Most ectomorphs often have troubles determining where and how to start their fitness journey. Like any other person, picking the best workout plan is overwhelming and tricky for ectomorphs. If you are trying to figure out what these exercises are, then you are in the perfect place!
It should come as no surprise that some of the best workouts for ectomorphs are engraved in our daily activities. However, since you may not know about them, you could easily overlook them. For example, a daily activity such as walking.
Likewise, they also involve common exercises that you may tend to underestimate. Read on to determine the best and most practical workouts for ectomorphs and how you can perform them correctly.
Ectomorphs are people with a body shape that has low fat and muscle (2). Their body shape is leaner but it also consists of long limbs. Such individuals face numerous challenges trying to gain either weight or muscle.
Contrary to what you may think, it is quite possible to struggle to gain either weight or muscle. In most cases, people think the challenging body shape is that of endomorphs. It is because this is the body shape of people who are struggling to lose weight.
The reality is that each body shape has its challenges. Therefore, you should not judge an individual’s workout efforts. In addition to these features, ectomorphs also have smaller joints and thinner bones.
Their frame might also be narrower and their chest and butt flatter (11). Ectomorphs can always increase their strength through various strength training workouts. Similarly, they may do various full-body exercises. Below are samples of some of the best workouts for ectomorphs, depending on their fitness goals.
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Cardiovascular activity is also referred to as aerobic activity. However, most people simply refer to these exercises as cardio. These are very rewarding exercises, not only for your body but also for your overall health.
Experts recommend adults weekly engage in at least 150 minutes of any aerobic exercise of moderate intensity (3). If the exercise is more vigorous, they suggest participating in it for at least 75 minutes weekly.
The experts also acknowledge that cardiovascular activity can help in building muscle. They state that doing cardio regularly supports both muscle growth and function. Here are some of the best cardio workouts for ectomorphs:
Running is one of the best aerobic activities, and for ectomorphs within any age group. It helps with increasing the strength of your skeletal muscles, and consequently building muscle strength in this body part.
However, for it to be rewarding, you have to do the following:
Taking a brisk walk is another great workout option for ectomorphs who are just starting their fitness journey. Walking may pave the way for another intense aerobic exercise such as running. It is also a great workout idea if you have severe health conditions such as serious knee pains.
Swimming is another great workout for ectomorphs who especially love the water. The above activity works various body muscles. For example, when you are doing various strokes, you engage your biceps, shoulders, arms, triceps, quads, hamstrings, and calves.
Similarly, when lifting your body out of the water, you use your abdominal and lower back muscles. It means that swimming can be a great full-body workout for ectomorphs. Remember to consult with a professional before you start this exercise program.
The rowing machine is another great cardio workout that ranks as a full-body workout. It has numerous benefits, including the fact that it is impact-free and does not bear weight (8). Here is how you exercise on a rowing machine:
Another aerobic workout idea for ectomorphs is cycling. It is a great exercise program for ectomorphs who enjoy the outdoors. For this exercise, you will need to wear the appropriate gear and purchase a comfortable bike.
If it is your first time cycling, you can tag along with your friends or family members. It will help in making this exercise more fun. For safety purposes, it is important to stick to known bike trails.
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The next great category of workouts for ectomorphs is strength training. It consists of some of the best mass building workouts for ectomorphs. Doing such an exercise consistently can help ectomorphs either gain or maintain lean muscle mass.
Similarly, weight training can also help ectomorphs gain weight if done at least three times in a week (7). However, strength training will not work without a proper caloric intake. You have to take in enough calories to help fuel your body with enough energy.
Strength training workouts are classified into various groups. They include:
Different strength training workouts target different parts of your body. Therefore, consult with your trainer for more insight on the best workouts depending on your goals. Here are a few of the best strength training workouts for ectomorphs:
The cable crossover exercise is one of the ectomorph exercises that works your lower and upper chest muscles. To do it, you will need access to a cable machine. Here is how you do this exercise (10):
Read More: What Is An Isometric Exercise: Static Strength Training For The Win
The next weightlifting exercise that an ectomorph can perform to build their chest muscles is the decline dumbbell press. If you do not have a pair of dumbbells, you can use a barbell as well. However, this will limit your reps since it is heavier as compared to dumbbells.
In addition to either some dumbbells or barbells, you will also need an incline bench. If you have this equipment, follow these steps to perform this exercise:
In addition to breaking your back in the gym, you can also exercise at the comfort of your home. All you need is a practical home workout plan for ectomorphs. A useful workout plan will contain any or all of these exercises:
One of the best full-body workouts for ectomorphs is the burpees. They are incredible full-body workouts as they incorporate both the squat and the push-up (4). Here are the steps of correctly doing a burpee:
Lunges are other best workouts for ectomorphs who want to work out their entire body. However, this exercise is only beneficial if it is performed correctly. Here is how you correctly do a lunge:
Push-ups are other great and simple workouts for ectomorphs. They work several body muscles and build your arms, shoulders and chest (9). Here is the proper form of doing a push-up:
Squats are other great full-body workouts for ectomorphs. Here is how you do them:
Planks are other great workouts for ectomorphs that are classified as isometric exercises. Isometric exercises refer to workouts that place tension on specific muscles without indulging the movement of any surrounding joint (1).
Such exercises are very important in building muscle strength, improving physical endurance and posture. Other exercises, such as the planks can also help in building your core strength. Here is how you do a plank:
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The following strategies will help you reap the most from ectomorph exercises:
You must warm-up before you start doing workouts for ectomorphs. There are various ways you can warm up. One of them is by taking a brisk walk. Walks are great warm-up exercises to do before jogging or running.
If not, you could do another aerobic exercise for five or ten minutes (5). The key is always warming up to loosen up your muscles before you start the more intense workouts.
Do not rely on one routine to help you attain your goal. Speak to your instructor to determine how and when you can switch your exercise programs. For example, you could switch from running to weight lifting after a month.
If you are doing ectomorph workouts for muscle mass, then you need to do them consistently. Similarly, if you are doing these workouts for weight gain, make sure you are also persistent. The results may take a while but they will only appear when you put in effort consistently.
Workouts for ectomorphs range from aerobic exercise to strength training workouts. An ectomorph workout plan could include exercises such as walking, squats, lunges, cable crossover exercises, push-ups, and planks.
For more gain from these workouts, you must be consistent, eat well, and always warm-up before performing them. Doing these will help you either gain muscle mass or attain your desired fitness goal.
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The information in this article is not a representation of medical or professional advice. Seek professional guidance before you implement any of the suggested workouts for ectomorphs.