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Fire up Your Muscles With Effective Resistance Bands Leg Workout 

“I want to work out but I can’t afford a gym membership”, “I want to go to the gym but it’s always crowded there”, or “I want to start gym workouts but my local gym is 10 kilometers from my apartment” – these are among the many excuses people give for avoiding the gym. 

Let’s face it, they are perfectly valid reasons as not everyone can afford a gym membership and a personal trainer (and investing in a trainer is incredibly beneficial, at least in the beginning). 

And yes, sometimes the nearest gym can be a longer distance than you’d like, and not everyone likes to wait in line to work out their legs on equipment. But here’s a good alternative for you: resistance bands. You can build your legs by implementing a resistance band leg workout at home. 

At first, a simple rubber band may seem “childish” and for home training. However, they can put a great snap into your strength-training routine and they’re also knee joint-friendly. 

So, are you ready to fire up your muscles with an effective resistance band leg workout? If you are, then you should continue reading this article to unlock efficient exercises that target your legs and glutes. 

Can I build my legs with resistance bands?

Resistance band exercises for legs and glutes can strengthen your legs and give them a better shape, and regardless of your fitness level, resistance bands are a great piece of equipment to use. 

In fact, a study in 2019 found that training with resistance bands can strengthen your muscles similarly to traditional gym equipment (2). 

This type of training is an excellent way to work both large and small muscles in your body. Furthermore, there are different bands you may adjust to almost every leg-building exercise. 

It’s possible to perform a variety of movements that target the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. If you’re a beginner, you can use lighter bands and gradually change to more advanced versions. 

Your main job here is to focus on the correct technique. Here are a few hacks: 

  • Add an adequate amount of resistance to complete a full range of motion. You don’t need to restrict your movements.
  • Always maintain proper posture and form.
  • Gradually increase the resistance bands.
  • Don’t overstretch the bands as this can cause a band slap, which may cause injuries (3).
  • Ensure that you perform Leg Stretches After Workout. Stretching is essential after every workout session as it supports a range of motion and flexibility (5).

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What muscles do leg resistance bands work?

Resistance band leg workouts for men and women provide constant tension through the entire range of motion. This can help activate the muscles effectively. Rubber band training can help strengthen the leg muscles, and tone your quadriceps, glutes, calves, and hamstrings. 

In addition to the lower-body muscles, there are several resistance band workouts that target core muscle groups. For example, deadlifting and squatting require the core for stability. This can improve your posture and potentially help reduce back pain. 

In summary, resistance bands engage the muscles in both the upper and lower body due to their versatility and convenience. 

Where do you put resistance bands on the legs when walking?

You can experiment with resistance bands when walking in many ways but one effective walking exercise with bands is a lateral band walk, which is also called resistance side-stepping. 

Let’s first look at the major benefits of this exercise: 

  • The lateral band walking exercise is beneficial for any athlete who does a sport that involves running, jumping, twisting, or pivoting. A lateral band walk targets the gluteus medius. This is important as a weak gluteus medius— the muscle on the side of the hip—can lead to knee joint problems (4).
  • Performing resistance side-stepping can protect your knees by training the knee joint not to cave in or out.

How to perform the exercise: 

You need to first choose the right band for this exercise. You should start with the moderate band and eventually move to heavier versions. 

  1. Place the band just above each ankle and wrap it around both legs.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The band should be taut but not stretched.
  3. Bend your knees slightly and get into a half-squat position to activate the gluteus medius.
  4. Ensure your feet are in line with your shoulders and your body weight is evenly distributed between both feet.
  5. In the half-squat position, take a step sideways with one leg. Move this leg in and out, sideways, for 10 repetitions maximum. Keep your back straight, not rounded.
  6. Slowly shift your weight and switch legs. Do another 8 to 10 side steps.

Try not to sway or bounce as this can take focus away from the desired muscles. If this exercise seems too challenging, you can try resistance band exercises for legs while sitting. Leg Exercises While Sitting are particularly good for beginners, but there are also modifications for advanced athletes. 


What are the disadvantages of resistance bands?

