The burpees exercise is definitely not for the faint-hearted. This bodyweight exercise combines several movements into one compound movement that works many muscles at the same time. But exactly what do burpees work out?
Anyone who has ever tried a burpee will tell you that the exercise pushes not only your muscles but your entire will to exercise. Even though the exercise has a wide range of benefits that cannot be overlooked, it’s a no brainer that to perform the burpee, you need to summon all your determination and strength.
Before we get into discussing the burpees muscles worked, how about we take you through an easy guide on what a burpee really is?
A burpee can be simply described as a push-up followed by a jump squat (8). To perform the exercise:
To get your heart and lungs working, try to complete several reps quickly.
The above directions are for the standard burpee. However, there are many other modified burpee variations. For example, you could:
Whatever type of burpee variation you choose, the most important thing is to ensure that you maintain the proper form. Another trick to nailing the burpee is to perform it as quickly as possible. This way, you may find yourself getting breathless and sweaty after only 10 reps.
Now, onto the nitty-gritty, exactly what muscles do burpees work?
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Burpees is a challenging exercise that works many of the major muscle groups in the body. As described above, a burpee is essentially a two-part exercise: a push-up followed by a leap in the air.
It’s common to find yourself asking ‘what do burpees work?’. Besides, this is not an easy exercise, and you need to know what you will be getting from performing such a tasking full-body move. Luckily, the burpee is an incredible strength-building exercise worth its salt.
When you kick your feet back to plank at the beginning of the exercise, you use the following muscles:
When you jump your feet back, the muscles exercised are:
In the push-up phase of the burpee, the main muscle activated is the pectoralis major. Other muscles that assist in the exercise include the triceps brachii and the anterior deltoids. Apart from the muscles that create the movement, several muscles are activated to help stabilize your joints and body, including the biceps brachii and your quadriceps.
During the exercise’s jump phase, you focus on muscles in the lower body, targeting many of the same muscles targeted in the initial phase when you jump back to plank. These include:
When you jump, you swing your arms up and reach above you. This also targets movements in the shoulder and upper back, including shoulder flexion and abduction, or moving the arms out and up, using the deltoids, pectoralis major, and biceps brachii. You also elevate the scapula when you flex the shoulder, which utilizes the middle and upper trapezius muscle and the levator scapulae muscle in your upper back. With shoulder abduction and flexion, there is also protraction and upward rotation of the scapula using the serratus anterior, along with the trapezius muscles.
In summary, the movement works the following parts of your body:
Frogger burpees mainly work your abs and butt. To do the Frogger:
This is 1 rep. While starting out, do 8 reps, then progress up to 20 as you get stronger. Start with 1 set and do up to 5.
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The reverse burpee is a calisthenics exercise that primarily targets the shoulders and to a lesser degree also targets the chest, middle back, quads, triceps, glutes, and hamstrings. To do the reverse burpee:
Burpees are a full-body calisthenics workout that focuses on building muscle strength. The exercise improves strength and endurance as part of a regular workout routine and may have other benefits.
For example, in a 2014 community-based study, scientists found that bodyweight exercises, such as burpees, reduced blood pressure in healthy adult women significantly (3). And that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of this exercise.
Burpees are a great strength-building exercise, but they can also be performed as part of a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) regimen. HIIT focuses on bursts of intense exercise alternated with periods of recovery (9, 6). The benefits of HIIT have been extensively studied for a variety of conditions, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart health. In fact, in one study, researchers found that HIIT could positively impact mitochondrial function and fiber type in muscle cells (10).
A study in PLoS One found that participants who did a total of 30 minutes of high-intensity interval exercise each week improved their fitness and muscle function just as much as participants who did 150 minutes of steady, moderate-intensity exercise each week (15). Furthermore, vigorous exercises like burpees may also decrease your risk of early death, according to a JAMA Internal Medicine study (4).
Here are some more benefits of burpees that will convince you to stop whining and just do the exercise!
