Starting a workout program is among the best decisions you could ever make. It could help you live a healthier lifestyle, reduce your risk of several diseases, and sculpt your physique. The list of the workout gains goes on and on. However, this is not to mean that the journey is easy or the same for everyone.
We all have different body shapes, which explains why we see our workout results differently. You could be an ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, or endo-ectomorph. In reality, it’s the endomorphs tend to struggle the most with weight loss.
People with this body type gain weight quickly but take the most to shed it. It might explain why people are consistently looking for effective endomorph workouts. Read on as we explore this topic and break down the best endomorph workouts for weight loss and muscle mass.
Endomorph workouts are recommended if you have an endomorph body type. It, therefore, means that you must know your body shape and type before you design a workout program. An endomorph body shape tends to have more body fat.
The high body fat content may be explained from the body’s capacity to store fat instead of burning it. This fat may primarily come from the consumption of foods with high carb content. Similarly, endomorphs tend to have large bone structure and short limbs (7).
Such people also tend to gain weight easily, especially in their hip area and belly fat. Although it is so easy to gain this fat, it is quite the challenge to lose it (2). This might explain why there are numerous searches online about endomorph workouts.
Read More: Endomorph Meal Plan To Send Your Metabolism Into Full Swing
If you are thinking of starting an endomorph workout plan, then you need to take note of various factors. They include:
Perhaps the most common reasons for starting such a workout plan is to lose weight. If this is the case, then design a practical endomorph workout for weight loss. You can seek assistance from your fitness coach.
Make sure you incorporate exercise that can help you lose these pounds. Likewise, you may also start this exercise regime to get a six-pack. Again, pick a practical endomorph workout to get ripped. A useful plan will give you results. Similarly, a practical workout plan will keep you motivated and on track to help you attain your goals.
One of the most overlooked aspects by most people who are just starting their workouts is their fitness level. It plays a significant role in determining the exercises you perform (3). You cannot just start exercising without assessing how fit you are.
Therefore, your trainer may begin by assessing your fitness level before recommending endomorph exercises. The assessment will determine your muscular and aerobic fitness, flexibility, and body composition.
These factors, among others, will help your trainer in compiling practical endomorph workouts. Whether you are in the beginner, intermediate or advanced level, make sure you design your exercise program with your coach.
It is vital to find an endomorph workout plan that fits perfectly in your daily routine. Otherwise, if you have a busy schedule, you will find it hard to determine what time you exercise. Consequently, you might skip your workout days.
To make things easier, plan to exercise in your free time. It could be in the evening or early in the morning. Whatever time it is, get the most from it by fixing in your daily workouts.
Your workouts will only yield results if you focus on healthy or clean eating. If you, more importantly, want to lose weight using these workouts, pay attention to what you eat. Additionally, also be cautious of how much and when you have your meals.
Experts recommend endomorphs consume a balanced diet (6). This should consist of healthy carbs, healthful fats, proteins, fruits, vegetables, unrefined and high fiber foods. Here are examples of such foods:
You are expected to keep away from or limit the following when you start an endomorph diet:
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There are numerous debates both online and offline about what constitutes the best endomorph workout plan. A good plan is not how long such a routine lasts or the intensity or complexity of its exercises. It is also not that routine that helps you see results in a month or two.
The best workout plan is a practical routine that helps you meet your fitness goals. You could have a practical regime and it still takes a long time to see your results (1). This is because we all have different body types, which demand different effort levels.
So, avoid comparing your progress to that of your friend. With that said, let us evaluate some of the most useful female endomorph workouts. They are as follows:
These refer to exercise regimes consisting of a short burst of intense exercises preceding either rest or low-intensity workouts. Usually, such a workout can last anywhere between fifteen and twenty minutes. The type of exercise to be incorporated in such a program depends on you, the trainee.
You do not necessarily have to incorporate only cardio workouts. Instead, you could also jump rope, sprint or ride your bike. The key to whatever exercise you select is the way you increase the intensity and then reduce it during the rest period.
Here is a sample of a HIIT workout plan that you could use to create your endomorph workout plan. It is obtained from the website of Medical News Today (4).
Some of the exercises to include in such a workout plan include squats, press-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks and burpees. You could choose whatever order you want to perform them or have your fitness coach decide.
Read More: HIIT Workouts For Men: Pack A Ton Of Work Into A Short Amount Of Time
The next group of workouts you can perform if you have an endomorph body shape are the SST workouts. They are quite different from the HIIT workouts. Unlike with HIIT exercises, these workouts tend to have longer sessions. So, they can last for more than twenty minutes.
Additionally, unlike HIIT programs, SST workouts contain consistently moderate to low workouts sessions. Therefore, your heart will not be beating as much compared to when you are doing a HIIT exercise program.
The best SST workouts for endomorphs include swimming, jogging, and walking. Again, whatever exercise you choose will be impacted by factors such as your fitness level and overall body weight. If you have such a body type, you are advised to perform steady-state training for thirty to sixty minutes (6).
Similarly, you are asked to do so two or three times weekly. Such a frequency may vary depending on your goals. So, seek professional advice before you start your SST endomorph exercises.
Weight training exercises are also recommended for endomorphs who want to get a shredded look. Like with any other body shape, you must talk to your gym instructor before deciding on a weight lifting program.
Being an endomorph means you have low muscle mass and large wide bones. You will need the help of a professional to help you build muscle mass fast. Therefore, let your trainer recommend the best weight lifting exercises for you depending on your goals.
Experts highly suggest compound workouts for people with endomorph body shapes (6). These workouts refer to exercises that target various muscles at the same time. They utilize several body units and tissues simultaneously.
The best way to identify what compound exercise you should do is by consulting your trainer. They will help you develop a practical compound workout plan. Some of the exercises recommended in such a workout plan include:
The deadlift, often known as the hip hinge is among the most hip dominant movements. However, it does not only target the hips. Here is how you do a hip hinge:
Another compound exercise you can do is the squat. It works various muscles such as your glutes, quads, and calves. There are numerous variations of this exercise. However, you should always start with the basic squat. Here is how you do it (5):
Push ups also rank as a compound exercise that you can do if you have an endomorph body type. Here is how you do them:
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The other exercise recommended for you if you have an endomorph body is the circuit training workouts (6). These workouts entail short but intense bouts of exercise routines that have brief resting periods in-between. Here is a sample of a circuit training programs that you can give a try:
Endomorph workouts range from HIIT exercises, to SST programs, to compounds to weight lifting exercises. Your choice will be highly influenced by your goals, fitness level, capability and body composition.
A trainer can help you select practical endomorph workouts to meet your fitness needs. So, always consult them when you decide to start exercising.
Check out this 20-min Full Body Workout at Home.
You must always seek professional and medical advice before you start any workout plan. Our information is enlightening but it can certainly not replace medical advice. So, consult before implementing the proposed endomorph workouts.