthy or even sustainable? This just goes to show that planning to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks is unhealthy and unsustainable. 

If you go ahead with your plan to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks by working out, you’re likely to start overtraining. Although this may seem like a good thing, overtraining may cause more harm than benefit. You can drastically increase your likelihood of injury, which could set you back even further. If you’re injured and unable to exercise, it will arguably be more challenging to lose weight.

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Workout Plan to Lose 10 Pounds 

A workout routine should be sustainable and effective. When we say sustainable, we mean that you should be able to be consistent with it for a long time. When we say effective, we mean the workout plan should help you achieve your goals. With that being said, here’s a weekly workout routine that should help you shed those extra pounds (11,12)

Week 1 

Day 1 

  • Squats – 4 sets of 10 reps with a 60-second rest after each set
  • Mountain climbers – 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30-second rest between sets
  • Deadlift – 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30-second rest between sets. 

Day 2

  • 60 minutes walking/running on a treadmill. For this, you’ll change between walking and running for the entire duration. You can split it up however you want. For example, starting with a 15-minute jog and then walking for 10 minutes. You then transition between walking/running for 60 minutes. 

Day 3 

  • Rest 

2 week workout plan to lose 10 pounds

Day 4 

  • Overhead press – 4 sets of 10 reps with a 60-second rest between sets 
  • Lying tricep extensions – 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30-second rest between sets 
  • Push-ups – 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30-second rest between sets 
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Day 5 

  • You could repeat the cardio you did on Day 2 or opt to do this on a bike. Ideally, you should try to aim for 60 minutes of constant exercise. 

Day 6 

  • Lunges – 4 sets of 8 reps with a 30-second rest between sets 
  • Planks – hold the plank for 30 to 60 seconds – perform 4 times
  • Bicep curls  – 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30-second rest between sets 

Day 7 

  • Rest 

This is a weight loss workout routine that is sustainable yet effective. Before you do any of the exercises highlighted in the workout plan, you should make sure to warm up first. Warming up helps prepare the body for any given exercise, which can reduce the chances of injury. Don’t forget to reach out to a medical professional or a certified personal trainer before you incorporate exercises into your routine. They will ensure you’re able to perform these exercises and that you’re performing them with proper technique.  

Another thing you should do is make sure you know the correct forms of all the compound exercises before you attempt them. Maintaining the right form helps reduce the chances of injury and enables you to get the most out of the workout session. It is advised not to increase the weight unless you’ve perfected the movement. 

Whether you’re looking to simply pep up your fitness routine, jazz up your diet with mouth-watering low-calorie recipes or want to get your act together and significantly drop that number on your scale – BetterMe app has got you covered! Improve your body and revamp your life with us!

Safe Ways to Lose 10 Pounds

Working out is only half the journey. The other half comes from checking your diet. If you’re able to work out and check what you eat, you’ll be able to experience sustainable results. 

That’s not all. 

Losing weight on any diet requires a total lifestyle change, not just in the way you work out and eat, but also in other aspects of life, as shown below. 

Drinking a Lot of Water 

If you want to lose weight, you must increase your water consumption. Water is known to increase your metabolism. An increased metabolism indicates that your body is able to burn more calories, which can then result in weight loss. Water also helps prevent you from overeating as it acts as a natural way to keep you full. For this to happen, you must drink water approximately half an hour before you eat. Drinking water before eating fills your stomach and could help you eat less than without drinking water (13). This helps reduce your daily calorie intake, thereby promoting weight loss. 

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Eating Enough Fiber 

In addition to helping prevent constipation, fiber is quite effective in promoting weight loss. Fiber is mostly found in vegetables and fruits. It helps with weight loss by making you feel fuller, faster and longer (2). This leads to you not eating as much as you would have as you’re full and stay full for a longer time period. As this leads to calorie intake reduction, it can promote weight loss. 

