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25 Fenugreek Benefits For Skin, Hair, And Wellness

You’d love to have radiant skin, a flawless complex, and beautifully smooth skin. You may also dream of having thick, long, and gorgeous hair. In that case, you must discover fenugreek’s benefits for skin, hair, and overall wellness. You may be surprised! Fenugreek isn’t merely a sweet-smelling herb you add to food. It has numerous health, skin, and hair benefits to help you look and feel good. Let’s discover what you can achieve by adding the recommended amounts of fenugreek daily and how to do it.

What Are The Benefits Of Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is a spice or herb similar to cloves and comes from the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and Southern Europe. It has a beautiful taste and smells similar to maple syrup. As a tasty food and beverage flavoring, it comes in various forms (14): 

  • Fenugreek powder
  • Fenugreek essential oil
  • Fenugreek seeds

The USDA shares the nutritional value of one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to help you understand the coming benefits (19):

Alanine: 0.113 g Isoleucine: 0.138 g Riboflavin: 0.041 mg
Arginine: 0.273 g Leucine: 0.195 g Serine: 0.135 g
Aspartic Acid: 0.301 g Lysine: 0.186 g Sodium: 7.44 mg
Calcium: 19.5 mg Magnesium: 21.2 mg Thiamin: 0.036 mg
Cystine: 0.041 g Methionine: 0.038 g Threonine: 0.1 g
Fiber: 2.73 g Niacin: 0.12 mg Tryptophan: 0.043 g
Folate: 6.33 ߎg Phenylalanine: 0.121 g Tyrosine: 0.085 g
Glutamic Acid: 0.443 g Phosphorus: 32.9 mg Valine: 0.122 g
Glycine: 0.145 g Potassium: 85.5 mg Vitamin A: 6.66 IU
Histidine: 0.074 g Proline: 0.133 g Vitamin B6: 0.067 mg
Iron: 3.72 mg Protein: 2.55 g Vitamin C: 0.33 mg

14 Fenugreek Benefits For Hair And Skin

Fenugreek is well-known as a herbal supplement that some say can help your skin and hair transform into a healthier, shinier, and more beautiful condition. Let’s discover how each fenugreek form transforms your hair and skin health.

Fenugreek Seed Benefits

Fenugreek seeds are the most common form available. WebMD describes fenugreek seeds as the dried form of the Trigonella foenum-graecum plant (17). The crushed seeds are the fenugreek powder you’re likely familiar with in foods, teas, face masks, and beverages.

Fenugreek Seeds May Fight Skin Aging

Scientists in Thailand studied how fenugreek may help fight skin aging (12). They found that in the lab, fenugreek extract enhanced cell viability and inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines. This could potentially combat some of the physical signs of skin aging.

Fenugreek Seeds Reduce Blemishes And Dark Circles

The National Nanotechnology Center and Chulalongkorn University studied the effects of fenugreek extract on the skin (11). Fenugreek improved collagen production. Higher collagen can reduce dark blemishes and circles on your skin. 

Fenugreek Seeds May Reduce Lines And Wrinkles

Scientists in Thailand also found that their fenugreek extract enhances collagen production and inhibits enzymes that break down collagen. More collagen production and less breakdown could help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles (12).

Fenugreek Seeds May Help To Repair Skin Damage

Scientists at the University of Sfax in Tunisia studied how well a polysaccharide extracted from fenugreek works for wound healing (4). They confirmed the polysaccharide has antioxidant activity and demonstrated wound-healing potential in test tubes and animal models.

Read More: Say Goodbye To Visible Aging With The Best Essential Oil For Skin Tightening

Fenugreek Tea Benefits For Skin

Fenugreek isn’t only a powder or seed to add to food. Medical News Today indicates that traditional medicine has long used fenugreek teas to promote improved health and wellness (14). Drinking it in tea is simply another form of sipping the benefits of fenugreek seeds.

Fenugreek Tea Reduces Premature Aging

Drinking fenugreek tea might reduce wrinkles and aging skin. As previously described, scientists in Thailand found that fenugreek extract may have anti-inflammatory and collagen-promoting properties, which could be beneficial in combating the signs of skin aging (12).

Fenugreek Oil Benefits For Skin

Fenugreek oil is an essential oil extracted from fenugreek seeds (7). Essential oils are typical in perfumes, cosmetics, and aromatherapy. The University of Minnesota strongly suggests diluting essential oils in carrier oils (21). 

To dilute for topical use on a portion of the body, add 3-5% fenugreek essential oil to a carrier like canola, vegetable, or nut oil (21). This is about 3 drops of fenugreek oil per teaspoon of carrier oil.