Unlike many other exercises, you do not need any equipment to do burpees. All you need is some space and motivation. Even if you live in a small apartment, you can still manage to do the exercise. When it comes to versatility, you can easily make some modifications to the standard burpee if you want to. You can include extra weights, or even add an extra push-up or jump to the move. It’s all up to you!
Most people can do about 20 burpees in a minute. A 155-pound person, for example, can burn around 250 calories by doing burpees for 20 minutes.
Burpees are a calisthenics exercise. This means they use your body weight for resistance. Calisthenics are defined as exercises that don’t really rely on anything but a person’s own body weight. These kinds of exercises are performed with differing levels of intensity and rhythm. Sometimes they are done with light handheld tools like rings and wands.
These exercises allow for the development of strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination.
Calisthenics was developed in ancient Greece and became popular again in the early 19th century. Today, athletes, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and people trying to keep in shape use these exercises to warm up for strenuous sports or help build up their bodies.
Scientists are also now studying the use of calisthenics to help treat various health conditions, from obesity to COPD (1,5).
With burpees, the focus is on a full-body calisthenics workout whose aim is to build muscle strength and endurance in both your lower and upper body. A standard burpee exercise works to strengthen the muscles in your legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms, chest, and shoulders. Isolation exercises like dumbbell curls and crunches don’t allow your body to work in the way it is designed to do.
Full-body exercises, on the other hand, work for many muscle groups at once. Full-body exercises like the burpee allow all of the major muscle groups in your body to work together, which is exactly what they have to do in real life. This means that you are actually training your body to meet everyday challenges more naturally and realistically by doing such exercise.
The better your endurance is, the better prepared you are to deal with periods of prolonged stress. Burpees are a wonderful method for improving endurance. This is because they give you a cardio challenge and the strength-building aspect that is essential to enhancing endurance. When you include burpees in your fitness routine, the chances are that you will see your performance increase in other areas, like your ability to run long distances, as well.
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Burpees can be performed as part of a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) regimen, a type of cardio workout that requires you to do short bursts of intense exercise, followed by a short rest period.
Past research has shown that HIIT may be an effective way of burning body fat, especially around the abdomen and stomach area (13, 14). Furthermore, according to a study done in 2015, researchers found that doing more vigorous forms of exercise seemed to be associated with living a longer life (4).
Apart from burning fat, including burpees in your workout routine can also help you enjoy many other cardio benefits, such as (3):
There are many variations of the movement, depending on whether you want to make it easier or more challenging (if this is you, kudos, by the way!).
If the standard burpee is too challenging for you at first, you can make some adjustments to make it a bit easier. Some of the variations you can add to the movement include:
To make the exercise more challenging, you could try the following variations.
For this one, you will need a plyo box or a bench, or any other solid object that will support your weight. For this one, follow these steps:
For this variation, you will use a Bosu ball with the flat side up.
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Use this guide to performing burpees the right way:
The number of calories burned during any exercise varies with weight, intensity, and other factors. For the burpee, you can burn roughly 160 calories doing 17 minutes of the exercise.
This can be broken down as follows:
It takes roughly 20 burpees to burn around 10 calories. However, weight can affect the number of calories burned during exercise as well.
According to Harvard Medical School, when performing 30 minutes of vigorous calisthenics:
Thus, the average person can burn anywhere from 10 to 15 calories for every 20 burpees.
Do you really need to do 100 burpees a day to reap the benefits of the move? To be honest, not really.
As mentioned above, burpees are a calisthenics move, so it’s important to take your time and perform them in proper form to avoid injury rather than focus on how many burpees you can do.
The answer to the ‘what do burpees work?’ question is a rather complex one, as the move is a full-body calisthenics workout that focuses on building muscle strength. As such, it works with various parts of your body simultaneously. Full-body exercises like the burpee allow all of the major muscle groups in your body to work together, which is exactly what they have to do in real life. This is why the burpee is one move you should definitely add to your workout routine. Besides this, the move also has more benefits, such as burning fat and boosting cardio fitness.
This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!