When it comes to losing weight, fixing your diet is one of the most important things that you can do to help you achieve impressive results in no time. However, despite knowing this, many people often fail because, in truth, dieting is not always fun. This is where the favorite food diet comes in.
According to some, the favorite food diet is the missing lin between weight loss and food, because, if you could eat anything you wanted without restrictions, wouldn’t you have better chances of not falling off the wagon and shedding those extra pounds? In this article, we shall be taking a deeper look into the favorite food diet – is it a scam or is it the answer to all your diet and weight loss problems?
The favorite food diet is a diet plan that was created and authored by Chrissie Mitchell – a mom and fitness expert. According to supporters of this eating plan, the favorite food diet secret lies in helping you lose weight and slim down without having you give up any of your beloved foods or desserts – including pizzas, burgers, cookies, milkshakes etc. – in the process.
Some touted benefits of the favorite food diet include (8):
Other than the above benefits of this eating program, this diet plan also goes further to promise its users that not only will they not have to give up their favourite foods to lose weight, but also, there will be no need to work out, do cardiovascular exercises, count calories, have diet restrictions or even go through weight loss surgeries to achieve the body of their dreams.
Read More: How To Lose Weight When You Love Food: Shed Pounds While Enjoying Your Favorite Meals
Other than tips on what to eat as well as grocery lists, the program also offers some bonus products to its consumers at no extra cost. These bonus products include:
If you have been researching about this particular diet for some time now, chances are that you have come across the term ‘favorite food secret ingredient’ a couple of times. So what is the secret of the favorite food diet?
While several sources claim that this secret ingredient will help boost your metabolism (8), none of them actually mention exactly what the ingredient this is. It seems that for you to find out the favorite food secret ingredient, you will have to go ahead and purchase the diet.
No, it is not. In fact these two diets are quite different from each other in terms of their origins. As seen above, the favorite food diet was created not by scientist or nutritionist, but by a fitness expert and mom of three who was looking for a new way to lose weight after being pregnant.
On the other hand, the food lovers diet aka the Food Lovers Fat Loss System was created by the nutritionist Robert Ferguson in conjunction with the company Provida. The food lover’s fat loss system claims to not be a diet per se but instead it is a simple eating plan that focuses on pairing the right foods with each other as well as eating every few hours. It goes ahead to promise its users that if they follow it, they are bound to lose up to 3 pounds a week (4).
However, unlike the favorite foods diet, the food lovers diet does not tell you that you can eat cakes, pizza, burgers, etc. and still lose weight. In fact the latter insists that people following the eating plan should ensure that they consume plenty of non-starchy vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats in controlled portions and combinations.
Indulgent foods such as chocolate, cakes and more are discouraged. People should skip them and choose healthier sugar-free alternatives instead. A fact to note is that both diets promise to help boost your metabolism to help you burn fat and lose weight faster.
However, unlike the favorite food diet that hinges this on a secret ingredient, the food lover diet does this by teaching dieters how to eat the right types of carbs and combine them with the right proteins helping their bodies to metabolize foods slowly without spikes in blood sugar and insulin (4).
When it comes to the favorite food diet, no foods seem to be off the table. As the eating plan and creator claim, as long as you like it you can consume it and still lose weight. It doesn’t matter if the foods in question are often deemed bad or unhealthy by other more mainstream eating plans.
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The favorite food diet goes against many known diets as it seems to encourage the consumption of fast foods which as we all know are higher in fat, sodium, and other preservatives – all things that are not only considered as unhealthy, but also make the process of weight loss that much harder.
. If you choose to follow this diet, you must remember (7):
A calorie deficit is the most effective route for weight loss because when the body burns more calories than it consumes it creates a deficit. Try reducing your daily caloric intake by 500 to 1000 calories a day (6).
Yes, fries and burgers are always a mouth watering treat but if you want to lose any excess weight choosing healthier food options at your beloved fast food joint goes a long way in helping you achieve these goals. Today, many fast food joints offer calories counts for foods offered and even have some healthy options such as sandwiches, juices, salads, healthy burgers, and more (10).
While weight loss and being slimmer might be the main reasons why you are looking into losing weight using a fast favorite food diet, you need to remember that skinny people are not necessarily healthier.
Yes, you can lose weight while consuming fast and over processed foods are usually lacking in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber, all things that your body needs to function properly and keep you healthy.
When you live on nothing but fast food (or if your diet is made up of mainly junk food) you put yourself at a higher risk of issues such as depression, digestive issues, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death. You may also notice that you are feeling more tired, your skin will start breaking out, impaired brain function and memory, constipation and more (2, 9).
Read More: Take Up This 7-Day No Junk Food Challenge
If you are not willing to give up some of your beloved (and probably super unhealthy) foods here are some things you can do to help you work around this issue, and hopefully reduce that number of calories, fat, salt, and added sugars in them:
Instead of deep frying things such as fries, use the oven instead. This significantly cuts down on the amount of fat in such foods. Choose to shallow fry sausages instead of deep frying them.
This might seem like an odd option, but it ties in very well with the point above. Air frying is a much better option for cooking especially in comparison with methods such as oil frying. When you air fry your foods, not only do you reduce the amount of fat in your food, but you also cut down the calories in your meal of choice by 70 percent to 80 percent (3).
This might not work for all foods but it works perfectly for bacon. Instead of eating full sized bacon pieces, cut up one strip and sprinkle the pieces over a healthy meal such as a soup or salad for the crunch and flavor (5).
If you aren’t willing to cut out your favorite foods, learning how to control your portions when consuming them is your next best option. Controlling your portions basically means choosing a healthy amount of a certain food to prevent overeating.
Some tips that can help with portion control include (1):
When it comes to weight loss, progress is made by inches, not miles, so it’s much harder to track and a lot easier to give up. BetterMe app is your personal trainer, nutritionist and support system all in one. Start using our app to stay on track and hold yourself accountable!
An eating plan that promises to help you lose weight without you giving up on unhealthy food options might seem like a good idea but in the long run, chances are that you will end up regretting your decision and not losing weight at all.
Remember that weight loss requires efforts and wise decisions especially when it comes to food. Healthy meals might not taste as great in the beginning but the more you train your pallet and learn new and delicious ways to make healthy foods, the more you will learn to enjoy such foods.
Here are some healthy foods for weight loss to add to your weight loss:
They are rich in ‘good’ aka complex carbs and full of fiber which helps keep you fuller for longer.
They are very low in calories and thus can be consumed in large amounts without messing up your calorie intake. They are also super rich in micronutrients which help protect you against illnesses such as heart disease, certain cancers, macular degeneration, and type 2 diabetes.
While they are high in calories, they are high in protein, fiber, anti-oxidants, and healthy fats, which can help with weight loss, lowering cholesterol, prevent type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more.
They are low in calories and rich in antioxidants that help with your health.
The favorite food diet is an eating plan that promises users to help them lose weight while allowing them to keep their diets as is without taking out any unhealthy foods, counting calories or even working out. While this can seem like a good plan, it is important to note that many fad diets often claim the same thing.
In light of this, we advise that instead of purchasing and following the eating plan in question, choose to eat less of these foods for not only weight loss and a smaller waist, but also for your health and longterm general well-being. You, however, do not have to give them up completely/cold turkey. You can still enjoy the things you love, just be sure to learn how to control your portions and never over indulge.
This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!