Can you really stretch your way to your perfect weight? Is stretching for weight loss actually a real thing? Here at Betterme, we want to show you some unique ways to lose weight. Perhaps, you never thought you could use stretching exercises to lose weight. Well, it is very possible.
For you to lose weight you have to adapt a certain lifestyle. A lifestyle involves all the things you do every single day. The three main pillars of general fitness are strength, aerobic endurance and flexibility. None of these three pillars is more important than the other. You need to find a way to incorporate all of them into your fitness journey as well as balance them all.
You need to go to the gym and do various resistance training exercises in order to build those muscles and incorporate cardio and flexibility exercises to slim down and tone up. When fitness is a lifestyle, you need to understand it is not only going to the gym to lift heavy weights that matters. Small things like walking up and down the stairs, carrying groceries from the shop to the car, carrying your toddler, light stretches at the end of a busy day, – all of these things play a significant part in your weight loss journey.
Read More: Types Of Stretches To Loosen Up Your Body From Head To Toe
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I know you are wondering if there is a wrong way to stretch. Yes, there is and maybe the reason you haven’t been getting the desired results is because you’ve been stretching wrongly. Here are top 6 stretching essentials:
Do you know the major muscles groups in your body? If not, you are in the right place. The upper body, the midsection and the lower body each have a couple of muscles you should stretch. Here are all the various major muscles and where they are located.
When these muscles are toned, they are referred to as abs or six packs.
Since you know all the major muscle groups and where they are located, when working out, make sure you focus on them. You should also make sure to stretch the muscles and joints you oftenly use when working, playing, walking etc.
Stretching your muscles when they are cold increases the chances of getting injured (3). Before stretching, you should warm up by walking while gently pumping your arms. Another way to warm your muscles is to do your favourite exercise at low intensity for at least five minutes. When your muscles are warm, start stretching slowly and gently.
It is important to note that it takes time to lengthen tissues safely (3). Holding your stretches for at least thirty seconds and at most sixty seconds for muscles that are really tight should work perfectly. You should repeat each stretch on the other side. A single stretch is usually enough for most muscle groups.
When you bounce as you stretch, you move your muscles from the stretch position. This does not allow your muscles to relax. This then makes you less flexible and more prone to pain. When stretching, hold your position (7).
When stretching, you should expect to feel tension. If that tension turns to hurting, you should take this as a sign that you’ve gone too far. You should relax until you are back to the point where it does not hurt. Hold it there and continue with your stretching (14).
It is important to breathe while stretching. I know you might be tempted to hold your breath but you shouldn’t (3).
Weight loss as discussed earlier involves changing your lifestyle. This means changing from eating anything you want at any time to having a healthy diet. This means changing from sitting on the coach the whole day to joining the gym. It also means incorporating new things like stretching into your lifestyle. With that said, do you think stretching is enough to help you lose weight?
First and foremost, you need to know stretching will help you lose more weight than sitting on the coach the whole day. Let us see how much weight you would lose from stretching.
Stretching does not make you lose a lot of calories. If you want to lose more calories you should try more active exercises. In order for stretching to trigger loss of calories it should be long and vigorous. Here are examples of how much weight you would lose from stretching:
If you are one hundred and twenty five pounds, you are likely to burn around seventy calories from performing a thirty minute stretching routine. If you are one hundred and fifty pounds, you are likely to burn eighty five calories from performing a thirty minute stretching exercise. If you are two hundred pounds, you are likely to lose one hundred and thirteen calories from a thirty minute stretching routine (8, 2).
The question that arises is, isn’t that the same number of calories you would lose while seated down doing nothing? The answer is no. If you are one hundred and fifty pounds, you would lose thirty four calories from sitting down for thirty minutes. That is about one calorie per minute. A person who is one hundred and twenty five pounds is likely to burn twenty eight calories from sitting down quietly for thirty minutes. If you are two hundred pounds, you are likely to burn forty five calories from sitting down for thirty minutes (8).
Other than losing weight directly from stretching, here are some more benefits of stretching for weight loss.
Quality sleep is important for managing your weight. When you sleep better you feel better, that is something we can all agree on. The purpose is not just to sleep longer, but the quality of sleep to be better. An adult human being requires between seven to nine hours of quality sleep. Sleep has many benefits to a human being. For instance, quality sleep helps boost your immunity. A stronger immune system helps reduce your chances of getting sick. To add to that, sleep also helps lower your chances of getting serious health issues like diabetes, and heart diseases. Sleep also helps one reach and maintain a healthy weight.
Not getting enough quality sleep disrupts your hormones. This in turn messes with your body’s appetite signals causing you to overeat and not feel satisfied. Chronic insomnia is also associated with gaining weight and even obesity. How then does stretching help with this?
Stretching promotes a healthy sleeping pattern by helping your body relax as well as reducing the tension in your body. Once you are relaxed, it is easy for you to have good quality sleep.
Stress is a weight-loss inhibitor. When you are stressed, cortisol, which is the hormone associated with stress, is released. This can help trigger weight gain. How does this happen? Everytime you are stressed, adrenaline and cortisol are released to the bloodstream. The process of releasing these two hormones requires glucose. When you stop being stressed, you have to replenish the glucose that was used, and hence you find yourself eating more.
How does stretching help with this? Stretching helps to get your blood pumping, but not in a way that increases your adrenaline. Breathing and stretching exercises for weight loss help improve your mood and lower your stress level. Stretching for weight loss is particularly helpful to people who are trying to get rid of emotional eating. Next time you feel stressed, instead of rushing to the refrigerator, pull out your mat and do some stretching exercises.
It is important to go to the gym and work out. This helps you cut down those extra calories and in turn reduce your weight. Although working out is essential, non-exercise activities also contribute to your weightloss journey as you lose calories through them. Non-exercise activities are the normal activities you do from day to day. An example could be walking to and from your car, or moving from your work desk to the water dispenser and all other movements you make during the day. You are likely to move a little bit more and to move comfortably if your joints and limbs feel good. Stretching helps to keep you active and helps increase your range of motion. This in turn helps you burn more calories through non-exercise activities.
Read More: How Often Should You Stretch To Enjoy The Benefits Associated With Stretching
Exercises are more effective when they are performed continuously, regularly and fully. This applies to all kinds of exercises from cardio to resistance training. Stretching helps keep your body active. It also helps reduce injuries that occur from training. Stretching helps keep your body in top shape so that you can burn more calories while working out. It also helps you spend less time recovering from injuries and soreness (16).
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Highlighted below are some stretching exercises you can try and instructions on how to do them effectively.
This stretching exercise targets your legs, the obliques, your hips, your shoulders, as well as your chest (1).
How to do it:
This exercise works your shoulders, your back, your chest, your abs, your hips and your obliques (13).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your inner thighs and your groin muscles (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise focuses on your legs, your hips, your back, your shoulders, and your arms (6).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your back, your abs, and your obliques (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your abs, your back, and your hips (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your back, your shoulders, your triceps, and even your abs (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your hips, your back, and your abs (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your upper, middle, and lower back muscles (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your hips, your glutes, your legs, and your abs (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your obliques, your back, your abs, and your shoulders (1).
How to do it:
This stretching exercise targets your hip flexors, your quads, and your hamstrings (1).
How to do it:
This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. Any action you take upon the information presented in this