Fenugreek Oil May Help Even Skin Tone

Scientists at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences concluded that a molecule in fenugreek might improve skin tone as a cosmetic additive (8). They found that the molecule trigonelline could inhibit tyrosinase in a test tube. Tyrosinase is an enzyme involved in melanin production.

Fenugreek Oil Moisturizes The Skin

According to scientists from the Laureate Institute of Pharmacy, fenugreek contains mucilage, which has emollient properties and can moisturize the skin (30).

Fenugreek Oil Reduces Acne

Scientists at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran studied how fenugreek seed extract might help to treat acne (5). The fenugreek seed extract reduced the severity of acne in participants but was not as effective as azithromycin. Antimicrobial ingredients in the fenugreek extract may help to reduce acne.

Fenugreek Oil Soothes Skin Irritations

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Brahmanand Nayak explains how he believes that massaging fenugreek oil into your skin reduces inflammation (32). Fenugreek’s anti-inflammatory properties may soothe skin irritation with a gentle massage.

Fenugreek Oil Fights Fungal Infections

Scientists at SCES’s Indira College of Pharmacy and the University of Hawaii studied how fenugreek leaf extract may be effective against common fungal skin infections (15). The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties might help your body fight fungal and other skin infections.

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Fenugreek Benefits For Hair

Fenugreek may have brilliant benefits for your skin but might also promote better health for your hair. Let’s discover how fenugreek in various forms can enhance your hair growth, health, and sleekness.

Fenugreek Makes Hair Silky

Researchers at the Sahyadri College of Pharmacy studied the effects of a formulation of multiple herbal ingredients as a conditioner (1). The fenugreek in the formulation provided carbohydrates and proteins, making the hair easy to comb, as well as trigonelline, which conditioned the hair. According to the study, the overall formulation resulted in smooth and shiny hair. 

Fenugreek Prevents Hairloss

Researchers from the University of California and the UCLA Harbor Medical Center reported on 5 case studies where a topical formulation of 12 ingredients, including fenugreek oil was noted to improve hair regrowth in patients with hair loss(3). Fenugreek extract is thought to fight the proinflammatory cytokines and tumor necrosis factors that cause hair loss in some cases.

Fenugreek Slows Graying Hair

In a review on the medicinal properties of various leafy spices, Dr. Amit Sharangi describes the use of fresh fenugreek leaves and coconut milk applied to the scalp, which is believed to delay the graying of hair (28).

Fenugreek Fights Dandruff

Oftentimes, fungal (yeast) infections are to blame for dandruff. Researchers at the University of Hawaii and Indira College of Pharmacy found that fenugreek leaf extract demonstrated activity against common yeast strains, including the one that typically causes dandruff (15).

Fenugreek May Prevent Hair Loss

WebMD suggests fenugreek can aid hair growth (25). Fenugreek might interact with a chemical called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. The chemical latches onto hair follicles to start causing hair loss with age. However, fenugreek may slow down this process, preventing hair loss.

Read More: Foods For Clear Skin: Eat Your Way To Smoother, Younger Looking Skin

11 Fenugreek Health Benefits

Fenugreek may also have health benefits beyond beautiful hair and skin. Discover what you might achieve with fenugreek oils, powders, teas, and seeds.

Fenugreek May Improve Digestion

Dr. Shayiza Allarakha suggests that fenugreek can aid digestion (33). Fenugreek is thought to reduce gas, bloating, and digestive concerns. However, stick to safe daily allowances to avoid causing digestive side effects. WebMD suggests that typical doses are 5-10 grams daily of fenugreek seed powder or 0.6-1.2 grams of extract (17).

Fenugreek May Reduce Menstrual Cramps

Dr. Shaziya Allarakha says fenugreek may be an excellent treatment for menstrual cramps (32). Fenugreek has been seen to reduce the effects of dysmenorrhea, which is heavy menstrual cramps. Taking a daily supplement may help minimize pain.

Fenugreek May Promote Weight Loss

The Department of Microbiology at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College in Maharashtra, India, studied the effects of fenugreek on resistance training and weight loss (6). Men who added fenugreek supplements to resistance training showed improvements in body fat without a decrease in muscle strength. t. Combining fenugreek and exercise might aid in fat loss.

Fenugreek May Improve Milk Production In New Moms

A 2018 meta-analysis, which included 5 studies with 122 nursing mothers, found that fenugreek supplementation significantly increased the amount of breastmilk they produced (9).