Reducing Your Alcohol Consumption

If you want to lose weight, you need to reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol contains what are called empty calories. Empty calories are calories that have no nutritional benefit to the body. This means that when you drink alcohol, you increase your daily calorie intake, which could lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. Alcohol is also known to increase your appetite, and this is the last thing you want if you’re trying to lose weight. Increasing your appetite means eating more, which will hinder your weight loss journey. 

Getting Enough Sleep 

Sleeping enough helps with weight management for a number of reasons. It will help you feel recharged and ready to go for the next day. This could then help power you through the workout for the day. Another way to look at it is the more hours you’re awake, the more time you have to eat. If you sleep enough, you avoid developing habits such as late-night snacking, which won’t help you lose weight. Your body also burns calories while you’re sleeping, so getting more sleep overall will be incredibly beneficial to your weight loss journey. 

Read more: Is a 7 Day Workout Plan The Best Choice For You? 2 week workout plan to lose 10 pounds


  • Is losing 10 lbs in 2 months realistic?

Yes, this is achievable with consistency with your exercise and eating habits. You should consult a healthcare professional and a certified personal trainer who can help you set realistic goals and teach you how to create a calorie deficit and perform regular exercise.

  • Can I get in shape in 2 weeks?

You most likely can’t get in amazing shape in just 2 weeks. This is because muscles don’t grow that fast and fat doesn’t burn that quickly. Your metabolism also needs time to adjust to the new lifestyle. But 2 weeks of consistency can help set you up for the next 2 weeks of consistency. Start small and track your goals. Progress is possible, but it takes time to see results.  

  • Can you lose weight with 2 workouts a week?

A recent study found that you can still lose weight, even if you only work out once or twice a week (15). However, if you’re only exercising twice a week, there are some things you need to remember. You’ll need to keep an eye on the amount of calories you consume every day. In addition, adding in two heavy weight lifting sessions a week could be a great way to increase your total calorie burn. The heavier sessions will work your muscles and only doing 2 sessions a week will allow your body to have longer rest periods between workouts. Your body burns calories after a weightlifting session as it needs to repair the muscles that have been worked. 

The Bottom Line 

Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is unsafe. Losing 1-2 lbs a week is a more realistic and safe weight loss route to take. The good news is that we’ve given you tips for safe and sustainable ways to lose weight and a workout plan to help you on your journey toward your healthier and fitter self. 

A sustainable and balanced approach often combines regular exercise with mindful eating habits. Focus on nourishing your body with whole foods, prioritizing protein and fiber, and gradually adjusting your diet to achieve long-term success. Remember, weight loss is a journey, and finding a personalized plan that works for you is the key to achieving your goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your specific situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of BetterMe content. If you suspect or think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.


  1. Weight-Loss and Maintenance Strategies (n.d.,
  2. Making Sense of Calorie-burning Claims (n.d.,
  3. Exercise: It does so much more than burn calories (2016,
  4. Constrained Total Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Adaptation to Physical Activity in Adult Humans (2016,
  5. Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories (n.d.,
  6. Calories, Energy Balance, And Chronic Diseases (n.d.,
  7. Aging: The Biology of Senescence (n.d.,
  8. The Science Behind the Afterburn Effect (2023,
  9. 10 Tips to Help You Lose 10
  10. Pounds in a Month (2021,
  11. The 3500-Calorie Weight Loss Myth (2015,
  12. 2-Week Workout Plan to Lose Inches (n.d.,
  13. Lose Fat Fast With This Intense Two-Week Training Plan (n.d.,
  14. Effect of Pre-meal Water Consumption on Energy Intake and Satiety in Non-obese Young Adults (2018,
  15. The associations of “weekend warrior” and regularly active physical activity with abdominal and general adiposity in US adults (2024,
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The app is easy to use but effective and the workouts are great! You will feel it and see results, the goal is to get 1% better everyday!!!

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All the exercises were manageable and were effective. It's amazing how stretching is key way to exercise.