When it comes to dieting, the list of weight loss diet plans is endless. There are fad diets, practical meal plans, and restrictive plans, all promising one thing: weight loss. One type of diet that most people are unfamiliar with is the volume eating diet plan. It is very effective in weight loss, as its attraction focuses on making you feel full. The result of this plan is that you do not overeat, and neither do you overindulge in your snacks. For most people in this diet plan, the trick is determining the best volume eating recipes.
With that in mind in this article, we will be analyzing five of the best volume eating recipes you can try and while still managing to lose weight. All the recipes focus on low-calorie foods that tend to have a high volume and few calories. Let us get started! We will provide the nutritional analysis of each recipe to make it easier to track your daily calorie intake.
Volume eating is also known as volumetrics. It is a concept that focuses on the consumption of low-calorie foods that tend to have high volumes (8). This means that these foods will make you feel full for longer due to their high volume.
If you add this to the fact that they have lower calorie content, they can easily contribute to a calorie deficit. And as we all know, maintaining a calorie deficit eventually should lead to weight loss.
That said, the idea of volume eating or volumetrics is to use the concept of energy density as the determinant of your eating patterns. The energy density magnifies the calories, and in volumetrics, you are urged to opt for those with fewer calories. So, in a nutshell, you should only consume high volume, low-calorie foods.
Read More: Volume Eating: How To Stay Full On Fewer Calories
When it comes to volume eating, most people who are not familiar with the concept tend to ask numerous questions. One frequently asked question is what you can and cannot eat. According to experts, you can eat practically anything. The only thing you need to pay close attention to is the energy density (8).
They define energy density as the number of calories found in a specific food (8). Foods with high energy densities tend to have numerous calories, while those with lower densities provide fewer calories but with more volume (8).
WebMD suggests you consider adding any of the following foods to your volume eating diet plan (8):
These are some of the suggested foods and their portion sizes. However, it would help to talk with your nutritionist or dietitian before adding them to your diet plan. Again, speak to these professionals and let them know if you have any cravings or food restrictions before recommending what to eat.
You are advised not to settle on anything before talking to a healthcare professional, no matter how convinced you are by the effectiveness of volume eating in weight loss. It means that you should not even prepare these recipes if you are yet to speak to your doctor.
Remember that each diet plan has its pros and cons, and it would help if you weighed the pros and cons of volume eating with your physician. But, likewise, they have to assess your health first before giving you the go-ahead.
Once you get their permission to indulge in volume eating, talk to your nutritionist about some recipe and meal plan ideas. Here are our top five volume eating recipes that we suggest you consider trying:
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The following Japanese cuisine incorporates low-calorie vegetables that are very nutritious. One of the vegetables used is the wakame seaweed or shredded nori. According to WebMD, a two-tablespoon serving of wakame seaweed has five calories and one gram of carbohydrates.
It does not contain any protein, sugar, fiber, or fat content (4). It means that these vegetables are suitable for helping you maintain your ideal weight or shed unwanted pounds. In addition, the vegetables fill the soup with numerous health benefits, making it an excellent healthy food choice.
To prepare this soup, you will need to shop for the following:
Because we have used low-calorie vegetables, you can always expect the soup also to contain fewer calories. The nutritional content of this recipe is as follows:
Note: This recipe may not be suitable for everyone, which is why you have to consult with a healthcare professional before adding it to your diet plan. If you experience any of the following, make sure you seek advice before trying this recipe:
Another volume eating recipe that you can try, purely made from low-calorie vegetables, is the Summer Vegetable Soup. The recipe is obtained from Mayo Clinic and is as follows:
The following recipe is designed for eight servings. The nutritional content for one serving is as follows (6):
Read More: 250-Calorie Meals: Hit Your Weight Loss Goals With These Simple Recipes
The following recipe is prepared from high volume, low-calorie foods. It is also obtained from Mayo Clinic and is as follows:
The recipe above can produce nine servings. The nutritional content for each serving is as shown below (5):
The following recipe is obtained from Mayo Clinic and is as follows:
The serving for this recipe is six. However, we will analyze the nutritional content of only one cup serving, which is as shown below:
When it comes to weight loss, progress is made by inches, not miles, so it’s much harder to track and a lot easier to give up. BetterMe app is your personal trainer, nutritionist, and support system all in one. Start using our app to stay on track and hold yourself accountable!
The last of the volume eating recipes we will discuss in this piece is the vegetarian chili recipe. It is also from the Mayo Clinic website and is as follows:
One serving of this recipe is roughly two cups. The nutritional content of this one serving size is as shown below (7):
Practically almost anyone who is trying to lose weight by dieting can consider using the above recipes. They are straightforward to prepare. Additionally, they are loaded with tons of vegetables with high fiber content, meaning you can obtain fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals.
Nonetheless, make sure you check in with your doctor first before trying this meal plan. Some of the people who need to take caution before trying these recipes include:
Pregnant women who are trying to lose weight need to check in with their doctor first before following this diet plan. Similarly, lactating women need to also consult with their healthcare providers to avoid consuming fewer calories that affect their milk production.
Individuals with health conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and other chronic diseases also need to consult before trying volume eating recipes. In addition, their doctors need to verify that they are getting enough nutrients to meet their health needs.
Similarly, individuals with various eating disorders should consult before trying any of the following volume eating recipes. Contrary to what people think, these disorders are not lifestyle choices but severe medical conditions (3). They can be diagnosed by taking a physical exam, looking at the medical history, or taking blood and urine tests (3).
Underweight individuals are not advised to lose weight, and especially by maintaining a calorie deficit. It is way risky for them to shed more pounds when they fall in the underweight range. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an underweight individual is one whose body mass index (BMI) is less than 18.5 (1). Consult with a professional if your BMI falls within or below this range.
Volume eating recipes can help you lose weight as they concentrate on consuming high volume low-calorie foods. We have suggested five easy and nutritious recipes you can try and ease your way to volume eating. Of course, you can always consult with your nutritionist if you need guidance crafting a one-week or month volumetrics meal plan.
This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for decision-making. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!