Fenugreek May Boost Your Libido

Researchers at Applied Sciences and Nutrition in Australia studied how fenugreek affects men’s libido (29). The study looked at Testofen, a fenugreek extract and mineral formulation. It positively impacts libido and may help maintain normal testosterone levels.

Fenugreek May Reduce Bad Cholesterol

According to a review in the Journal of Medicinal Food, fenugreek seeds contain 45.4% dietary fiber, including soluble and insoluble fiber (31). The fiber in fenugreek seeds may help lower bad cholesterol levels.

Fenugreek May Enhance Kidney Function

Researchers at Taras Shevchenko National University studied how a fenugreek-based compound affected renal function in rats with obesity (11). The fenugreek-based compound improved markers of kidney function in the rats.

Fenugreek May Help To Regulate Blood Glucose

According to a review in the Journal of Medicinal Food, fenugreek seeds contain 45.4% dietary fiber, including both soluble and insoluble fiber (31). The dietary fiber in fenugreek seeds may help reduce glycemia in people with type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek May Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease

Jennifer Huizen at Medical News Today suggests fenugreek may improve heart health because it contains nearly 48% fiber (14). Dietary fiber makes sugars and fats harder to digest, which can help improve cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Fenugreek May Improve Respiratory Functions

Researchers at Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and others studied the effectiveness of fenugreek seeds in mild asthma (24). People with mild asthma improved their quality of life,  lung function tests, and blood markers after using fenugreek as a supplement.

Fenugreek May Combat Cancer

The Colorado Cancer Center and John Hopkins University saw positive results in vitro, where fenugreek could kill various cancer cells but not normal cells (13). Fenugreek may inhibit the growth of breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer cells.

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Edible Amounts And Possible Fenugreek Side Effects

WebMD suggests that fenugreek seed powder has been used in doses of 5-10 grams daily for up to three years in adults, while the seed extract has been used in doses of 0.6-1.2 g daily (17). However, pregnant women shouldn’t take extra fenugreek. Meanwhile, breastfeeding moms should discuss dosage with their healthcare provider.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health warns of side effects if you use too much fenugreek (16):

  • Bloating
  • Birth defects when taken in pregnancy in amounts greater than found in food
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Gas
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • A dangerous drop in blood sugar with large doses or in combination with medications

How To Use Fenugreek Seeds For The Health Benefits

How will you consume safe amounts of fenugreek daily? Fenugreek seeds, powder, oils, and teas have many possible benefits. Fortunately, you can use fenugreek in various ways. Discover five ways to use fenugreek seeds to suit you best.

How To Make A Fenugreek Hair Mask For Growth

Dr. Sarita Sanke suggests using a hair conditioning mask to promote growth (2). You’ll leave the hair conditioning mask on for half an hour before rinsing it. Add raw egg yolk and yogurt to the paste to help the fenugreek powder stick together.

Use Fenugreek Oil For Skin Benefits

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak recommends adding fenugreek essential oil to a carrier oil to apply to your skin (31). Add three drops of fenugreek oil to two tablespoons of almond oil before massaging it into your skin. Use circular motions to massage it deeply and gently. 

How To Use Fenugreek Oil For Skin Benefits

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Brahmanand Nayak recommends adding fenugreek essential oil to a carrier oil to apply to your skin (32). Add three drops of fenugreek oil to two tablespoons of almond oil before massaging it into your skin. Use circular motions to massage it deeply and gently.

How To Eat Fenugreek Seeds For Improved Health

The BBC Good Food Team recommends grinding or dry-frying fenugreek seeds to remove the initial bitter taste (18). Dry-fry them before grinding them because they’re ultra-hard seeds. Brown them over medium heat for five minutes to release the best flavors.

How To Drink Fenugreek In Water For Good Health

Dr. Anjali Phatak is a senior clinical nutritionist who suggests drinking fenugreek water during cold months to aid digestion and weight loss (20). Soak five grams of fenugreek seeds in hot water overnight to drink it in the morning for possible l benefits.


What Are Fenugreek Seeds Benefits?

Jennifer Huizen of Medical News Today confirms fenugreek seeds may benefit your health (14). It may reduce blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and blood sugar. Additionally, it may support weight loss, reduce inflammation, and assist in pain relief.

What Are The Benefits Of Fenugreek Seed Tea?

WebMD suggests drinking fenugreek tea may benefit your health and hormones (26). Fenugreek tea may promote breast milk production and help reduce the symptoms of hormonal shifts due to menopause. Meanwhile, fenugreek tea may fight insulin sensitivity.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Fenugreek Water?