Resistance bands have many benefits, but let’s first discuss their disadvantages. If you’ve ever tried them, you may have found a few flaws yourself. Here are four major cons of resistance bands:

  1. They can break. This is one of the most common disadvantages of resistance bands as compared to other equipment that is made of iron, rubber bands will stretch out and break. They may break due to training errors or poor-quality manufacturing.
  2. Problems with band strength. There are different colored bands that indicate their strength. However, it can be difficult to quantify how hard you’re pulling them during any given exercise.
  3. Problems with progress. You can notice the progress you make when using dumbbells or gym machines, but with rubber bands, it’s difficult to compare the progress of your daily workouts. In addition, when you slightly change your grip on the elastic band, this can have a prompt effect on the tension of the band.
  4. Muscle mass. Although research has shown the positive impact of resistance band leg workouts for mass, you won’t gain as much mass as you will using free-weights.

Read more: 28 Day Leg Challenge For Toned And Firm Legs

What are leg resistance exercises?

Are you ready to engage in the best resistance band leg workout? It’s never too late to purchase elastic bands online, wear comfy gear, place a mat on the floor, and start your exercise routine.

Your home workouts will be as effective as gym training once you add these 8 exercises to your routine:

  • Squat and Abduction
  • 3-Way Squat
  • Hip Hinge and Lunge
  • Clamshell and Kick
  • Table Top Single Leg Kick Back and Lift
  • Glute Bridge with Alternating Leg Raise
  • Resistance Band Leg Lifts
  • Glute Kickbacks

Squat and Abduction

How to perform the exercise: 

  1. Place the band six inches above your knees and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower into a squat position by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.
  3. When you get into the squat position, push your knees outward to activate your glutes and abductors.
  4. Hold this for a few seconds, then push back through your heels to return to the starting position.

3-Way Squat

How to perform the exercise:

  1. Place the band around your calves.
  2. Place your right foot slightly in front of you and get your body into a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back.
  3. Return to the starting position by pushing through your whole foot.
  4. Step your right leg slightly to the side, parallel with the left leg, and lower your body into a squat position again.
  5. Push up through your foot to return to the starting position.
  6. Step your left leg slightly behind you in a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back.
  7. Return to the starting position.

Hip Hinge and Lunge

How to perform the exercise:

  1. Place the resistance band under the sole of your front foot. Hold the end of the elastic band with the same hand as your front foot.
  2. Keeping your back straight and your core engaged, hinge forward from your hips. You will feel more tension with the resistance band.
  3. As you hinge forward, lift your back leg off the ground and extend it straight behind you.
  4. Then reverse the movement and bend your front knee to lower into a lunge. Ensure your back is straight and your core is engaged.
  5. Return to the starting position by pushing back up through your front foot, holding the resistance band in the same hand.

Clamshell and Kick

How to perform the exercise:

  1. Place the band above your knees.
  2. Lie on one side with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Rest on the forearm of your lower arm and stack your shoulder over the elbow.
  4. Exhale, engaging the core and stabilizing your spine.
  5. Lift your resting hip off the floor and as you do so, open your legs, raising your upper knee as high as you can without shifting your hips or pelvis.
  6. At the top of the open clamshell, kick your top leg straight out. Pause for a moment before returning to the starting position.


Table Top Single Leg Kick Back and Lift

How to perform the exercise:

  1. Place the band around your feet. Get in a tabletop position, keeping your forearms and knees in line with your shoulders and your knees hip-width apart.
  2. Lift your left leg up and keep it straight. Ensure your glutes are engaged and your leg is extended until it’s parallel to the ground.
  3. Pause for a moment, then lift your left straight leg up towards the ceiling.
  4. When lowering the leg, drive your knee back to the tabletop position.
  5. Hover your knee off the mat and push your leg straight out.
  6. Keep your upper body stable and your hips parallel to the floor while squeezing the glutes of the straight left leg.

Glute Bridge with Alternating Leg Raise

How to perform the exercise: 

  1. Place a resistance band around your thighs.
  2. Lie on a yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
  3. Squeezing your glutes, drive your heels into the floor, and lift your hips off the mat.
  4. While keeping your hips raised, kick your right foot out in front of you and then place it back down on the ground.
  5. Press your left foot firmly on the ground to keep your body stable. Then kick your left foot out and place it back down to the ground while also pressing your right foot firmly on the ground.
  6. Continue switching sides for 15 to 20 reps.

Resistance Band Leg Lifts

How to perform the exercise: 

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place a resistance band around your ankles.
  2. Tightening your glutes and thighs, raise your right leg out to the side.
  3. You should tighten the band as much as possible without moving your hips.
  4. Without swaying, bring your right foot back to the starting position.
  5. Continue for 10 reps before switching sides.