Dr. Anjali Patak shared the possible benefits of drinking fenugreek water with Navya Kharbanda (20). Drinking fenugreek may aid digestion by being a natural antacid. However, according to Dr. Patak, it’s not the best way to use fenugreek in hot months. She suggests drinking fenugreek in water during cold months is better.

The Bottom Line

Fenugreek benefits for skin, hair, and health don’t have the most extensive research. However, the shared studies provide some evidence to support how fenugreek might enhance your wellness and glow. With this in mind, drink the tea, use the powder, or crush the seeds to claim yours.


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  1. 8-5-368-886.pdf (2019, phytojournal.com)
  2. 6 Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds for Hair & 4 Ways to Use It (2022, emedihealth.com)
  3. A Multimodal Hair-Loss Treatment Strategy Using a New Topical Phytoactive Formulation: A Report of Five Cases – PMC (2021, nih.gov)
  4. Antioxidant and hemolytic activities and effects in rat cutaneous wound healing of a novel polysaccharide from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds – PubMed (2017, nih.gov)
  5. Article_98373_0dff69a0bf624c73df3bf5819d86bc0f.pdf (2019, iranjd.ir)
  6. Beneficial effects of fenugreek glycoside supplementation in male subjects during resistance training: A randomized controlled pilot study – PMC (2015, nih.gov)
  7. Chemical composition of fenugreek essential oil. | Download Table (2011, researchgate.net)
  8. Does trigonelline help skin tone? Molecular docking studies of trigonelline on the human tyrosinase, formulation, optimization, and characterization of an emulgel-containing Trigonella foenum-graecum L. fenugreek standardized hydroalcoholic extract – PubMed (2022, nih.gov)
  9. Effect of Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenumgraecum L) on Lactational Performance of Dairy Goat: Journal of Applied Animal Research: Vol 16, No 2 (1998, tandfonline.com)
  10. Efficacy of Fenugreek-based bio-nano composite on renal dysfunction and endogenous intoxication in high-calorie diet-induced obesity rat model—comparative study – PMC (2017, nih.gov)
  11. Ethanolic Fenugreek Extract: Its Molecular Mechanisms against Skin Aging and the Enhanced Functions by Nanoencapsulation – PMC (2022, nih.gov)
  12. Fenugreek: A naturally occurring edible spice as an anticancer agent (2009, tandfonline.com)
  13. Fenugreek: Benefits and effects (2019, medicalnewstoday.com)
  14. Fenugreek Leaf Extract and Its Gel Formulation Show Activity Against Malassezia furfur – PMC (2020, nih.gov)
  15. Fenugreek | NCCIH (2020, nih.gov)
  16. FENUGREEK: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing, and Reviews (n.d., webmd.com)
  17. Fenugreek seed | BBC Good Food (n.d., bbcgoodfood.com)
  18. FoodData Central: Spices, Fenugreek Seed (n.d., usda.gov)
  19. Health Benefits Of Fenugreek Seeds Water (2022, onlymyhealth.com)
  20. How Do I Choose and Use Essential Oils? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing (n.d., umn.edu)
  21. How To Make Fenugreek Paste For Extreme Hair Growth & Natural Hair Conditioner for Softer Hair (2022, youtube.com)
  22. Investigating the effectiveness of the Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) seeds in mild asthma: a randomized controlled trial – PMC (2018, nih.gov)
  23. Investigating the effectiveness of the Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) seeds in mild asthma: a randomized controlled trial – PMC (2018, nih.gov)
  24. Is Fenugreek Good for Promoting Hair Growth? (2021, webmd.com)
  25. Is Fenugreek Tea Good for You? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More (2022, webmd.com)
  26. Making Fenugreek Paste with Fenugreek Powder (2020, youtube.com)
  27. (PDF) Wonders of Leafy Spices: Medicinal Properties Ensuring Human Health (2013, researchgate.net)
  28. Physiological aspects of male libido enhanced by standardized Trigonella foenum-graecum extract and mineral formulation – PubMed (2011, nih.gov)
  29. Research Journal of Topical and Cosmetic Sciences (2020, rjtcsonline.com)
  30. The Potential of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) as a Functional Food and Nutraceutical and Its Effects on Glycemia and Lipidemia | Journal of Medicinal Food (2011, liebertpub.com)
  31. The Surprising Benefits of Fenugreek Essential Oil for Breast Enhancement: How to Use it Safely and Effectively – Dr. Brahmanand Nayak (2022, drbrahma.com)
  32. What Does Fenugreek Do for Females? 7 Health Benefits, Sexual Health, Side Effects (2022, medicinenet.com)
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