Glute Kickbacks

How to perform the exercise: 

  1. Place a resistance band around your ankles and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tightening your glutes, tuck your pelvis in and kick your right leg out behind you until the band feels tight.
  3. Pause at the top before you bring your right foot back to the starting position.
  4. Continue for 15 repetitions before switching sides.

If these exercises are too difficult, you can try Chair Exercises For Legs. There are versatile versions of these exercises for people of all fitness levels, from beginners to more professional sports enthusiasts who love home workouts.  

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Are resistance bands really effective?

Yes, they are effective. Furthermore, using resistance bands in your training may help you shed those unwanted pounds. 

A study published in 2022 found that resistance band exercises can be an effective method to help lower body fat in overweight and obese individuals (1).

Now we’ll take a look at some of the other potential benefits of using rubber bands in your workouts:

  • They are adaptable. A world of different workouts with modifications will open up to you if you use rubber bands. You can vary the exercises by changing the resistance, which will help you challenge your muscles in different ways.
  • They suit people of all fitness levels. Are you a beginner? No problem, you can use a lighter band for your training. If you need more tension, you can change to bands with heavier resistance.
  • They are portable. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll pack a set of weights in your suitcase when you go on vacation. However, rubber bands can easily be carried with you anywhere in the world.
  • They cost less. A decent set of elastic bands costs approximately $25, which is far less than other strength-training equipment (3).
  • They help with muscle tone. With more resistance, you will burn more fat, which may help you get that toned and defined physique you’ve been dreaming of.

Where do I start with resistance bands?

Rubber bands range from flat therapy to flat loop bands. There are also bands of elastic tubing that have interchangeable handles. Leg exercises with resistance bands with handles are much easier than working out with non-handle versions. 

The first thing you must do is purchase a set of bands with varying tension levels. Bands are often color-coded: the darker the color, the greater the tension. 

The more strength you need in an exercise, the more resistance you’ll require from the band. 

Your next move is to consider the accessories that come with the bands, such as door attachments or ankle cuffs. 

Make sure to follow these handy tips: 

  • Wear comfortable shoes when using the bands to avoid slipping.
  • If you connect a band to a door, give it a tug before you start exercising to ensure it’s safe.
  • Check the bands for tears as they may break (3).

Read more: The Beginner’s Guide To Chair Exercises for Legs


Are resistance bands better than squats?

If we’re talking about squats with resistance bands versus simple squats then the first option is far more efficient. Using rubber bands when squatting adds extra load and resistance to regular squats. This canpromote better muscle activation, which is beneficial for building strength and muscle. 

Should you wear a resistance band around the thighs or ankles?

Whether you should wear a resistance band around your ankles or thighs is dependent on the muscles you want to focus on and the exercises you will perform. Simply look at the exercise instructions and follow them diligently. 

How long does it take to see results from resistance bands?

Results will vary for every individual. You need to understand that your achievements are dependent on several factors: your existing fitness level, weight, and the amount of time you spend on training. If you work out regularly and progress to more challenging bands, you can see results in a few weeks. Only with a progressive routine and healthy diet can you reach your desired shape.

Are bands better than weights?

Both weights and resistance bands work well in promoting muscle strength. However, if you’re not a weightlifter, a resistance band could be a better option. They are safer, cheaper, and more versatile. In addition, they work for people with different fitness levels as they are flexible and low-impact, which will allow you to exercise without extra stress. 

The Bottom Line

Going to the gym is no longer a necessity as you can fire up your muscles with effective resistance band leg workouts. Rubber bands are an effective portable addition to your home workout routine. 

They can strengthen your muscles just as effectively as gym equipment. In addition, elastic bands are adaptable, portable, cost less, and work for all fitness levels. You’ve learned about the best eight exercises with resistance bands you can easily perform at home or anywhere else with sufficient space. 

Make sure you stick to the correct technique as bands may break. You should always wear shoes when using bands to avoid slipping and check them for tears from time to time. 


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not serve to address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on for making any kind of decision-making. Any action taken as a direct or indirect result of the information in this article is entirely at your own risk and is your sole responsibility.

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  1. Effects of Different Resistance Exercise Forms on Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Overweight and/or Obese Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2022, frontiersin.org)
  2. Effects of training with elastic resistance versus conventional resistance on muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2019, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  3. How Effective Are Resistance Bands for Strength Training? (2022, clevelandclinic.org)
  4. The effect of gluteus medius strengthening on the knee joint function score and pain in meniscal surgery patients (2016, jstage.jst.go.jp)
  5. The importance of stretching (2022, harvard.edu)
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